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Doodle Couture offers the newest and highest quality dog accessories, affordable walking sets, and luxury dog gift sets. Our coordinated styles inspire conversations and encourage new friends at the dog park. Come view our wide selection of dog collars and leashes if you&re shopping for cute stuff for your small pet!
MeetCooper-Doodle Couture Doodle Couture was inspired by love for one very specialGoldendoodlenamedCooper.Cooperjoined our family in 2020 and he has filled our hearts and changedourlivesforever. When Cooper was a puppy, I couldn't find anything stylishforhimtouseeveryday.Everythingwaseither too cutesy or too boring. I wanted something that reflected my own sense of casual style and was durableenoughforeverydayuse.Thatdesirewasthe inspirationbehindDoodleCouture.
Our Exclusive Harness Collection Buy the best quality, stylish & luxury dog harness for your pooch for a seamless style makeover of yourownfurbaby.Selectfromthe finest harness collection in different styles only from Doodle Couture.
Our Exclusive Leashes Collection Buy the best quality, stylish & luxury dog leashes for your pooch for a seamless style makeover of your own fur baby. Selectfromthefinestcollectionofleashesindifferentstyles onlyfromDoodleCouture.
OurExclusiveCollar Collection Buythebestquality,stylish&luxurydogcollarsforyourpooch foraseamlessstylemakeoverofyourownfurbaby.Selectfrom the finest collection of dog collars in different styles only from DoodleCouture.
OurExclusiveWasteBagHolders Collection Buythebestquality,stylish&luxuryoutdoordogwastebag holderforyourpoochforaseamlessstylemakeoverofyour ownfurbaby.Selectfromthefinestcollectionofdogwaste bagholdersindifferentstylesonlyfromDoodleCouture.
The Bond Handsfree Retractable Leash with LEDSpotlight-DoodleCouture OurexclusiveandinnovativeBondLeashwilllightup your walks like never before! Pair with a Doodle Coutureharness,andyou&llbereadyforthe spotlight. Built-in LED light - Designed to brighten thewayonearlymorningoreveningwalks. Provides greatervisibilityofyourdogandthepathahead. Makesclean-up
Our Exclusive WrapsCollection Buythebestquality,stylish&luxurybandanasforyourpooch for a seamless style makeover of your own fur baby. Select from the finest collection of dog bandanas in different styles &colorsonlyfromDoodleCouture.
Our ExclusiveBowTieCollection- DoodleCouture Buythebestquality,stylish&luxurybowtiesforyourpoochforaseamless style makeover of your own fur baby. Select from the finest collection of dogbowtiesindifferentstyles&colorsonlyfromDoodleCouture.
ContactUs MailingAddressandPhone DoodleCouture,NewYork 860WillisAvenue#104 Albertson, NY 11507 hello@doodlecouture.com 516-591-0008 https://doodlecouture.com