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Antimatter in Space Mirko Boezio INFN Trieste, Italy PPC 2010 - Torino July 14 th 2010

Antimatter in Space Mirko Boezio INFN Trieste, Italy PPC 2010 - Torino July 14 th 2010. Astrophysics and Cosmology compelling Issues. Apparent absence of cosmological Antimatter Nature of the Dark Matter that pervades the Universe. CR + ISM  p-bar + … kinematic treshold:

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Antimatter in Space Mirko Boezio INFN Trieste, Italy PPC 2010 - Torino July 14 th 2010

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  1. Antimatter in SpaceMirkoBoezioINFN Trieste, ItalyPPC 2010 - TorinoJuly 14th 2010

  2. Astrophysics and Cosmology compelling Issues • Apparent absence of cosmological Antimatter • Nature of the Dark Matter that pervades the Universe

  3. CR + ISM  p-bar + … kinematic treshold: 5.6 GeV for the reaction

  4. Background: CR interaction with ISM CR + ISM  p-bar + …

  5. dinamic halo leaky box Balloon data : Positron fraction before 1990 mc=20GeV Tilka 89

  6. What about heavy antinuclei? • The discovery of one nucleus of antimatter (Z≥2) in the cosmic rays would have profound implications for both particle physics and astrophysics. • For a Baryon Symmetric Universe Gamma rays limits put any domain of antimatter more than 100 Mpc away (Steigman (1976) Ann Rev. Astr. Astrophys., 14, 339; Dudarerwicz and Wolfendale (1994) M.N.R.A. 268, 609, A.G. Cohen, A. De Rujula and S.L. Glashow, Astrophys. J. 495, 539, 1998)

  7. Antimatter Search: current limits

  8. P. Gondolo, IDM 2008

  9. DM annihilations DM particles are stable. They can annihilate in pairs. Primary annihilation channels Final states Decay σa= <σv>

  10. Antimatter and Dark Matter Research • Wizard Collaboration • MASS – 1,2 (89,91) • TrampSI (93) • CAPRICE (94, 97, 98) • PAMELA (2006-) • BESS (93, 95, 97, 98, 2000) • Heat (94, 95, 2000) • IMAX (96) • BESS LDF (2004, 2007) • AMS-01 (1998)

  11. Charge-dependent solar modulation Solar polarity reversal 1999/2000 Asaoka Y. Et al. 2002 Positron excess? ? ? ¯ + CR + ISM  p-bar + … kinematic treshold: 5.6 GeV for the reaction CR antimatter Status in 2006 Positrons Antiprotons ___ Moskalenko & Strong 1998 CR + ISM p± + x m ± + x  e±+ x CR + ISM  p0 + x gg  e±

  12. What do we need? • Measurements at higher energies • Better knowledge of background • High statistic • Continuous monitoring of solar modulation Long Duration Flights

  13. PAMELA 15-06-2006 AMS-02 2010/2011 GAPS 2013 Antimatter Missions in Space AMS-01 1998

  14. ALPHA MAGNETIC SPECTROMETER Search for primordial anti-matter • Indirect search of dark matter • High precision measurement of the energetic spectra and composition of CR from GeV to TeV AMS-01: 1998 (10 days) PRECURSOR FLIGHT ON THE SHUTTLE AMS-02: 2010/2011 COMPLETE CONFIGURATION FOR SEVERAL YEARS LIFETIME ON THE ISS » 500 physicists, 16 countries, 56 Institutes

  15. AMS-01 : the detector • Acceptance:  » 0.15 m2sr • Bending power » 0.14 Tm2 • TOF : trigger +  e dE/dx meas. • Tracker: sign Z + Rigidità + dE/dx meas. • Cherenkov: separatione e/p up to ~ 3 GeV.

  16. The Completed AMS Detector on ISS Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) Time of Flight Detector (TOF) Magnet Silicon Tracker Ring Image Cerenkov Counter (RICH) Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) Size: 3m x 3m x 3m Weight: 7 tons

  17. AMS-02 new configuration

  18. PAMELA Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light NucleiAstrophysics

  19. Italy: CNR, Florence Bari Florence Frascati Naples Rome Trieste Russia: Moscow St. Petersburg Germany: Sweden: Siegen KTH, Stockholm PAMELA Collaboration

  20. Scientific goals • Search for dark matter annihilation • Search for antihelium (primordial antimatter) • Search for new Matter in the Universe (Strangelets?) • Study of cosmic-ray propagation (light nuclei and isotopes) • Study of electron spectrum (local sources?) • Study solar physics and solar modulation • Study terrestrial magnetosphere

  21. Design Performance energy range • Antiprotons 80 MeV - 190 GeV • Positrons 50 MeV – 300 GeV • Electrons up to 500 GeV • Protons up to 700 GeV • Electrons+positrons up to 2 TeV (from calorimeter) • Light Nuclei (He/Be/C) up to 200 GeV/n • AntiNuclei search sensitivity of 3x10-8 in He/He • Simultaneous measurement of many cosmic-ray species • New energy range • Unprecedented statistics

  22. Resurs-DK1 satellite + orbit • Resurs-DK1: multi-spectral imaging of earth’s surface • PAMELA mounted inside a pressurized container • Lifetime >3 years (assisted, first time February 2009) • Data transmitted to NTsOMZ, Moscow via high-speed radio downlink. ~16 GB per day • Quasi-polar and elliptical orbit (70.0°, 350 km - 600 km) • Traverses the South Atlantic Anomaly • Crosses the outer (electron) Van Allen belt at south pole PAMELA Resurs-DK1 Mass: 6.7 tonnes Height: 7.4 m Solar array area: 36 m2 350 km 70o SAA 610 km ~90 mins

  23. PAMELA milestones • Launch from Baikonur  June 15th 2006, 0800 UTC. • ‘First light’  June 21st 2006, 0300 UTC. • • Detectors operated as expected after launch • • Different trigger and hardware configurations evaluated • PAMELA in continuous data-taking mode since • commissioning phase • ended on July 11th 2006 Main antenna in NTsOMZ Trigger rate* ~25Hz Fraction of live time* ~ 75% Event size (compressed mode) ~5kB 25 Hz x 5 kB/ev ~ 10 GB/day (*outside radiation belts) Till ~now: ~1400 days of data taking ~20 TByte of raw data downlinked >2x109 triggers recorded and analyzed (Data till January 2010 under analysis)

  24. PAMELA detectors Main requirements  high-sensitivity antiparticle identification and precise momentum measure + - • Time-Of-Flight • plastic scintillators + PMT: • Trigger • Albedo rejection; • Mass identification up to 1 GeV; • - Charge identification from dE/dX. • Electromagnetic calorimeter • W/Si sampling (16.3 X0, 0.6 λI) • Discrimination e+ / p, anti-p / e- • (shower topology) • Direct E measurement for e- • Neutron detector • 3He tubes + polyethylene moderator: • High-energy e/h discrimination GF: 21.5 cm2 sr Mass: 470 kg Size: 130x70x70 cm3 Power Budget: 360W • Spectrometer • microstrip silicon tracking system+ permanent magnet • It provides: • - Magnetic rigidity R = pc/Ze • Charge sign • Charge value from dE/dx

  25. Antiparticles with PAMELA

  26. Antiproton to Proton Flux Ratio Simon et al. (ApJ 499 (1998) 250) Ptuskin et al. (ApJ 642 (2006) 902) Donato et al. (PRL 102 (2009) 071301) Adriani et al., accepted for publication in PRL;arXiv:1007.0821 

  27. Antiproton Flux Donato et al. (ApJ 563 (2001) 172) Ptuskin et al. (ApJ 642 (2006) 902) Adriani et al., accepted for publication in PRL;arXiv:1007.0821 

  28. Trapped pbar, SAA • PAMELA GCR • PAMELA Preliminary

  29. Positron to Electron Fraction Secondary production Moskalenko & Strong 98 Adriani et al, Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 1 arXiv:1001.3522 [astro-ph.HE]

  30. Solar modulation A+ A- A+ A- ~11 y Low fluxes! ¯ + PAMELA + PAMELA July 2006 Decreasing solar activity August 2007 February 2008 ¯ Increasing flux

  31. A Challenging Puzzle for CR Physics • Uncertainties on: • Secondary production (primary fluxes, cross section) • Propagation models • Electron spectrum But antiprotons in CRs are in agreement with secondary production

  32. A Challenging Puzzle for CR Physics P.Blasi, PRL 103 (2009) 051104; arXiv:0903.2794 Positrons (and electrons) produced as secondaries in the sources (e.g. SNR) where CRs are accelerated. D. Hooper, P. Blasi, and P. Serpico, JCAP 0901:025,2009; arXiv:0810.1527 Contribution from diffuse mature &nearby young pulsars. I. Cholis et al., Phys. Rev. D 80 (2009) 123518; arXiv:0811.3641v1 Contribution from DM annihilation.

  33. Conclusions • Astroparticle physics from space is a fascinating field, fertile and rich of scientific potentials. • Several very important esperiments are, or going to, directly measuring cosmic rays and their antimatter component: PAMELA, AMS-2010... • Important results have already been published and soon more will come. • Stay tuned, interesting times ahead!

  34. Thanks!

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