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Unveiling Futuristic Inventions: A Journey into Scientific Non-Fiction Writing

Learn the art of crafting authoritative scientific non-fiction using linguistic and grammatical devices. Explore innovative inventions like a teleportation portal, portable solar energy device, or brain information chip. Discover features and designs for effective writing in this educational lesson.

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Unveiling Futuristic Inventions: A Journey into Scientific Non-Fiction Writing

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  1. Truth is Stranger than Fiction Lesson Nine: Be able to write authoritative scientific non-fiction by selecting from your repertoire of linguistic and grammatical devices

  2. Funding Wars A teleportation portal. A device for storing solar energy on the go. A chip which allows you to ‘download’ information in to your brain.

  3. Features of Scientific Non-Fiction • Use of an expert • Specialist technical vocabulary • Present tense • complex sentences to explain cause and effect (processes)

  4. Designing your writing Choose one of these inventions (or think of your own). Write a magazine article explaining your chosen invention. • Who is your reader? • What is the purpose of your article? • What effect/s do you want to create?

  5. Your Repertoire • Effective concise headlines • Effective nouns, verbs, adjectives • Expanded noun phrases for detail • Long coordinated sentences, with clauses linked by semicolons or colons • Dashes to disrupt a sentence at the moment of climax • A one word question followed by a summing-up statement • Rhetorical questions • Imperatives • Quotations from Experts • Complex sentences to show processes

  6. Evaluating and Improving Read through your article and find at least two things that you think you could improve. These might be sentences, phrases or individual words. If you can, improve them.

  7. “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”Mark Twain

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