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Learn to “cut it off at the pass” and how to eventually prevent migraines with the knowledge of Fasciology and the help of the FasciaBlaster™
Learn to “cut it off at the pass” and how to eventually prevent migraines with the knowledge of Fasciology and the help of the FasciaBlaster™
Ok, who really does? Unless you're trying to go to bed early and forgo a little romance, no one ever has time for a migraine, nor the money. The average monthly cost for migraine sufferers is $145.00 USD – that’s almost $1,800 a year! A simple headache can cost on average $89.00 a month or about $1,000 per year. What could you do with extra money? Even more shocking is that American employers lose more than $13 billion each year as a result of 113 million lost work days due to migraines. The FasciaBlaster™ is a one-time fee of just $89! Don't have time for a migraine?
As you probably know all too well, symptoms of a migraine include: pain on one side or both sides of your head, pain that has a pulsating, throbbing quality, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, light-headedness, sometimes followed by fainting. The symptoms are undeniable and like everything else, most treatments available are aimed at managing symptoms but they don’t really address the root. Among the migraine community, there is speculation about root causes, hormone imbalances and other outside influences; however, at the very core, whatever is happening is consistent with a phenomenon known as FASCIAL RECOIL.
To truly understand fascia recoil, you must first understand the fascia system. Fascia is the soft tissue that holds us together and it has more nerve activity than muscle! Fascia permeates the entire body and literally connects to every structure, from head to toe, hand-to-hand, inside to out. An example of structural fascia is the membrane you see on the inside of chicken skin. The fascia runs in long strips throughout the human body as well, and understanding the structural lines is crucial in the treatment of migraines. Learn more about fascia here! To better understand fascia
Fascia recoil is when the fascia clumps together, typically as a protective mechanism, and causes vaso-restriction throughout the body. It is widely accepted that fascia can pinch nerves in other places in the body or restrict blood flow or interrupt nerve activity (perhaps you've heard of Plantar Fasciitis?), but most health practitioners have yet to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realize that the fascia inside the brain can do the same thing. Just look at how the brain is covered and penetrated by FASCIA. IT'S INSANE to me that the brain is so VISIBLY affected by FASCIA, yet no one is talking about FASCIA RELEASE of the brain. It seems so obvious to me!
When fascia recoils in the brain, it feels like a boa constrictor wrapped around your head. It can clamp so tightly that a person can faint or vomit as a result. It directly causes many of the symptoms associated with migraines through the gripping and grabbing of the fascia on the nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissues.
So what can you do? If you physically address the fascia system and release the recoil, you can alleviate and completely eliminate the symptoms of migraines! If you think about it, your migraine may start as shoulder pain, or awareness behind the scapula, or a stressful phone call that triggered it. All of these things put the fascia on "high alert" so that it eventually just clamps down and causes the restriction. To understand how migraines are a part of a bigger issue, check out the Fascia Chart.
If you've read this far, you're ready for some real answers and I'm going to show you exactly how to get rid of your pain! I'm Ashley Black, fascia expert and “body guru” to Hollywood's elite and professional athletes all over the United States. It used to be that cutting edge developments in health and wellness started with the rich and famous and took about 20 years to reach mainstream. But now, you don't have to wait 20 years to access the tools that A-listers already know and love. In this post I'm going to explain step by step how to impact your fascia so you can relieve the symptoms of migraine headaches just like I do when I'm working with my celebrity clientele! These steps are listed at the top of the blog, but I am going to go a little more in depth. I also explain them further in the video links posted. Migraine Relief Protocol
Internal and external heat will make the fascia more pliable. Fascia has the ability to change states. You know how water can be solid ice, liquid water and gassy steam. The fascia can't change states this dramatically, but it can go from crystalized, to spongy, to “jello-ish”. The softer state is more effective for making fascia changes. External heat can be a sauna, hot bath, hot shower, heating pack, hot day outside. Internal heat is any type of cardiovascular activity. Also hydrate with water and electrolytes. Step 1: Prep the fascia:
Apply oil liberally first and use claws of the FasciaBlaster™ to target the fascia in the hands. Here is a picture of the arm lines as dissected in charted by Tom Meyers of Anatomy Trains. Step 2: FasciaBlast the entire arms:
Here is the line we are working. This line will allow the shoulders to sit naturally in the socket, allowing the head to rest ON TOP OF THE SPINE. A head thrown forward by a tight “pect line” of fascia will NEVER be able to relax. Step 3: FasciaBlast across the chest
Many of the lines of structural fascia throughout the body end up in the jaw. Learn to use the FasciaBlaster™ for self trigger point and scrubbing away adhesions. Step 4: Open the jawline
If your neck and traps feel like one big chunk, you can use this technique to break apart and separate the muscles from each other. Doing this technique regularly can once and for all end “neck tension”. I also address the Dowagers Hump, or the hump at the base of the neck. Caution: Very light pressure should be used and carefully avoid the carotid artery. Step 5: FasciaBlast 360 around the neck
Yes, boys and girls, we are going to FasciaBlast our heads! Use hair conditioner and scrub away the fascia of the scalp. This alone, done daily can keep a migraine away! Step 6: FasciaBlast your head
If a huge hump in your back throws your head forward, of a huge sway back puts your head in the wrong position. If your shoulders are slumped forward and your posture is crappy, you WILL ALWAYS have headaches. In this video I talk about how to adjust the spine – demonstrated on an NFL player! Watch my video: Change Your Spine, Change Your Life with NFL payer Marcus! Practice this technique with the entire back side of your body on the wall, except “two fingers/four fingers”, which I explain in the video. Practice 10x a day for 3 minutes with your feet straight and your core engaged and YOUR HEAD ON TOP OF YOUR BODY. The FasciaBlaster™ will open the tissue, but you will HAVE TO change your posture for the results to stick. You may NEVER have to experience a migraine again! Step 7: Fix your posture
More info: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLolFaiWmqWmLL3XtQomocUd6y4TGw8l_s http://www.fasciablaster.com/blog/a-step-by-step-guide-to-alleviating-migraine-pain