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Writing the Essay. Writing the Essay. There are certain rules for formal writing that must be followed:
Writing the Essay There are certain rules for formal writing that must be followed: • Use only third person pronouns (he, she, his, her, him, them, their, they, one, it, its) and avoid first person pronouns (I, me, myself, our, we) and second person pronouns (you, your, yours). • Avoid contractions (don’t, can’t, won’t, they’re, couldn’t) and other short forms (etc, eg, ie, USA, UN). Some short forms may be acceptable. When in doubt, ask your teacher. • Do not start a sentence with a conjunction (because, and, so). • Write out numbers from one to one hundred. Use digits for numbers 101 and above. • Avoid using qualifiers (very, really). • Underline or use italics for the titles of novels, plays, books, videos, CDs or any other work that is a separate piece of published work. Use quotation marks for short works such as poems, short stories, songs, essays, news articles, or any other work that is published within a larger collection. Remember to do this in the works cited page. • Avoid using rhetorical questions. • Avoid using the exclamation mark. This should be saved for conversational pieces and dialogue.
Reference List • You space your sources out in the following way for MLA Style: • Each entry is single spaced. The first line starts at the left-hand side of the page and each subsequent line (line that comes after) is indented five spaces and five spaces only. • There is a double space between each entry. • Simply follow this pattern for all the sources you used, and you have completed your References List page.
To organize your sources, you simply put them in alphabetical order by author’s last name. If there is no author, then use the title of the source to alphabetize the sources. You never, ever, ever, number sources in a Works Cited page. You also do not divide your sources by type of source (i.e. books first, then articles, then websites etc…). It’s simple, alphabetical order by author’s last name or title if there is no author.
Works Cited Anderson, Chalon E., Amy T. Carrell, and Jimmy L. Widdifield, Jr. APA and MLA Writing Formats. Toronto: Pearson, 2004. Braly, James, and Patrick Holford. Hidden Food Allergies: The Essential Guide to Uncovering Hidden Food Allergies -- and Achieving Permanent Relief. Laguna Beach: Basic Health, 2006. Egendorf, Laura K., ed. Food. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven, 2006. Farndon, John, et al. The Great Scientists. London, UK: Arcturus, 2005. King, Martin Luther, Jr. I Have a Dream. 28 Aug. 1963. American Rhetoric. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2001-2007. 2 Mar. 2007 <http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm>.
If you use quotations they should be smoothly incorporated into your work. They should be sandwiched between a lead-in or introduction and a commentary. • The easiest way to incorporate a quotation is to begin with your own words and lead into the text words in a single sentence. Comment on the quotation in the next sentence. Here is an example: [Some of Gorbachev’s opponents in the Communist Party decided that “once more, fear would be the essence of the state” (Remnick 8). They wanted to return to a rule by terror that had been used in the Soviet Union since the reign of Stalin. They feared that if their control was relaxed, those who were persecuted by the Party in the past would seek retribution.]
Embedded citations • After a quote or piece of information from a book or website, you must source it eg. The Roman empire declined by 34 BCE (Delorey, 25) Longer quotes (3 or more lines must be indented on both sides and single spaced. Mrs. Delorey is a fabulous teacher. I hope that I have her next year for HSB 4m0. She has 2 children and has been married for 13 years. (Johnson, 25)
Transitional Words and Phrases • Adding – and, as well, in addition, also, furthermore, moreover, besides, next, again, likewise. • Illustrating – for example, for instance, in particular, in other words, such as, that is. • Contrasting – however, nevertheless, although, on the contrary, on the other hand. • Emphasizing – above all, in particular, most important, in fact, indeed. • Concluding/Summarizing – finally, on the whole, in all, in the end, in short, to sum up, hence, thus, therefore, to conclude, lastly. • Comparing – similarly, in the same way, also, likewise • Opening paragraph helpers: will be examined, will be compared, can be compared. • Connecting word helpers: both, whereas, but, while, because, although
When? • January 10 – Lab from 10-11 • January 13 – Lab during class • January 19 – Essay due in class and submitted to Turnitin.com