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Explore the state of water & sanitation in the Pacific region, focusing on SDG6, SAMOA Pathway, and the Framework for Pacific Regionalism. Learn about the challenges, initiatives, and potential engagement of Pacific Water Ministers in achieving SDGs. Discover data on water sources and sanitation facilities in the Pacific and the sustainable development frameworks for the region. Gain insights into the Pacific's commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development, security, governance, and economic growth. Enhance your understanding of the Pacific values and the region's vision for peace, harmony, and prosperity.
Current status of the Pacific Water and Sanitation Sector & SDG6 in relation to SDGs, SAMOA Pathway, &Framework for Pacific Regionalism (FPR) 3RD PACIFIC WATER & WASTEWATER MINISTERS FORUM 8 August 2017 Presentation by Samoa Government and the Pacific SDGs Taskforce Aggies Sheraton Hotel, Apia Samoa
Talk outline PART 1 • Water and sanitation outcomes in the Pacific PART 2 • SDG6 within the SDGs, FPR and SAMOA Pathway & Pacific Sustainable Development Roadmap • Pacific Sustainable Development Roadmap – how it can be used for monitoring actions at regional & national levels PART 3 • How Water Sector & Pacific Water Ministers could potentially engage in regional mechanisms for achievement of the SDGs in the Pacific
Percentage of populations using improved drinking water sources in 2013 Percentage of populations using improved sanitationfacilities in 2013 Source: WHO & UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme
Proportion of PIC populations using improved drinking water sources, 2012 Proportion of PIC populations using improved sanitation facilities, 2012 world average 89% world average 64% Indicative data from UNICEF/WHO JMP
Massive effort required to meet proposed SDGs of universal access by 2030 5.2M 3.1M Source: Sanitation, Drinking-Water and Health in Pacific Island Countries: 2015 Update and Future Outlook, UNICEF, WHO, UN-HABITAT and SPC 2016
3 Key Sustainable Development Frameworks for the Pacific UN Global 1 193 UN Member countries (16 Forum member countries plus territories through NZ, USA, France) UN SIDS 48 Smaller Island Developing States (SIDS) (20 Pacific Island countries & territories (incl East Timor) 2 Pacific Islands Forum 3 22 Forum members, associate member states & territories Pacific Islands Countries & Territories 22 Forum Members & Territories Pacific Islands Countries & Territories 22 Pacific Island Countries & Territories
2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development & SDGs Universal agenda for ALL PEOPLE, PLANET, PROSPERITY Leaving NO ONE Behind 17 Goals 169 Targets 230 Indicators
Smaller Islands Developing States Accelerated Modalities Of Action (SAMOA) Pathway for SIDS (2014) 15 themes or 21 priorities Special case of SIDS - Smalleness, geographic isolation, limited resources and capacities, vulnerability to disasters, climate change & external shocks • Economic growth • Sustainable Tourism • Climate change • Sustainable energy • Disaster risk reduction • Oceans and seas • Food security and nutrition • Water and sanitation • Sustainable transportation • Sustainable consumption and production • Management of chemicals and waste • Health and non-communicable diseases • Gender equality • Social development • culture and sport • peaceful societies • education • Biodiversity • Desertification • Forests • Invasive alien species
Framework for Pacific Regionalism (2015) Pooling/sharing resources Regional Cooperation Regional Collaboration Regional Integration PACIFIC LEADERS VISION A region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead free, healthy and productive lives. OBJECTIVE 1 Sustainable development that combines economic, social and cultural development in ways that improves livelihoods and well-being and use the environment sustainably OBJECTIVE 3 Security that ensures stable and safe human, environmental and political conditions for all OBJECTIVE 4 Strengthened Governance, Legal, Financial and Administrative Systems OBJECTIVE 2 Economic growth that is inclusive and equitable • PACIFIC VALUES • Depend on integrity of our vast oceans , Cultures, tradition and religious beliefs • Good gov., democratic values, rule of law, promotion of human rights, gender equality and just societies/ Peaceful, safe, security, well-being, inclusivity, equity, equality / Effective, open honest relationships, inclusive/ enduring partnerships based on mutual accountability and respect.
Pacific Leaders Forum, Papua New Guinea 2015 Pacific Leaders decisions on the SDGs WHO PIFS + CROP + UN agencies to lead Pacific coordination (CROP SDWG & Pacific SDGTF & Reference Group) to deliver on: • WHAT • Commitment to 2030 Agenda implementation (unfinished MDGs) • Contextualisation of SDGs /SAMOA Pathway (including regional indicators) • Integrated process of follow up & review over next 15 years • Development partners to support Implementation WHEN By Sept 2016 & Sept 2017 at Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Pohnpei & Apia • HOW • Country driven • Consultative & inclusive processes • Integrated reporting of SDGs, SAMOA Pathway and FPR • Use existing national & regional mechanisms • Reduce the reporting burden on countries Pacific SDGs Roadmap
2016 - Pacific SDG Taskforce Membership (23) Reference Group 3 CROP reps + PIFS (chair of SDWG) SPC, SPREP, USP, PIFS Chair & Secretariat (PIFS) PLUS • Additional members from countries, partners, non-state actors that volunteer • Provide timely feedback to the Taskforce on the roadmap 2 9 COUNTRY reps Fiji, Samoa (IAEG SDGs Indictors Reps) Cook Islands (Poly Rep), RMI (Micronesia Rep, Solomon Islands (Melanesia Rep), NZ (rep for NZ/Aus)PNG Rep Vanuatu (PSSC chair/govt statistician) Tonga (SDGTF Data TWG chair/govt statistician) 1 3 3 Multilateral reps UNDP, UNESCAP, WB (MDBs) 4 6 5 3 bilateral reps EU, USA + 1 TBC 3 Non-state Actors reps (PIPSO, PIANGO, + FCOSS) 1 rep from Academic/Think Tanks Pacific Institute of Public Policy
22 & 23 June SDGTF 1st Meeting to draft Roadmap SDG Roadmpa FOC papers disseminated Leaders Forum FSM 2nd SDGTF Meeting to elaborate Roadmap & prepare for SDG consultation Pacific Draft OUTLINE of SDGs Roadmap endorsed Pacific Sustainable Development Roadmap Timelines 2016-2017 Pacific SDGTF established FOC meeting 2016 FOC meeting Pacific Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Sustainable Development 3rd SDGTF Meeting to elaborate Roadmap & prepare for SDG consultation SDG Final Roadmpa FOC papers disseminated FEMMto consider Draft Roadmap 6Th SDGTF Meeting ftoinalise Roadmap Implementation Straetegy Leaders Forum Samoa Pacific Roadmap for Sustainable Development endorsed 2017
KEY ELEMENTS OF THE PACIFIC ROADMAP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • SUPPORTING IMPLEMENTATION • Coordinated regional support to countries to assess/map the Means of Implementation, tailor SDGs targets/indicators in national development plans/budgets, strengthen national statistical systems & help deliver & report on SDGs/SAMOA Pathway/FPR 2018 REGIONAL PRIORITIES, MONITORING & INDICATORS Regional Priorities established and monitored regionally through Initial Regional set of Sustainable Development Indicators 1 • LEADERSHIP & COORDINATION • Establishing/strengthening national & regional leadership &coordination mechanisms for sustainable development (National Plans/SDGs/SAMOA Pathway/FPR) implementation & monitoring INTEGRATED REPORTING Integrated regional Process of Follow up and Review for SDGs/SAMOA Pathway/FPR & PLGED through the 4 yearly Pacific Sustainable Development Report ADVOCACY & COMMUNICATIONS on the Pacific Roadmap for Sustainable Development and on SDGs/SAMOA Pathway and FPR at all levels across Pacific countries engaging all stakeholders 2 Planning & Implementation 3 4 5 4th ECOSOC HLPF 9th ECOSOC HLPF 3rd Pacific Sustainable Development Rpt 4th Pacific Sustainable Development Rpt 7th ECOSOC HLPF 8th ECOSOC HLPF 2nd Pacific Sustainable Development Rpt 2nd GA HLPF 5th ECOSOC HLPF 10th ECOSOC HLPF 11th ECOSOC HLPF 4th GA HLPF 2030 Agenda 1st GA HLPF 6th ECOSOC HLPF 3rd GA HLPF 1st ECOSOC HLPF Samoa National Rpt 1st Pacific Sustainable Development Rpt 2nd ECOSOC HLPF 3rd ECOSOC HLPF Accountability & Reporting National VoluntaryReporting (NVR)aligned to National plan reviews & considerpeerreviewapproach to help inform NVR Pacific SustainableDevelopment Report every 4 years to inform the GAHLPF
Regional governance & coordination mechanisms for SDGs Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Forum Economic Ministers Forum Foreign Affairs Ministers Other Ministerials Forum Officials Committee Other CROP Governing Councils CROP Heads National SDGTF Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat National SDGTF Pacific SDGTF National SDGTF CROPSDWG Reference Group National SDGTF National SDGTF WARD Health & Population WG Gender WG PEAG Land WG Marine Sector WG ICT WG HOPS/PSSC NSDS PG
Regional governance & coordination mechanisms for Pacific policy making Regional Priorities Regional Decision Making Processes Framework for Pacific Regionalism Objectives 2030 Short to Medium Term 2015 – 2020 Public Policy process Climate Change Advocacy Leaders Sustainable Development ((SDGs 1 – 15) Economic Returns from Fisheries Cervical Cancer Disabilities Forum Officials Committee/ PIFS Governing Council Harmonisation of Economic Practices 2. Economic Growth (SDG 1,8,9,10,11) West Papua Inter-governmental process Foreign Affairs Ministers Disaster Management & Response 3. Governance (SDG 16,17) Ministerial Meetings Special Sub Committee on Regionalism prioritisation Forum Economic Ministers Climate Change Financing Inter - govt decision making Public, inclusive decision making Health Ministers Non communicable Diseases 4. Peace and Security (SDG 16, 17) Water & Sanitation Ministers Water & Sanitation NSAs/Govts, CROP/Partners Officials/ Governing Councils Environment Ministers Climate Change