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The Whiley Programming Language

The Whiley Programming Language. David J. Pearce School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Motivation. Ariane 5 (destroyed shortly after take off) Mars Global Surveyor (batteries overheated) F22-Raptor (“problem” crossing meridian line)

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The Whiley Programming Language

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Whiley Programming Language David J. Pearce School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

  2. Motivation • Ariane 5 (destroyed shortly after take off) • Mars Global Surveyor (batteries overheated) • F22-Raptor (“problem” crossing meridian line) • USS Yorktown (dead in water) • Therac-25 (lethal doses of X-Rays) • …

  3. State of Play class Date { private int day; private int month; private int year; public Date(int day, int month, int year){ this.day = day; this.month = month; this.year = year; } … }

  4. Java Modelling Language (JML) class Date { // 30 days hath Sept, Apr, Jun and Nov // all the rest have 31, … // except February, which has 28 … //@ invariant ((month!=9 && month!=4 && month!=6 //@ && month!=11) || day <= 30) && //@ 1 <= day <= 31 && 1 <= months <= 12 && //@ (month!=2 || day <= 28); private int day, month, year; … }

  5. Verifying OO Programs: The Challenge class TableRow<T> { private List<T> rows; … void set(List<T> rs) { rows = rs; } void copy(List<T> to) { for(int i=0;i!=rows.size();++i) { to.add(rows.get(i)); } } }

  6. Verifying OO Programs: The Challenge • Does this make sense ? class Date { … //@ ensures \result.compareTo(this) > 0; public Date nextDay() { … } public int compareTo(Date d) { … } }

  7. Introducting Whiley !!! • Hybrid OO – Functional Language • Compiles to JVM • Performs Compile-Time Checking of Constraints

  8. Functional Core • Functional functions • No aliasing or side-effects • Pass-by-value records, lists + sets • Constraints checked at compile time define int where$ >= 0as nat int f(nat a, nat b)ensures $ > 0: ifa == b: return 1 else: return a + b

  9. Quick Demo

  10. Numbers • OOP: Modular Arithimetic + Floating Point • Whiley: unbounded ints + rationals define int where$ >= 0&& $ < 256asbyte real f(byte x): if x > 0: return 18372.382349823409823409234 return x + 1

  11. Implicit Subtyping define int where$ >= 0as nat define int where$ > 0as pint pint f(nat a) : return a + 1 int g(nat x): return x – 1 nat y = … int z = g(y) • OOP: subtyping explicit via inheritance • Whiley: Subtyping is implicit, not explicit

  12. Lists + Quantifiers • OOP: sets/lists are objects • JML: quantifies may not be computable • Whiley: Support for first-class lists/sets • Whiley: Support for computable quantifiers define [int] whereno {x in $ | x<0} as nats int sum(nats ns, int i) requires 0<=i && i<|ns|, ensures $ >= 0: return ns[i]

  13. Imperative Outer Layer define process(int x, int y)as PointProc void PointProc::update(int z): this->y = z void System::main([string] args): PointProc pp = spawn (x:1,y:2) pp->update(3) print str(*pp) • OOP: objects may be concurrently modified • OOP: methods have re-entrant semantics • Whiley: process methods execute atomically • Whiley: methods are not re-entrant

  14. Parser Type Checker SMT Solver Bytecode Generator Verification Compiler Overview

  15. whiley.org (under construction)

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