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Email Donna@DonnaSpeaks.com.au or complete the form below to arrange a free no-obligation chat about your needs and objectives.Donna Thistlethwaite Lived Experience Speaker
Reasons for booking Donna include: It has been established that wellness programs can generate an ROI of 2.3+ for businesses. Poor mental health is a significant risk for organisations, costing the economy $11B per year.
20% of Australians experience a mental health condition each year, 45% in their lifetime. Eight Australians attempt suicide every hour. The impact of poor mental health on families, the companies that employ these people and the broader community is significant.
Benefits for your audience include: Donna’s talks raise awareness, inspire the listener and offer effective strategies to reduce the risk of a mental health crisis. Participants will be profoundly and positively impacted by Donna's talks and will realise that their current and future challenges are surmountable.
Participants take away effective strategies to build their capacity for work and broader life and reduce the risk of a mental health crisis. Increased normalisation of mental health discussions and a reduction in stigma.
if you Are looking to inspire at your next event we'd love to chat. please complete the form below and we'll be in touch.
Mental Health First Aid is an essential component of a progressive organisation’s mental health strategy.
Donna’s keynotes and workshops can be customised to your objectives. She will inspire and engage your team to thrive in life. Most popular topics include: Mental Health: We Need To Talk Resilience: Floundering to Flourishing
Donna’s keynotes and workshops can be customised to your objectives. She will inspire and engage your team to thrive in life. Most popular topics include: Mental Health: We Need To Talk Resilience: Floundering to Flourishing
COMPANY NAME - Donna Thistlethwaite CONTACT PERSON NAME - Donna Thistlethwaite POSTAL ADDRESS - Everton Park QLD 4053, Australia EMAIL ID - Donna@DonnaSpeaks.com.au PHONE NO. - 0419 120 601 https://donnathistlethwaite.com.au/