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Une histoire. Imparfait et pass é composé. You will be writing a short story in the past tense. It can be written in the first person or third person. Illustrations are helpful and visually appealing, but not required. Have your story in mind and be prepared to create Friday and Monday.
Une histoire Imparfait et passé composé
You will be writing a short story in the past tense. • It can be written in the first person or third person. • Illustrations are helpful and visually appealing, but not required. • Have your story in mind and be prepared to create Friday and Monday.
Setting the stage • Begin by setting the stage. This portion will be written in the imperfect tense. • What time was it? • Where was the main character? • Describe the surroundings and what was happening. • What was the weather like?
Setting the stage • What were other characters in the middle of doing? • What actions and activities were in progress? • How was the main character feeling physically and emotionally?
What happened? • Continue your story by telling what happened? This portion will be written in the passé composé. • What was or were the main event(s)? • What specific events happened? • Use sequence words to move the story along:
The main event(s) • Ensuite, puis, après ça, finalement • Donc: therefore • Alors: so • A ce moment-là: At that point • Bref: anyway • Heureusement: fortunately • Malheureusement: unfortunately
Verbs to use: • Vandertrampp verbs are good for moving the story forward. • Tomber, mourir, descendre, entrer, sortir, partir, rentrer, aller, venir, monter, arriver • See your list of common irregular verbs and stems • Regular –er, -ir and –re verbs
se casser • se dépêcher • se brosser • se raser • s’habiller • se reposer • conduire • écrire • tomber
mourir • voir • heurter: to run into • traverser: to cross • s’écraser: to crash into • Sauter: to jump • Renverser: to spill • Tourner: to turn
Se couper • Se fouler • Déchirer • Perdre • Rencontrer • entendre