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This course covers the implementation of the Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS) for Budget Execution processes, focusing on refining the coding structure for better accounting and disbursement. Learn about the existing UACS framework, identified needs for refinements, revisions, funding source codes, fund clusters, and more.

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  2. UACS Coding Framework(Existing)

  3. Implementing UACS for Budget Execution Processes • The Unified Accounts Code Structure has worked well for the Budget Preparation process. • There is a need for some refinement of the UACS as the code structure gets applied in the Budget Execution, Accounting, Disbursement, and Reporting process.

  4. Refinement/Improvement of the UACS Code Structure

  5. Implementing UACS for Budget Execution Processes • This a normal evolution of a coding structure as it begins to be utilized extensively. • It is important to maintain the existing structure as much as possible to maintain the integrity of the existing data (in budget preparation). This can best be achieved by adding an additional code sub-elements where needed and leave existing elements intact where possible.

  6. Identified Needs for UACS Refinements: • One existing fund code in NSACS to multiple funding source in UACS (e.g. existing Fund 101 and Fund 102 has more than 34 and 86 Funding Source Codes, respectively); • Fund clustering needed for Accounting and maintenance of Bank Accounts.

  7. Current Status / Actions Needed • The revision to the coding structure was approved by the PFM Committee on April 30, 2014 • The revision has been approved by the DBM Executive Committee in June, 2014 • A Joint Circular will be issued to inform all agencies / users, and is now finalized.

  8. UACS Coding Framework (Revised/Improved)

  9. The Revised/Improved UACS

  10. UACS Funding Source

  11. UACS Element – Funding Source

  12. Fund Cluster • Fund Cluster is an aggregation of Funding Source for the purpose of recording transactions and report preparation in the Accounting processes (otherwise accounting books are for Each Funding Source Code).

  13. Refinement to UACS Funding Source Code – Fund Cluster • Fund Clusters for Funding Source Code • 01 – Regular Agency Fund • 02 – Foreign Assisted Projects Fund • 03 – Special Accounts – Locally Funded/Domestic Grants Fund • 04 – Special Accounts – Foreign Assisted/Foreign Grants Fund • 05 – Internally Generated Funds • 06 – Business Related Funds • 07 – Trust Receipts

  14. Sample Funding Source Code – UACS (new)

  15. Sample Funding Source Code – UACS (new)

  16. Sample Funding Source Code – UACS (new)

  17. Sample Funding Source Code – UACS (new)

  18. Financing Source Code Purpose is to identify if the source of the funding is within or outside the General Fund, which is the case for all budgeted new and continuing or automatic appropriations.

  19. Financing Source 1 - General Fund 2 - Off-Budgetary Funds 3 - Custodial Funds

  20. 1 - General Fund Composed of all receipts or revenues that: are available for any purpose that Congress may choose to apply, and • do not otherwise accrue to other funds.

  21. 2 - Off-Budgetary Funds Refers to the receipts for expenditure items that are not part of the NEP, and which are authorized to be deposited in government financial institutions. In the future, these shall form part or will be addressed thru the Treasury Single Account (TSA).

  22. 3 - Custodial Funds These are receipts or cash received by any government agency – whether from private source or another agency – to fulfill a specific purpose. This includes receipts collected by an agency, as an agent for another entity.

  23. Authorization Code This specifies the legislative authority of funding/ appropriation which is commonly called the “legal basis” of the funding source.

  24. Authorization Code 01- New General Appropriations 02- Continuing Appropriations 03 - Supplemental Appropriations 04 - Automatic Appropriations 05 - Unprogrammed Funds 06- Retained Income/Funds 07- Revolving Funds 08 - Trust Receipts

  25. Authorization Code 01 – New General Appropriation These are annual appropriations for incurring obligations during a specified budget year as listed in the GAA. Example: RA 10633 – FY 2014 GAA

  26. Authorization Code 02 – Continuing Appropriation These are authorizations to support obligations for a specified purpose or project, even when these obligations are incurred beyond the budget year. Example: RA 10352 – FY 2013 GAA (Available for obligation in 2014 pursuant to Congress Joint Resolution No. 01 dated December 26, 2013, and DBM NBC 553 dated February 28 2014.)

  27. Authorization Code 03 – Supplemental Appropriation Are additional appropriations enacted by Congress to augment original appropriations that have proven insufficient for their intended purpose because of economic, political or social conditions. Example: RA 10634 – FY 2013 Supplemental Appropriation for the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (DRRMF)

  28. Authorization Code 04 – Automatic Appropriation These are authorizations made annually or for some other period specified by law, by virtue of standing legislation, which do not require periodic action by Congress. Examples: Retirement and Life Insurance Premium - Government Share Motor Vehicles Users’ Charge - RA 8794 (An act imposing charges to owners of Motor Vehicles that is automatically appropriated for the purpose of Road Maintenance)

  29. Authorization Code 05 – Unprogrammed Funds Are standby appropriations for priority programs or projects of the government, the utilization of which may be approved if any of the following circumstances are met: • Revenue collections for the year exceeds target; • New revenues not included in the original revenue targets are successfully generated; or • Foreign loan proceeds are generated for newly approved projects covered by perfected loan agreements.

  30. Authorization Code Examples of Unprogrammed Fund: General Fund Adjustments Budgetary Support to Government-Owned and/or Controlled Corporations Support to Foreign-Assisted Projects

  31. Authorization Code 06 – Retained Income/Funds These are collections that are authorized by law to be utilized directly by agencies for their operations or specific purpose. Example: ALL SUCs Internally Generated Income (Tuition and matriculation fees/other receipts - R.A. 8292)

  32. Authorization Code 07 – Revolving Funds These are receipts derived from business-type activities of departments/agencies as authorized by law, and which are deposited in an authorized government depository bank. These funds shall be self-liquidating. All obligations and expenditures incurred because of these business-type activities shall be charged against the Revolving Fund. Example: Income derived from rentals for the use of buildings ad facilities or from fees imposed for board and lodging by agencies to be used for the MOOE and Capital Outlay of said buildings and facilities … (Sec. 9 of RA 10633 FY 2014 GAA)

  33. Authorization Code 08 – Trust Receipts These are receipts that are officially in the possession of government agencies or a public officer as trustee, agent, or administrator, or which have been received for the fulfillment of a particular obligation.

  34. Authorization Code Trust Receipts covers: • Inter-agency Transfer Funds (IATF) (UACS Code 07308601) - receipts or fund transfers from any government-agency or GOCC to another agency, and which are deposited in the National Treasury to facilitate project implementation. • Example: • Agrarian Reform Fund of the DAR to cover FMR to be implemented by the DPWH.

  35. Authorization Code Trust Receipts covers: • Receipts Deposited with the National Treasury other than IATF (UACS Code 07308602) - receipts from other sources—including private persons or foreign institutions—which are deposited with the National Treasury, pursuant to E.O. No. 338, for the fulfillment of some obligations. • Examples: • UP - Legal Research Fund (FUND 187) - R.A. No. 3870 as amended by P.D. Nos. 200 and 1856 • SUCs - Grants and donations coming from other government and non-government agencies

  36. Authorization Code Trust Receipts covers: • Receipts Deposited with Authorized Government Depository Banks (AGDB) (UACS Code 07308603) - receipts from other sources that should be deposited in the AGDB for the fulfillment of some obligations. • Examples: • DepED – National Book Development Board Trust Fund (Contributions from PAGCOR and PCSO – R.A. 9521) • DepEd - National Endowment Fund for Children’s Television (Contribution from PAGCOR and PCSO – R.A. 8370)

  37. Fund Category The Fund Category Code identifies specific funds maintained by the agency for accounting purposes, as well as for recording and reporting financial transactions.

  38. Fund Category Code/Table 101-150 Specific Budgets of NGAs 151-250Multilateral/Bilateral Assistance 251-275 Allocation to Local Government Units (LGU) 276-300Budgetary Support to Government Corporations 301-320 Financial Assistance to MMDA

  39. Fund Category Code/Table (cont.) 321-400 Special Accounts in the General Fund 401-420 Special Purpose Funds 421-440 Unprogrammed Funds 441-500 Retained Income/Funds 501-600 Revolving Funds 601-610 Trust Receipts 611-999 Others (Specify)

  40. The Conversion Existing Fund Codes to UACS Funding Source Codes

  41. Some conversion issues: • One existing fund code in NSACS to multiple funding source in UACS; • Insufficient if not unavailable information in the maintenance of the Subsidiary Ledgers in Accounting; • Inadequate preparation for the upgrade of existing IT financial systems to be UACS compliant; • Fund clustering needed for Accounting and Bank Accounts

  42. Existing Fund Codes Structure per National Standard Agency Coding System (NSACS) Specific Funds utilized by the SUCs

  43. How is Fund Code 101 in UACS? Existing UACS Fund Cluster Financing Source Authorization Codes Fund Categories

  44. New Funding Source Code from Fund 101per Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS)

  45. New Funding Source Code from Fund 101per Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS)

  46. New Funding Source Code from Fund 101per Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS)

  47. New Funding Source Code per Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS) Under the UACS Manual, the Existing Funds 101 and 103 has corresponding 34 and 21 funding source codes, respectively. Based on the Fund Clustering, Cluster 01 corresponds to Sixty (60) Funding Source Code in existing UACS.

  48. How is Fund Code 102 in UACS? Existing UACS Fund Cluster Financing Source Authorization Codes Fund Categories

  49. New Funding Source Code from Fund 102per Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS)

  50. New Funding Source Code from Fund 102per Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS)

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