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Consultation system between Government and Associations of Local Governments in Hungary

Learn about the legal guarantees and consultation systems between government and local authorities in Hungary. Discover the importance of ÖNET and the main goals of the ÖNET development. Follow the journey of consultation systems from informal to formal structures, including KÖEF, ÖNEF, and ÖNET. Explore the successes and challenges faced by these consultative bodies and their roles in shaping local governance. Dive into the activities, members, and outcomes of these forums for a comprehensive understanding of capacity building efforts.

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Consultation system between Government and Associations of Local Governments in Hungary

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  1. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 Consultation system between Government and Associations of Local Governments in Hungary Péter Szegvári Dr. expert Oslo, Norway 23 April of 2015.

  2. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 Contents of presentation - Legal guarantees of lobbying activities of local governments - Consultation system between central and local governments - Importance of ÖNET - The main goals and objectives of the development of ÖNET

  3. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 • Legal guarantees of lobbying activities of local governments - The principles of local governance and the rights of local authorities are declared by the Constitution and high-ranked laws. - Local authorities could apply to Constitutional Court and Supreme Court for saving their rights and interess. - Local governments have a right to establish national associations for preserving their own interess via consultation with Central Government. - Local governments could join international interess group and became member of international associations of local authorities. - Local governments could establish EGTC legal entities and became Euregional Institutions. .

  4. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 • Consultation system between central and local governments - 1990-2006. Informal contribution between centrlal and local governments - 2006- 2015. Formal consultation system between central and local governments' associations: - 2006 - 2010. -Government– Local Authorities Consultation Forum (KÖEF) - 2010 - 2012. - National Cooperation Forum of Local Governments (ÖNEF) - 2012 – 2015. - National Cooperation Council of Local Governments (ÖNET)

  5. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 KÖEF elnöke a belügyminiszter, társelnökei a BM államtitkár és a szövetségek által delegá hét ca és hét szövetség A KÖEF csaknem hároméves időszakában összesen 19 plenáris ülést tartott. A KÖEF legfontosabb eredménye az akkor hét országos önkormányzati szövetség vezetése együttműködésének rendszeressé válása, a szövetségi elnökök, tisztségviselők közötti szakmai és emberi kapcsolatok intenzívebbé válása. A KÖEF kudarca több okra vezethető vissza: 1/ tényleges szerepe és viszonya nem tisztázódott egyértelműen 2/ ritkán került a fórum elé koncepcionális állapotában egy-egy kormányzati kezdeményezés 3/ nem sikerült tisztázni a KÖEF viszonyát az egyéb ágazati egyeztető fórumokhoz. 4/ nem történt lényegi változás jogszabálytervezetek véleményezésére adott határidő kérdésében sem • Government – Local Authorities Consultation Forum (KÖEF) • 1126/2006. (XII. 12.) Decree of Central Government + legitimation by 7 national local governments' associations, • President: Minister of Interior • Co-Presidents: Secretary of State of Ministry of Interior + Delegated Person by Associations of Local governments • Members: 7 ministries + 7 national associations of local governments • Activity: 19 events under 3 years

  6. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 National Cooperation Forum of Local Governments(ÖNEF) - By the Act of 2010. évi XLIII. does it work as one of the consultative bodies to the Government instead of KÖEF established by the 1220/2010. (X. 25.) Decree of Central Government. - President: Minister of Interior, Members: Secretary of State of Ministry of Interior, Secretary of State of Prime Minister's Office, Minister of National Development and Secretary of State of Ministry of Economy and Finance + presidents of national associations of local governments - Activity: First assembly was in 16th of June, (8 month later than it was established) and after it 3 seats were only.

  7. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 National Cooperation Council of Local Governments (ÖNET) - By the Act of 2010. évi XLIII. does it work as one of the consultative bodies to the Government instead of ÖNEF established by the 1128/2012. (IV. 26.) Decree of Central Government. - Tasks and responsibilities of ÖNET: - Consultation on strategic issues of local government system and public services, especially the local financial and organisation reform initiatives; - Consultation on the yearly central budget regarding to the local fiscal issues; - Proposal the new regulation to Central Government. - President: Minister of Interior, Members: Secretary of State of Ministry of Interior, Secretary of State of Prime Minister's Office + presidents of national associations of local governments

  8. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 What are the reasons of renewing ÖNET? - There is a need for new type of lobbying, because of the conflict of interess between MP and local elected persons. - Different local governments require special regulation and fiscal system. - Should be stop the division of interess between several associations of local governments and strengthening the trust in each others. - Increasing the capacity and solidarity of associations of local governments. - Helping the efficient and effective governance by real partnership.

  9. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 The main objectives of the reforming ÖNET - A common understanding between the state and municipal sector about the tasks can be realised within a given revenue limit, this can help facilitate fiscal management in the municipal sector. - The prioritisation of the use of resources in the municipal sector can help to reduce state control through regulation and earmarking. - An increased local freedom in finding solutions can lead to a more efficient use of resources and a stronger local democracy. - More stable and predictable framework conditions for the municipal sector. - A better information base for the Government and the Parliament in designing the national management for the municipal sector. - A transparency that makes the methodology and calculations understandable, consistent and verifiable.

  10. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 What are the expectations of reforming the consultation system between Governments and Associations of Local Governments? - Consultation system should help the effective and efficient contribution and cooperation between Central and Local Governments creatingcoherency between the planning and implementation levels. - Consultation system will bechannelling the opinions and experiances of municipal sector to the Government. - Consultation system shall be the basic element of 'partnership governance' regarding to the new initiatives and policies on the municipal tasks and responsibilities, regulations and fiscal issues.

  11. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 What are the options for the renewing of consultation system? - Preparating a Framework Agreement between Government and Associations of Local Governments on the consultation system including the content and context of partnership, regarding to international experiances. - Wildening the consultation system forward the international (EU) level and the municipal employer's interess-representations (like KS and KS BEDRIFT). - Threngthening the capacity and division of tasks of associations of local governments.

  12. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 How could be achieved the renewing of consultation system? Working Group: - Leader: Jenő Schmidt, President of TÖOSZ -Members: - Representatives of the involved associations of local governments - Ministry of Interior, Prime Minister Office, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Human Resources - Reprentative of Trade Union of Public Officials and Employees - Working force: Secretariate of TÖOSZ and invited experts Main objective of the activity of WG: - Studying the national opprtunities and international experiances - Preparing the draft of renewed consulting system by 30 of September, 2015

  13. „Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég‐magyar együttműködéssel” projekt HU11-0005-HU11-PP1-2013 Thank you for your kind attention! www.toosz.hu www.manorka.net

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