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Safe drinking water for everyone ?

B y Katharina, Clara, Frederik and Lucas. Safe drinking water for everyone ?. Overview 1. Drinking water facts worldwide 2. How to get clean water / possible solutions 3 . Diseases caused by polluted water 4. C harity work for safe drinking water.

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Safe drinking water for everyone ?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Katharina, Clara, Frederik and Lucas Safe drinkingwaterforeveryone?

  2. Overview1. Drinkingwaterfactsworldwide2. Howtoget clean water/ possiblesolutions3. Diseasescausedbypollutedwater4. Charityworkforsafedrinkingwater

  3. 97 % ofthewater on earthissaltwater Watercovers70,9%oftheearth‘ssurface 30%offreshwaterisin theground 1. Drinkingwaterfactsworldwide

  4. Watermakesupbetween55-78%of ahuman‘sbodyweight 68,7% ofthefreshwater on earthistrapped in glaciers 1. Drinkingwaterfactsworldwide

  5. 2. Howtoget clean water 1. Boilingwater  

  6. 2. Howtoget clean water 2. Usingpurificationtablets  

  7. 2. Howtoget clean water 3. Creating a purifyingsystem in thewilderness 

  8. Using “SUPER SAND” to clean water. Using sand… alreadyanoldstrategy. BUT Coatingthe sandwith anoxide of GRAPHITE willpurify water more quickly andeffectivelythan ever before.

  9. Seeds of the “MIRACLE TREE” to clean water. Extracts of the seeds of the miracle tree (Moringaoleifera) containpositivelycharged proteins whichcankillmicrobes.

  10. BICYCLE water purifier to clean water. Filter water throughpedaling! Water willbepumpedinto the system and passes trough a series of micro-filtrationmembranes.

  11. Water from the AIR • A machine thatmakes • clean water out of the air… • The EcoloBlueAtmospheric Water Generator (AWG) • Works best at 50% percent humidity. • Lesseffective in winter. Up to28 liters a day!

  12. Hydro leaf Clean water through SOLAR ENERGY

  13. 3. Diseasescausedbypollutedwater Diarrhoea • Loose waterypoo • Contaminatedfood/water • Acutediarrhoea a coupleofdays • Chronicdiarrhoea  morethan 2 weeks • Dehydration • SoutheastAsiaandAfrica  8,5%-7,7% of all deaths • 1998  2,2 millionpeopledied

  14. Hepatitis A 3. Diseasescausedbypollutedwater

  15. Poliomyelitis 3. Diseasescausedbypollutedwater

  16. Poliomyelitis 3. Diseasescausedbypollutedwater • Viral disease causesmuscleweaknessandparalysis • Infectionbycontaminatedwateroffood • Twotypesofpoliovaccine: trivalent oral poliovaccineandinactivatedpoliovaccine

  17. Charity:water 4. Charityworkforsafedrinkingwater • Clean and safe drinking water  people in developing countries • 100% public donations • 20 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean

  18. Wateraid 4. Charityworkforsafedrinkingwater • Non-profit organisation • Works in 27 countries worldwide • Clean watersafetoiletsandhygienic education

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