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Special Learners in the Instrumental Ensemble

Special Learners in the Instrumental Ensemble. Dr. Stephen Zdzinski, Frost School of Music Julia Heath, Florida State University Charlie Rankin, Pacceti Bay Middle School, St. Johns County Shaun Popp, Louisville Public Schools (Florida State University )

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Special Learners in the Instrumental Ensemble

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  1. Special Learners in the Instrumental Ensemble Dr. Stephen Zdzinski, Frost School of Music Julia Heath, Florida State University Charlie Rankin, Pacceti Bay Middle School, St. Johns County Shaun Popp, Louisville Public Schools (Florida State University ) David Rosa, Thomas Jefferson Magnet School, Tampa

  2. Historical Development of Music Instruction for Special Learners • 1800s - segregated or not taught • Early 1900s – taught in asylums • 1930 White House Conference on Child health & Protection • 1950s – Brown vs. Board of Education (implications for placement of special learners) • 1960s – more training, continued institutionalization • 1970s – deinstitutionalization, increased integration, Legislation (94-142, Rehabilitation Act, Sect. 504) • 1980s – Regular Education Initiative (fewer self-contained special education classrooms) • 1990s – Mainstreaming to Inclusion, IDEA, ADA • 2000s – focus on early education, accountability FMEA, January 2013

  3. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1990) • Known as IDEA • Amendments to Act in 1997, 2004 • Related to No Child Left Behind Act • Amended, now called “Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act” FMEA, January 2013

  4. IDEA Principles • Free & Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) • for all children with Disabilities • Nondiscriminatory Evaluations • to determine eligibility & Need for Services • Due Process • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) • Must be provided • Individualized Education Program (IEP) • Meet specific needs of student • Parental Involvement • Mandated in development of IEP FMEA, January 2013

  5. The Music Educators’ Role • Can expect to have students with disabilities in their classes & ensembles • Serve students with disabilities via inclusion and self-contained special learner music classes • Need to understand student needs, ways to adapt instruction, and seek appropriate support from special education professionals FMEA, January 2013

  6. Inclusion “Strategies & processes that educators use to include students with disabilities in general education classes and activities and in society as a whole” (adapted from Adamek & Darrow, 2005) FMEA, January 2013

  7. Individualized Educational Program (IEP) • Description of students’ present level of performance • Specification of special education services needed • Statement of goals & objectives for student • Music Version – PRIVATE LESSON FMEA, January 2013

  8. Benefits of Inclusion • For students with disabilities • Higher expectations, better role models • Wider circle of friends, meaningful experiences • For peers without disabilities • Better acceptance & understanding • Leadership, mentoring, and peer tutoring • To Teachers & Schools • Individualize to student needs • Improve instruction for all students FMEA, January 2013

  9. Barriers to Inclusion • Organizational • School structure & Goals for students with disabilities • Instructional & classroom management practices • Attitudes • Teacher & student beliefs about educating students with disabilities • Knowledge • Knowledge and skills teachers need to work with special learners FMEA, January 2013

  10. Teaching Strategies for Inclusion: Collaboration • Formal IEP, co-teaching, or inter-teacher communication • Information needed • Student’s strengths & special skills • Student’s disability characteristics, limitations, weaknesses • IEP objectives to be address in music class • Useful strategies for working with student FMEA, January 2013

  11. Environmental Considerations • Management of physical space • Room arrangement • Student placement in class • Adaptive Instruments • Modified to compensate for disability • Careful selection of band & orchestra instruments • Social Support • Peer buddy • Teacher’s aide, classroom teacher FMEA, January 2013

  12. Adapting Musical Instruments • Suitable Instruments for Mentally Challenged Students • Valved Brass & Percussion (Great Expectations Band Program) • Single Reeds, Valved Brass, & Percussion (Birkenshaw-Fleming) • Instrument Modifications for Physically Challenged Students (Clark & Chadwick) • beater adaptations • mouthpiece adaptations • holding and playing position aids • One-Handed Woodwind Instrument Program (David Nabb) • http://onehandwinds.unk.edu/ FMEA, January 2013

  13. Parental Involvement Strategies in Special Education • accept the child as is • be consistent with discipline • keep the child’s decision making as simple as possible • set a defined routine for the child • keep a chart of job tasks, and record when they are done • simplify complicated tasks by breaking directions into steps • keep the child’s room organized, letting the child be responsible • encourage open communication with the child FMEA, January 2013

  14. Adapting Instruction • Accommodation • Remediation, extra help, extra time, instruction after class • Same tasks as other students • Modification • Compensatory • Standard of participation modified • Alternative activity (at the student’s highest level) FMEA, January 2013

  15. Participation Partial Instructional Delivery Multimodal approach Auditory, Tactile, Kinesthetic Differential Response Oral vs. written Verbal vs. non-verbal Difficulty Task difficulty Alternative tasks (easy parts) Time, Size Amount of time allowed to complete task Number of items to complete Alternate Goals, Substitute curriculum Appropriate for student’s experience Adaptations: Instructional Strategies FMEA, January 2013

  16. Julia Health • Inclusion in a Band Program • Classes for Students with Disabilities • Adaptations & Modifications for Instrumental Ensembles FMEA, January 2013

  17. Shaun Popp • Personal Stories of students with special needs in band classes • Collaborating with Teachers of Students with Special Needs • Tips for Inclusion FMEA, January 2013

  18. Charlie Rankin • Working with a Deaf Student FMEA, January 2013

  19. David Rosa • Inclusion in a Band Program • Adaptations & Modifications for Instrumental Ensembles FMEA, January 2013

  20. Strategies to promote student success • Student • Get to know students as individuals • Use age & functionally appropriate activities • Teach with patience, humor, and warmth • Structure • Structure lessons to provide auditory, visual, and hands-on activities • Provide consistency along with a structured & predictable approach • Be flexible FMEA, January 2013

  21. Strategies to promote student success • Evaluating • Have high expectations for students • Provide FREQUENT feedback to students (positive reinforcement) • Keep positive attitude while working with student • Collaboration • Be willing to collaborate with other teachers for student success FMEA, January 2013

  22. Suggestions • Social Adaptations • Prepare your students for the inclusion of a “special” student • Use Self-Esteem Enhancement • Use Parental Involvement Strategies • Select instruments carefully and adapt as needed by exceptionality • consider physical, musical, and social factors • Adapt Instruction to guarantee success • break down complex tasks into simpler sub-tasks • provide encouragement for completion of subtasks • Adapt notation and music if needed • Adapt grading procedures to reflect IEP objectives • include both musical and social objectives FMEA, January 2013

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