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CS412/413. Introduction to Compilers and Translators Spring ’99 Lecture 14: Canonical Intermediate Code. Administration. Prelim 1 on Monday in class topics covered: regular expressions, tokenizing, context-free grammars, LL & LR parsers, static semantics No class Wednesday

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  1. CS412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators Spring ’99 Lecture 14: Canonical Intermediate Code

  2. Administration • Prelim 1 on Monday in class • topics covered: regular expressions, tokenizing, context-free grammars, LL & LR parsers, static semantics • No class Wednesday • Programming Assignment 2 due Friday • Prelim review tomorrow (Saturday) 7-9 PM CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  3. Where we are abstract syntax tree translation functions intermediate code canonicalization canonical intermediate code code generation assembly code CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  4. Why canonical form? • Intermediate code has general tree form • easy to generate from AST, but... • Hard to translate directly to assembly • assembly code is a sequence of statements • Intermediate code has nodes corresponding to assembly statements deep in expression trees • Canonical form: all statements brought up to top level of tree -- can generate assembly directly CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  5. Statements • Statements corresponding to assembly: • MOVE, JUMP, CJUMP, EXP(CALL(…), MOVE(CALL(…),…), LABEL • Extra constructs to make IR gen easier: SEQ, ESEQ, CALL (as arbitrary expression) • SEQ, ESEQ keep track of what order two statements (or a statement and an expression) are supposed to be evaluated in • need to get rid of these and also move CALL expressions up to top under MOVE or EXP CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  6. SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ + SEQ ESEQ LABEL CALL SEQ MOVE Canonicalization SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ ... ... MOVE JUMP LABEL EXP ... CALL CALL CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  7. Pulling statements up • Can’t have statement nodes under an expression node • Can only occur because of ESEQ(s,e) • For each expression node type, canonicalize transforms an expression e into statements (s1, s2, s3,…) and a side-effect-free expression e´ • Can implement recursively CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  8. Rewrite rules • Canonicalize e: e (s1, s2, s3,…), e’ e (s1,…, sm ), e’ ESEQ(s, e)  (s, s1,…, sm ), e’ e1  (s1,…, sm), e’1 e2  (s’1,…, s’n), e’2 +(e1,e2)  (s1,…, sm, MOVE(e’1,TEMP(t)), s’1,…, s’n), +(TEMP(t), e’ 2) e1  (s1,…, sm), e’1 e2  (), e’2 +(e1,e2)  (s1,…, sm), +(e’1, e’ 2) CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  9. CALL nodes • CALL nodes call a function which may have side effects • Overwrites return value register at least; can’t be operand at assembly-code level • Therefore, CALL nodes must move to top • Idea: CALL( f, args)Þ (MOVE(CALL(f, args), TEMP(t)), TEMP(t) CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  10. Flattening SEQ nodes • All SEQ nodes now top level or children only of SEQ nodes • No ESEQ nodes -- all statement nodes are children of SEQ nodes • All CALL nodes children of EXP nodes or MOVE nodes at top level • Final step: linearize SEQ nodes: in-order SEQ ... SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ SEQ s1 s2 s3 s4 s1 s2 s3 s4 CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  11. Linearization rules •  for statements: s (s1, s2, s3,…) s1 (s1,…sm ) s2  (s’1,…, s’n) SEQ(s1, s2)  (s1,…sm, s’1,…, s’n) e1 (s1,…sm ), e’1 e2 (s’1,…s’n ), e’2 MOVE(e1, e2 )  (s1,…sm , s’1,…s’n , MOVE(e’1 , e’2)) CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  12. Flattened tree • Two recursive transformations s (s1, s2, s3,…) e (s1, s2, s3,…), e’ • Can be applied to any IR tree s • Result: a linear list of statements (s1, s2, s3,…) • All statements one of MOVE, JUMP, CJUMP, EXP(CALL(…), MOVE(CALL(…),…), LABEL CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  13. Conditional jumps • IR is now just a linear list of statements • Still contains CJUMP nodes : two-way branches • Real machines : fall-through branches (e.g. JZ, JNZ) CJUMP e, t, f ... LABEL(t) if-true code LABEL(f) evaluate e JZ f if-true code f: CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  14. Basic blocks • A basic block is a sequence of statements that is always begun at its start and always exits at the end: • starts with a LABEL(n) statement • ends with a JUMP or CJUMP statement • contains no other JUMP or CJUMP statement • contains no interior LABEL that is used as the target for a JUMP or CJUMP from elsewhere CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  15. Fixing conditional jumps • Reorder basic blocks so that (if possible) • the “false” direction of two-way jumps goes to the very next block • JUMPs go to the next block • What if not satisfied? • For CJUMP add another JUMP immediately after to go to the right basic block • How to find such an ordering of the basic blocks? CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  16. Traces • Idea: order blocks according to a possible trace: a sequence of blocks that might (naively) be executed in sequence, never visiting a block more than once • Algorithm: • pick an unmarked block (begin w/ start block) • run a trace until no more unmarked blocks can be visited, marking each block on arrival • repeat until no more unmarked blocks CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  17. 1 2 4 5 3 Example • Possible traces? CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  18. 1 Arranging by traces 1 1 2 4 5 3 2 3 2 4 4 5 5 3 CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  19. Conclusions • Simple code transformations () can transform the IR representation into a canonical form that is similar to assembly code. • Get rid of ESEQ, SEQ nodes • Move CALL to top level • Convert to linear sequence of statements • Make all CJUMP’s one-way jumps by identifying, rearranging basic blocks. • Result: ready to generate assembly code! CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

  20. Reminder • Prelim 1 on Monday in class • topics covered: regular expressions, tokenizing, context-free grammars, LL & LR parsers, static semantics • No class Wednesday • Programming Assignment 2 due Friday • Prelim review tomorrow (Saturday) 7-9 PM CS 412/413 Introduction to Compilers and Translators -- Spring '99 Andrew Myers

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