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HIV Prevention among Vulnerable Populations Initiative (HPVPI) UNDP, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. Katarina Mitic , Project Coordinator. HPVPI Demonstration Projects (MMT). Donor : DFID ( UK Department for International Development)
HIV Prevention among Vulnerable Populations Initiative (HPVPI)UNDP, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Katarina Mitic, Project Coordinator
HPVPI Demonstration Projects (MMT) • Donor: DFID (UK Department for International Development) • Partners: OSI (Open Society Institute New York), IC (Imperial College, London) • Executing agent: UNDP, Belgrade Office, Serbia&Montenegro • Implementing agents: • in Novi Sad, Vojvodina: Clinical Centre, Institute for Psychiatry, Clinic for Dependence Diseases • in Nish, Serbia; Clinic for Mental Health, Department for Dependence Diseases • in Podgorica, Montenegro: Outpatient Clinic, Department of Mental Health • Timeframe: June 2004 - October 2006
MMT in Novi Sad, Vojvodina:First year of project implementation • 300 drug addicts on treatment • 150 clients on MMT(Methadone Centre opened on Jan 05) • Additional services: individual, group, family therapy • 15 MMT clients work as outreach workers with IDUs (questionnaires, promotional material) • HPVPI data base(For the first time in S&M : standardization, centralization, comparison of MMT data)
For Medical Workers 4 workshops – 310 participants 500 Manuals on “Drug Addiction” For Clients 6 workshops – 220 participants 400 booklets “Heroin – risks and consequences” 400 booklets “Methadone – opiate addiction treatment” MMT in Novi Sad, Vojvodina:Informative-educational workshops
MMT in Novi Sad, Vojvodina:Effects so far • Improved quality of life for clients: job opportunities, personal security, social communication, decreased number of criminal acts among MMT clients (comparative study with Croatia) • Large number of medical workers educatedin Harm Reduction Programmes, decreasing stigmatization and discrimination of IDUs and MMT • Other medicalpractitioners brought together: nurses, pediatricians, dentists, surgeons, etc. • Clinical Centre experienced a decrease in work load in its other units, primarilyrelated to DUs and IDUs • Improved cooperationwith prisons, police, courts • Ongoing support from the local community
MMT in Novi Sad, Vojvodina:Future Plans- second year of project implementation • To increase number of clients on MMT to 200 • To increase number of educatedGPs to 50 • To replicate the modelin 6 towns in Vojvodina • To increase number of outreach workers among MMT clients to 20 • To secure employment for 20 MMT clients • To cooperate closely with Novi Sad Prison (Ambulance for MMT)
Harm reduction:first time in Montenegro • Education of medical workers: 30 workshops for 587 medical doctors, nurses and technicians • principles of the methadone program • interaction of the methadone and other drugs • the pharmacokinetic of the methadone • myths and facts about the methadone • contraindications for the application of the methadone • methadone application in cases of other diseases • principles of methadone distribution in particular programme
MMT in Podgorica, Montenegro:first year of project implementation • Project promotion increased number of “first time registered cases” (750 new clients, 200 IDUs) • Informative/educational workshops for 56 new drug addicts • Family members included in counseling sessions (4 times a month) • MMT Handbook for users • MMT: From 10 (Dec 04) to 25 (Aug 05)
MMT in Podgorica, Montenegro: Needle Exchange Programme • Workshops for 210 health care workers, medical nurses and technicians (handbooks on HIV, HCV, STIs prevention) • 18 injection points for NEP • Brochures distributed to clients (NEP, Safer injecting for drug users, Hepatitis, etc.) • Increased distribution of needles and syringes from 710 to 1080 per month (total: 8.806 needles and 8.817 syringes )
MMT in Podgorica, Montenegro: Future Plans • To increase number of MMT clients in Podgorica to 50 • To asses the level of knowledge and motivation for inclusion in MMT among medical workers in other towns in Montenegro • To spread the Harm Reduction Concept to Primary Health Care Institutions in two more towns in Montenegro • To educate and supervise medical workers to work in mini-teams (doctor + nurse) • To form network between MMT centres in Montenegro
Harm Reduction in Nish, Serbia:First year of project implementation • Drop-in Center “PROMETEJ” (Prometheus)opened on 1 Dec 2004 • Operates3 times a week - 85 clients • 3.582needles, 2.160syringes, 2.022condoms, informational material, counseling • Outreach work (5 times a week, 125 home visits) • NGO “SUN” founded(for help and self-help of HIV+ drug users) June 05
Workshops for: 15 medical doctors (pathologists, epidemiologists and infectologists) on “Drug and Infectious Diseases” 36 health care practitioners from South-East Serbia on “Drug Use – from Prejudices to Reality” 55 medical workers from Primary Health Care on “Drug Addiction and Primary Health Protection” 49 police officers on “Manifold face of Drug Abuse” 18 DUs on “Drug Use and Risk Behavior” Harm Reduction in Nish, Serbia:Education
Harm Reduction in Nish, Serbia:Promotion Educative brochureson : • Overdose - 1.000 pieces • Drug use and HIV/AIDS - 1.100 pieces • Hepatitis C - 3.000 pieces Educative leaflet • Injecting Drug Use and HIV Protection– 2.000 pieces Contacts with key people in media: • 5 newspapers • 7 radio stations • 9 TV Stations
Harm Reduction in Nish, Serbia:Future Plans • To motivate and educate GPs from 5 towns in the region on Drug Addiction, MMT, HIV, HCV, and STIs prevention • Progressively, to transfer existing 22 MMT clients to GPs and delegate new clients up to 30 • To negotiate with authorities the opening of Methadone centre in Nish
HPVPI Demonstration Projects:Sustainability • Active inclusion of vulnerable groups in creation of National Strategy on HIV/AIDS and National Strategy for Drug prevention and Drug Control • Leader + Team of professionals(practitioners, experienced and educated, ready to share their knowledge and learn more, clear roles and responsibilities, authentically motivated, creative, well organized, cooperative) • Capacity Building(Training in “Needs of Vulnerable Groups”; Study tours to Slovenia, Romania, Macedonia, Lithuania; Sponsorship for conferences in Slovenia, and North Ireland; Technical advisors from Slovenia and Macedonia; Support from HPVPI Secretariat, IC/OSI, Civic Initiatives Serbia, CRNVO Montenegro)
HPVPI Demonstration Projects:Sustainability • Networkingwith other HPVPI projects, with other organizations directly or indirectly involved in MMT, other government institutions, UN Agencies, other donors, SEE Collaborative Networking • Strong partnershipwith top and local authorities (Ministry of Health, Republican AIDS Commission, Republican Commission for Drug Prevention and Control, Police, Courts, CSWs, Municipalities), other health institutions, NGOs, media • Funded from different sources (Government, donors) • Impact(target group- DUs, IDUs, MMT clients, family members, professionals, authorities, general public)
RISKS Political changes Impatience/aggressive behavior of IDUs on waiting lists (existing in each town) Project implementation more time and energy consuming, than expected Lack of information/misinterpretation of the programme through media OPPORTUNITIES Continuous contribution to development and implementation of the National Strategies (AIDS, Drugs) Possibility of replicating the model (created out of practice) More intensive cooperation with private sector Promotion of good practice on different levels /fundraising MMT in Serbia and Montenegro