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DuPage County Regional Office of Education Truancy: Prevention and Intervention. Definition ROE Referral Process ROE Interventions Common Issues & Interventions DiscussionQuestions.
DuPage County Regional Office of Education Truancy: Prevention and Intervention Definition ROE Referral Process ROE Interventions Common Issues & Interventions Discussion\Questions
Truancy ContactsDr. Joseph GustAssistant Regional Superintendent630-407-5772Angela TijerinaSenior Staff Assistant630-407-5813 Norma MaChayBehavior Interventionist630-407-5811 Stephen GarlingtonClinical Consultant630-407-5812
Defining Truancy Illinois School Code(105 ILCS 5/26-2a) (from Ch. 122, par. 26-2a): A "truant" is defined as a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion thereof. "Chronic or habitual truant" shall be defined as a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for 5% or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days. "Truant minor" is defined as a chronic truant to whom supportive services, including prevention, diagnostic, intervention and remedial services, alternative programs and other school and community resources have been provided and have failed to result in the cessation of chronic truancy, or have been offered and refused.
Definition continued A "dropout" is defined as any child enrolled in grades 1 through 12 whose name has been removed from the district enrollment roster for any reason other than his death, extended illness, graduation or completion of a program of studies and who has not transferred to another public or private school. "Valid cause" for absence shall be illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, and shall include such other situations beyond the control of the student as determined by the board of education in each district, or such other circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety or health of the student.
Illinois Compulsory School Attendance Law • The Illinois Compulsory School Attendance Law (Article 26 of the Illinois School Code) holds parents responsible for the enrollment and regular school attendance of children between the ages of seven and seventeen. Section 26-13 of the Code requires school districts to adopt absenteeism and truancy policies identifying appropriate supportive services and available resources for truants and chronic truants. These policies must be in accordance with Rules and Regulations as established by the State Board of Education which require at least these three elements: • Definition of Valid Cause • Description of Diagnostic Procedures • Identification of Support Services
Section 26-12 of the School Code stipulates that no punitive action, including school suspensions, expulsions and court action, is to be taken against chronic truants for such truancy unless available supportive services have been provided, or at least offered, to the student.
Truancy Laws • Truant Minor in Need of Supervision • Student is charged • Almost all high school and some middle school • Educational Neglect • Parent is charged • Almost all elementary school and some middle school.
Referral to the Regional Office of Education If excessive truancy continues after supportive services have been provided, or offered but refused, a student is to be referred to the Regional Office of Education upon being absent without valid cause for 5% of the previous 180 regular attendance days. (chronic truant) 1. Truant Referral Data Sheet 2. Attendance records for previous and current year 3. All interventions 4. Form complete
Action taken by the ROE after referral received • Step 1 • Letter #1, phone, services offered • Step 2 • Letter #2, phone call, services offered • Step 3 • Hearing scheduled at the ROE • Court Referral
Process for Referrals • Hearing at the ROE • What is this? • How does the hearing run? • What are the schools responsibility • Court Referrals • What is this? • How does the court run • What are the schools responsibility
Preventative Services • Truancy Groups (middle, high school) • Staff Training • ROE consult with school when setting up Tier 1, 2, & 3 intervention services for truancy, along with attendance policies/procedures. • Universal presentations to students regarding truancy • Parent presentations regarding truancy • Meetings with school • BIP • Parent meeting • 504/IEP meetings
Services for Truancy Referral Individual counseling at home or school Family counseling Wrap-around Services Case Management Court advocate and liaison Monitoring Community Referrals
School Refusal/Anxiety Programs in DuPage County • Central DuPage Hospital • Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital • Linden Oaks • Northwest Community Hospital • Streamwood Behavioral Health
Reasons for School Refusal Behavior To get away from something negative at school Objects – bus, PE, recess, class items People – teachers, principals, other students Performance situations – tests, speaking in front of others, athletic events, recitals. To get something positive from outside of school i.e: parents are close, extra attention, watching tv, video games, drug/alcohol use.
Family Issues • Inappropriate attitudes towards education • Lack of guidance or parental supervision • Drug or alcohol abuse in the home • Domestic Violence • Lack of awareness of attendance policies
Suggested Interventions • Attendance Policy • Provide parents with information regarding parent education classes • Conduct parent workshops to educate parents regarding their legal obligation • Make clear to the parents that they have the legal responsibility to compulsory education
Economic Influences • Employed students • Homeless youth • Single parent homes • Parents with multiple jobs • Seasonal employment out of the country • Transportation • Child care
Suggested Interventions • Consider alternative schedules (high school) or working students • Utilize services of Homeless Education Program liaison to assist homeless families in obtaining all financial, social and medical assistance • Encourage student participation in organized educational, recreational and social activities in the community
School Factors • Perception of the student in relationship to belonging to his\her group • Size of school (affecting feeling disassociation\alienation) • Attitudes and relations among students, teachers and administrators • Class schedules • Absence of rules and\or inconsistent or inappropriate enforcement of rules and procedures within school
Suggested Interventions • Establish and encourage in-school and out of school tutoring and mentoring programs • Make use of alternatives for in-school suspension and out of school suspensions • Utilize community-based collaborative network of institutions, organizations and agencies that could offer a continuum of services for chronic truants and their families • Link student participation with community organizations to community service credits.
Academic problems Drug and alcohol abuse Social, emotional or health problems Lack of understanding of attendance laws Mental health issues Physical health problems Suggested Interventions Develop attendance workshops for truant students Assign an individual to work with student and\or student’s family Provide students with support such as tutoring and mentoring services Make referrals for social service counseling Student Issues
Developing and Implementing an Effective Intervention Plan • Identify the Reason for the Truant Behavior • Develop a Written Intervention Plan • B. School Refusal Scale
Things to consider: • Determine why child is missing school • Background Information • Meet with child • Schedule a parent conference • Home Visit
Consider the following: • Has the child been tested to ensure appropriate placement in school? • Has the child been diagnosed with any type of mental illness that could be contributing to the truant behavior? • Does the child have a drug or alcohol problem? • Has the child been diagnosed with any type of illness that could be a contributing factor? • Has there been any recent stressful events in the child’s life? • Does the child have a problem with a particular class or teacher? • Is the child being bullied by other students at school? • Is there a transportation problem contributing to the truancy? • Is the child caring for younger siblings? • Do the parents have a substance abuse problem? • Are the parents gainfully employed and able to provide the basic necessities for the family?