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La prononciation f rançaise

La prononciation f rançaise. What - er and est sounds do you know?. écouter. et é est and - er sounds in French make an ay sound. C’est. Il est. chanter. regarder. et. La télé. allé. porter. How to present my work in Languages. Each lesson I must:

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La prononciation f rançaise

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  1. La prononciationfrançaise What -er and est sounds do you know? écouter et é estand -ersounds in French make an ay sound. C’est Il est chanter regarder et La télé allé porter

  2. How to present my work in Languages. Each lesson I must: • ... write the date and the title in French/ Spanish/ German and underline it. • ... have a heading with the type of activity it is – e.g. Exerciced’écoute. • ... copy any vocabulary from the lesson into the back of my book for reference. • ...rule off after the lesson’s work is complete. • When I mark my own work or a partner’s work, I put my initials to show that it has been marked. • When I have written homework, I must put the heading devoirs / homework clearly.

  3. exemple Underline date and title. Underline activity type. Initial marked work. Rule off after lesson.

  4. En classele 6septembre • Ou j’habite: EXAM SKILLS Accuracy! Pour commencer: Spot the mistakesusing the mark code. Jhabitedans un grand maison a l’est de l’angleterre. Ma perehabitedans un grandeappartment en centre-ville. Je preferehabitedans la campagneparcequecalme. Je ne voudraishabiter en Londres car c’estbruyanttout le temps.

  5. Les reponses J’habite dans une grande maison à l’est de l’angleterre. Mon père habite dans un grand appartement en centre-ville. Je préfère habiterà la campagne parce que c’est calme. Je ne voudrais pas habiter à Londres car c’est bruyant tout le temps. Take time to look at the mark code, so that you understand each of the terms. EXAM SKILLS Accuracy!

  6. Lesson Objectives: to revise vocabulary for saying where you live and in what type of house you live. • By the end of this lesson you... • Must be able to recognise simple opinions about school subjects/ teachers • Should be able to give a variety of opinions and reasons for liking / disliking a subject/ teacher • Could use impersonal verbs to give opinions about subjects / teachers • What Star vocabulary have you found and how will you incorporate it into your own writing or speaking preparation for Controlled Assessment? KEY WORDS Compass Points House types Locations

  7. P 94 exercice 1a –écoute et lecture EXAM SKILLS Vocabulary Revision

  8. P 94 exercice 1b – écriture EXAM SKILLS Vocabulary Revision

  9. P 94 exercice 2a – écoute et lecture EXAM SKILLS Vocabulary Revision

  10. Steal Language! Write useful phrases in the back of your exercise books.

  11. Maintenant, j’habite avec ma famille dans un petit village pittoresque, pas loin de Lincoln. Ma maison est située au centre du village, près des facilités. Ça me convient. Mais je n’aime pas trop habiter à la campagne – je préférerais une maison moderne en ville. EXAM SKILLS CAS Preparation What makes this a good answer?

  12. EXAM SKILLS CAS Preparation Parle Où habites-tu? What will make your answer a good one? Success Criteria: Is it different to your class mates?? Have you used connectives? Have you used adjectives? Have you given opinions? Have you used different tenses?

  13. Devoirs: Write a short paragraph of about 50 words about where you live. What will make your answer a good one? Success Criteria: Is it different to your class mates?? Have you used connectives? Have you used adjectives? Have you given opinions? Have you used different tenses?

  14. Lesson Objectives: to revise vocabulary for saying where you live and in what type of house you live. • By the end of this lesson you... • Must be able to recognise simple opinions about school subjects/ teachers • Should be able to give a variety of opinions and reasons for liking / disliking a subject/ teacher • Could use impersonal verbs to give opinions about subjects / teachers • What Star vocabulary have you found and how will you incorporate it into your own writing or speaking preparation for Controlled Assessment? KEY WORDS Compass Points House types Locations

  15. Plenary • Location + 1 detail • Location + 2 detail • Location + 2 details + opinion. • Location + 2 details + opinion + another person.

  16. A gentle reminder… • Quizlet – vocabulary for revision. • Linguascope. • www.zut.org.uk after 4pm. • Phone apps. • If the exam is on the same date as last year… • 251 days • 15mins revision / vocabulary learning = 3,765 mins • Will make approx 63 hours of revision by the exam! A bit more than 2 days of solid revision without a break!

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