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Topics to be covered. WorkplaceOccupational Health and Safety Act 2004Occupational Health
1. Asbestos Occupational Health and SafetyEnvironmental Health Practitioners/ Officers Halil Ahmet
Senior Occupational Hygienist
WorkSafe Victoria
2. Topics to be covered Workplace
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
Occupational Health & Safety (Asbestos) Regulations 2003
3. OHS Act 2004 - Workplace Workplace: A place, whether or not in a building or structure, where employees or self-employed persons work
Office workers
Factory workers
Environmental Health Practitioners/Officers
4. OHS Act 2004 - Main duty of employer Section 21(1)
An employer must, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide and maintain for employees of the employer a working environment that is safe and without risks to health.
5. OHS Act 2004 - Main duty of employer Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
Section 20(2) – reasonably practicable
Likelihood of the hazard or risk eventuating
Degree of harm that would result if the hazard or risk eventuated
Knowledge of the hazard or risk and ways of eliminating (or reducing) the hazard or risk
Availability/suitability of ways to eliminate or reduce the hazard or risk
Cost of eliminating or reducing the hazard or risk.
6. Regulation made under the Act Occupational Health and Safety (Asbestos) Regulation 2003
More specific duties related to asbestos
Part 2, regulation 202(1):
An employer or self-employed person must eliminate, or where this is not practicable, must reduce, so far as is practicable, the exposure of persons at the workplace to airborne asbestos fibres, arising from the conduct of the undertaking of the employer or self-employed person.
7. Asbestos Regulations 2003 Part 2, regulation 204:
An employer must provide employees with such information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the employees to perform their work in a manner that is safe and without risks to their health in relation to –
the nature of the hazard and the risk associated with exposure to asbestos; and
the need for, and proper use of, measures to control the risk.
8. Asbestos Regulations 2003 Part 8 – Activities involving asbestos containing products and materials:
a task which is likely to create airborne asbestos fibres in excess of one half of the exposure standard. The standard is 0.1 fibres/ml.
This type of exposure is highly unlikely to be encountered by
Environmental Health Practitioners/Officers (EHP/O) in
domestic premises. However managers of EHP/O need to be
aware of this requirement in order to prevent the likelihood of
it ever occurring.
9. Risk assessment Assess the risk by reviewing the activity as a whole:
how the request for a visit/inspection is generated - so as to capture relevant information*
who goes out to the domestic premises (training/knowledge/equipment)
determine whether the complainant needs to be contacted, by the person going to the site, for further information
review what takes place at the premises [how is an initial assessment* of the site undertaken (frequency, duration, proximity, likely level of fibre exposure), what questions are asked, are/should samples be taken, do EHP/O use or are they required to use personal protective equipment – (type)]
What is the level of risk for EHP/O?
* Appendix 2 of “Environmental Health Notes No. 2 Guidelines for Local Government on
10. Risk controls Implement Controls
Proforma* for taking complaints and attending sites that identifies:
potential asbestos products,
whether the site is a workplace or not, and
the likely level of risk (to both EHP/O and public)
Trained staff attend site visits generated from such calls
Discussion away from the works area to minimise potential exposure
Use of Personal protective equipment if deemed to be required (Eg. P1 or P2 re-usable/disposable respirator that meets AS 1716 and disposable overalls)
[Remedial action – based on Councils enforcement procedures]
* Appendix 2 of “Environmental Health Notes No. 2 Guidelines for Local Government on
11. Training Training
In relation to the above controls
On use (and maintenance if required) of personal protective equipment (Eg. respirators - fit testing and fit checking – AS 1715)
Operational procedures (Health Act Nuisance Notice, provision of educational material, etc.)
A written record of the risk assessment and controls to be
implemented would assist in ensuring controls are followed.
12. Example A phone complaint is received - ACTION:
A proforma is completed at head office identifying:
Refurbishment where asbestos cement products (friable/non-friable) are likely to be involved;
it appears to be the homeowner performing the task (i.e. not a workplace);
its location – inside, back yard, etc.; and
complainant name and contact details, etc.
The proforma is provided to a trained* EHP/O
EHP/O attends the site and
evaluates/reviews the site from a distance (if practical);
phones the complainant for further details (if required); and
determines if it is safe to approach the site to gather more information
* The EHP/O is trained in “suspect” asbestos identification, asbestos hazard/risk, implementation of controls and Operational procedures.
13. Example (cont.) A phone complaint is received – ACTION (cont.):
discusses concerns with the homeowner away from where the activity is taking place and establishes:
it is a small renovation project;
non-powered (hand tools) are being used;
the AC products are being kept damp to minimise airborne dust;
the AC waste will be wrapped and taken to an EPA licensed tip; and
the homeowner is aware of the hazards of asbestos
the EHP/O
confirms the above by inspecting the area where the activity is taking place
provides the homeowner a copy of “Asbestos in the home”
Completes any required paper
If there is potential for exposure to airborne asbestos fibres
consider use of a respirator (and possibly disposable overalls); and
minimise time spent in the activity area; OR
“operationally” such an inspection may be prohibited and a follow-up visit may be required.
14. Questions?