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Learn about asthma, its symptoms, work-related factors, triggers, treatment options, and how to identify clues that suggest work-related asthma. Understand how to manage and control asthma in the workplace effectively.
Asthma and Work-related Asthma Developed by: Dana Hughes, RN, PhD Miners Hospital, University of Utah Libbey M. Chuy, MPH Asthma Program, Utah Department of Health
Overview • Asthma – What is it? • Symptoms of asthma • What is work-related asthma? • How common is work-related asthma? • What substances trigger asthma? • How asthma is treated? • Clues that suggest asthma may be work-related • What YOU can do if you have asthma
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that obstructs airflow The obstruction is reversible It involves difficulty in breathing due to Inflammation (swelling) Mucus in the airways Tightening of muscles around the airways Asthma – What is It?
Symptoms of asthma • Coughing • Wheezing, a whistling sound • Shortness of breath • Chest tightness • Sneezing & runny nose • Itchy and inflamed eyes
What is work-related asthma? • Pre-existing asthma that is triggered or made worse by exposure to one or more substances in the work-environment OR • Asthma that is caused by exposure to substances in the work-environment • Signs and symptoms are the same for asthma and work-related asthma
How common is asthma? • About 20 million Americans currently have asthma • About 8% of Utah adults have asthma • Up to 20% of all adult asthma cases maybe work-related asthma • Of those diagnosed with work-related asthma: • 20-27% are individuals with pre-existing asthma who react to substances in the workplace • Up to 80% develop asthma due to work-place exposures
Can asthma be cured? • Asthma can be controlled (but not cured) by: • Avoiding triggers or reducing exposure to triggers • Using medication to control symptoms • Medications - generally two types are used • Controller or long-term drugs • Taken to prevent excess production of mucus & to reduce the inflammation and constriction of airway muscles • Rescue or quick-relief drugs • Taken to relax muscles around the airways to improve breathing
Poorly controlled asthma leads to: • Increased visits to • Doctor, Urgent Care Clinic or Hospital ER • Hospitalizations • Limitations in daily activities • Lost work days • Lower quality of life • Death
Do symptoms: Occur only at work or regularly after a work-shift? Improve on weekends or vacations? Increase over the course of the work week? Improve after changes in the work environment? What clues suggest that asthma is work-related?
Information to share with doctor • Discuss your symptoms. • When do they occur? • How often do they occur? • Time of day or week that symptoms are worse • Times you feel better • Identify • Substances in the work-place to which you are exposed • Current and previous jobs, hobbies, and smoking habits that may affect your lungs
What YOU can do if you have asthma? • Identify and minimize contact with your asthma trigger(s) • Understand and take asthma medications as prescribed • Recognize early signs that your asthma is getting worse • Know what to do when your asthma is getting worse