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WV FFA Judging Contest Agronomy - Weeds First Edition, 2002 By Tom McCutcheon

WV FFA Judging Contest Agronomy - Weeds First Edition, 2002 By Tom McCutcheon.

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WV FFA Judging Contest Agronomy - Weeds First Edition, 2002 By Tom McCutcheon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WV FFAJudging ContestAgronomy - WeedsFirst Edition, 2002By Tom McCutcheon

  2. The following PowerPoint presentation was assembled by Thomas McCutcheon. The information was assembled from various sources publicly available on the Internet. The information was gathered over a period of time and from sources too numerous to list individually. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of these web sites and publicly express his sincere appreciation for the assistance. The presentation was assembled solely for educational purposes. The author did not or will never receive financial reward for the preparation of the presentation. The presentation may be copied and distributed in parts or in its entirety for educational purposes. If any part of this presentation is distributed, the efforts of Mr. McCutcheon in assembling the materials must be recognized. The distributor may not receive any financial compensation for this service. Tom McCutcheonExtension Agent and Extension Clinical Assistant ProfessorTom.McCutcheon@mail.wvu.edu WVU Monongalia County Extension Office 26 Commerce Drive, WesMon Plaza Morgantown, WV 26501 (304) 291-7201 FAX (304) 291-7202

  3. Barnyardgrass

  4. Canada Thistle

  5. Chickweed

  6. Cocklebur

  7. Dodder

  8. Horsenettle

  9. Jimsonweed

  10. Johnsongrass

  11. Lambsquarter

  12. Wild Carrot

  13. Wild Onion

  14. Smartweed

  15. Yellow Nutsedge

  16. Wild Mustard

  17. Dandelion

  18. Common Purslane

  19. Morning Glory

  20. Curly Dock

  21. Crown Vetch

  22. Crabgrass

  23. Common Ragweed

  24. Cheat

  25. Buckhorn Plaintain

  26. Broadleaf Plaintain

  27. Pigweed

  28. Sericea Lespedeza

  29. Birdsfoot Trefoil

  30. Yellow Sweet Clover

  31. Ironweed

  32. Velvetleaf

  33. Orchardgrass

  34. Alfalfa

  35. Chicory

  36. Three-seeded Mercury

  37. Smooth Bromegrass

  38. White Clover

  39. Red Clover

  40. Fescue

  41. Korean Lespedeza

  42. Goldenrod

  43. Bluegrass

  44. Broomsedge

  45. Timothy

  46. Reed Canary Grass

  47. Yarrow

  48. Quackgrass

  49. Canada Bluegrass

  50. Oxeye Daisy

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