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SM KING. Snuffing Out Your Life. A Smoking History!!!.
SM KING Snuffing Out Your Life......
A Smoking History!!! “In ancient times, when the land was barren and the people were starving, the Great Spirit sent forth a woman to save humanity. As she traveled over the world, everywhere her right hand touched the soil, there grew potatoes. And everywhere her left hand touched the soil, there grew corn. And when the world was rich and fertile, she sat down and rested. When she arose, there grew tobacco . . .” Ancient Huron Indian Myth Ages ago, a very great and powerful spirit lay down by the side of his fire to sleep in the forest. While so lying, his arch-enemy came that way, and thought it would be a good chance for mischief; so, gently approaching the sleeper, he rolled him over toward the fire, till his head rested among the glowing embers, and his hair was set ablaze. The roaring of the fire in his ears roused the good spirit, and, leaping to his feet, he rushed in a fright through the forest, and as he did so the wind caught his singed hair as it flew off, and, carrying it away, sowed it broadcast over the earth, into which it sank and took root, and grew up tobacco Ancient history of tobacco and smoking dates back to 6000 BC when it was developed in the Mayan culture in the Americas where it was smoked in sacred and religious ceremonies. The Mayan term for smoking was sik'ar. The Mayans scattered giving rise to various tribes; and a complex system of religious and political rites was developed around tobacco. As early as 1 AD, tobacco was believed to be a cure-all, and was used to dress wounds, as well as a pain killer. Chewing tobacco was believed to relieve the pain of a toothache! Columbus, upon his discovery of the New World, on November 6, 1492, mentioned their use of “strange dry leaves”. And wrote of “men with half burnt wood in their hands with a strange smell.” The first European to smoke was Rodrigo de Jerez, one of Columbus's crew members, whose wife denounced him to the Inquisition as a man who "swallows fire, exhales smoke, and is surely possessed by the devil."
Pipe of Peace to Weapon of Mass Destruction Origin lies in the medicine pipe stem adorned with carvings which the native tribes used for religious purposes. These were buried along with the chieftain upon his death! The Mayans and Aztecs smoked in hollow pipes and reeds Cigar smoking, was discovered in Cuba by Columbus. The Cuban natives smoked a crude form of the modern day cigar during religious ceremonies. The cigar was wrapped with maize and filled with tobacco leaves. Seville, Spain is recognized as being the birthplace of the modern cigar, and smoking cigars quickly became a sign of wealth and dominated America and Europe. Cigarette is actually the French adaptation of the Spanish word “Sigarito” literally meaning “little cigar”. Cigarettes originated in Turkey and were brought to Britain and US by the soldiers in the Crimean War. Thus originated the art of rolling tobacco in newspaper as it was easier to smoke it that way while marching. They were called "Papirossi” Some say that cigarettes were invented in 1614 by beggars in Seville, Spain, a center for cigar production. The beggars collected scrap tobacco and rolled it in paper.
Little Cylinders of Death Cigarettes were known as the “Soldier’s Drink”, and became hugely popular during the two world wars. In fact they were even part of soldier rations! 1883 was the year that saw machine rolled cigarettes for the first time and production went up from 500 million to 10 billion!! When a cigarette burns, it produces smoke which is made of tiny particles mixed with gases. When a smoker puffs on a cigarette, whole smoke, including particles and gases is sucked through the tobacco rod and the filter and some of the particles get trapped. "The modern cigarette is extremely complex. It contains everything from sugar to liquorice, chocolate, herbs and spices. There are 8000 or more chemicals that come out when you light it and having them delivered in the right ratios is a substantial engineering feat." On average, each cigarette you smoke shortens your life by 11 minutes!
A Complex & Deadly Cocktail 4000 different chemicals!! 69 proven cancer causing !
It’s All the Same Thing • Smoked forms of tobacco • Bidis, Cigarettes, Cigars, Cheroots, Chuttas, Dhumti, Pipe, Hooklis, Chillum, Hookah. • Smokeless forms of tobacco • Paan (betel quid) with tobacco, Paan masala with tobacco • Tobacco, areca nut and slaked lime preparations, Mainpuri tobacco, Mawa, Khaini, chewing tobacco, snus, gutkha • Tobacco products for application: Mishri, Gul, Bajjar, Lal dantmanjan, Gudhaku, Creamy snuff, Tobacco water, Nicotine chewing gum. There are currently about 240 million tobacco users aged 15 years and above (195 million male users and 45 million female users) in India.
As ye smoke, so shall ye reek NICOTINE IS AS ADDICTIVE AS HEROIN AND COCAINE Nicotine enters blood in less than 7 seconds & creates a “BUZZ” Tolerance to Nicotine develops over time – need MORE CIGARETTES Brain gets used to and dependent on nicotine Have another cigarette Quit Smoking, wait it out, dependence on nicotine decreases When Nicotine levels drop, symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety, cravings, crabbiness and anger occur.
Tobacco drieth the brain, dimmeth the sight, vitiateth the smell, hurteth the stomach, destroyeth the concoction, disturbeth the humors and spirits, corrupteth the breath, induceth a trembling of the limbs, exsiccateth the windpipe, lungs, and liver, annoyeth the milt, scorcheth the heart, and causeth the blood to be adjusted. -Tobias Venner, (1577-1660) Via Recta ad Vitam Longam , Source: Bloomsbury book of quotations
Tobacco use is the NUMBER 1 PREVENTABLE CAUSE OF DEATH across the world. It causes 1 in 10 deaths among adults worldwide Smoking alone currently causes about 700,000 deaths per year in India. It causes 1 death every 6 seconds. The death toll is projected to reach more than 8 million by 2030. More than 80% of all tobacco related deaths are in developing countries. Adults who smoke tend to die an average of 13 to 14 years prematurely. One billion are estimated to die in 21st century Costs US $92 Billion a year in the US alone.
Smoking is directly responsible for 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in women in the U.S. each year. Current female smokers aged 35 or older are 12 times more likely than nonsmoking females to die prematurely from lung cancer and COPD. Female smokers have lower bone density and increased risk of hip fractures. Women who smoke reach menopause almost 2 years earlier than those who do not. They also have decreased fertility. "Smoking during pregnancy is associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight, premature rupture of membranes, placenta previa, miscarriage, and neonatal death. New borns whose mothers smoked during pregnancy have the same nicotine levels in their bloodstream's as adults who smoke, and they go through withdrawal during their first days of life." (World Health Organization) Every Day About 100,000 Young People Worldwide Become Addicted to Tobacco
Smoking & Cancer • Over 25% of smokers die of lung cancer, and smokers are 18 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. • Lung cancer has the highest mortality rates for any cancer in both men and women. • Over 90% of lung cancer cases in men and 65% cases in women are directly related to smoking • Smoking causes cancer in almost all organs of the body • India has the highest incidence of Oral Cancer in the world which is directly related to tobacco consumption.
Second hand smoke is the most common cause of preventable death in non smokers. 3,000 cancer related and 50, 000 heart disease related non smoker deaths can be directly attributed to passive smoking each year. • The process of smoking produces three types of smoke: • Mainstream smoke: This is smoke directly inhaled by the smoker through a burning cigarette. • Exhaled mainstream smoke: This is smoke breathed out by the smoker. • Side stream smoke: This is smoke which drifts from the burning end of a cigarette. • Secondhand smoke (SHS) is the combination of exhaled mainstream smoke and side stream smoke. • Secondhand smoke is also called environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). • Breathing in secondhand smoke is also referred to as passive smoking. • Side stream smoke contains much higher levels of many of the poisons and cancer-causing chemicals in cigarettes, including: • up to three times as much carbon monoxide • five times more cadmium • 3-10 times more polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons • 10-40 times more Nitrosamines • about 15 times more benzene • 40-70 times more ammonia
Within 20 minutes of quitting:Blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature become normal At 8 hours:Carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal and the oxygen level increases At 48 hours:your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level. 2 weeks to 3 months:Circulation improves, lung function improves by 30% 1 to 9 months:coughs, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease 1 year:Your risk of heart disease is reduced by half 5 – 15 years:Your risk of stroke reduces to that of a non smoker. 10 years:your risk of lung cancer reduces to half. Additionally, your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases. 15 years: your risk of heart disease is back to that of a non smoker’s.
What We Offer A 2005 study estimated the total cost of secondhand smoke exposure in the United States at $10 billion annually, $5 billion in direct medical costs, and $5 billion in indirect costs such as lost productivity and absenteeism. • Detailed Packages specifically suited to people exposed to cigarette smoke: • Screening Panel for Smokers • Comprehensive Panel for Smokers • Complete Blood Count • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate • Eosinophil Count • Lipid Profiles • Liver Profiles • Electrolyte Estimations • Diabetic Evaluations and Screening Panels for blood sugar levels • Hs-CRP • Pulmonary Function Tests • Chest X-Rays • ECG • Ultrasound Whole Abdomen • Dental/Oral examination • Detailed General Physical Examination to assess damage to your body and tips on a healthier lifestyle. • Evaluation tests for bone health • Tests for Lung health and tuberculosis detection • Tests and panels for Heart Health evaluation • Oral Counseling and services • Detailed evaluation for the entire respiratory system and asthma • Comprehensive evaluation for hypertension, and other associated risk factors for heart disease. • Screening and detailed investigations for all cancers. • Emotional wellbeing services at select centers. • Lifestyle Counseling following whole body checks. • Comprehensive all system checkups for males and females in the form of various preventive health packages. We will customize one for you depending upon your age, risk factors, and your choice.
Complete Wellness:The SRL Way…… • Super Religare Labs, India’s largest diagnostic network and a symbol of diagnostic excellence has firmly established its presence as a Wellness initiative for complete physical and life – style based preventive health services. • Along with the exhaustive pathology test menu which is the forte of SRL, the Wellness initiative focuses on a preventive approach to good health. • We offer comprehensive pre – employment and regular screening with exhaustive lifestyle counselling* for keeping you healthy, as well as accurate monitoring and lifestyle modification for a healthier and happier life. *Available at select centers