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Vocabulary. List #8. 1. inclination . Definition t endency or preference Sentence Much against his inclination , he was forced to resign. Examples i nclination to sing Inclination to improve. 2. municipal . Definition h aving to do with local or city government Sentence

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  1. Vocabulary List #8

  2. 1. inclination • Definition • tendency or preference • Sentence • Much against his inclination, he was forced to resign. • Examples • inclination to sing • Inclination to improve

  3. 2. municipal • Definition • having to do with local or city government • Sentence • We golfed in a tournament the municipal golf course last weekend. • Examples • municipal building • municipal swimming pool

  4. 3. apparatus • Definition • piece of machinery or equipment • Sentence • The firefighter prepared his safety apparatus for the next call. • Examples • playground apparatus • scuba diving apparatus

  5. 4. panorama • Definition • wide view • Sentence • The panorama comprises a series of photographs taken over a short period of time. • Examples • a mountain panorama • panorama of Chinese history

  6. 5. calamity • Definition • great misfortune • Sentence • The city of Gaza was shaken by a calamity unparalleled in its history. • Examples • a serious calamity • sudden calamity

  7. 6. ridicule • Definition • make fun of • Sentence • She ridiculed the seriousness of his expression. • Examples • to ridicule clumsiness • ridicule a joke

  8. 7. sultry • Definition • hot and moist • Sentence • The tornado came after a sultry day and was preceded by some lightening and hail. • Examples • sultry summer day • sultry sauna

  9. 8. forfeit • Definition • lose, give up • Sentence • Some people forfeit the right to be taken seriously. • Examples • forfeit a game • forfeit a payment

  10. 9. destiny • Definition • one’s fate or fortune • Sentence • Many believe that humanity’s destiny lies with the stars. • Examples • predict a destiny • school’s destiny

  11. 10. amiable • Definition • pleasant and agreeable • Sentence • The students presented guests with an amiable greeting upon their arrival. • Examples • amiable friend • amiable gathering

  12. 11. treason • Definition • betrayal of one’s country • Sentence • Seventy opposition leaders were charged with treason. • Examples • hanged for treason

  13. 12. swivel • Definition • swing around or rotate • Sentence • Marines swivel around and walk backwards every ten steps or so. • Examples • a swivel chair • a swivel shelf

  14. 13. commotion • Definition • disturbance, violent movement • Sentence • Between classes, there is often much commotion in the hallway. • Examples • a noisy commotion • commotion on the street

  15. 14. toxic • Definition • poisonous • Sentence • Some indoor plants are known to be toxic to dogs. • Examples • the toxic spray • toxic chemical

  16. 15. devour • Definition • eat very hungrily • Sentence • Fire devoured the old museum. • Examples • devour your lunch • devour minds

  17. 16. pedigree • Definition • list of ancestors for an animal or person • Sentence • To keep the pedigree line pure, importing of horses is banned. • Examples • dog with a pedigree • pedigree of a word

  18. 17. traditional • Definition • customary • Sentence • The couple have planned a traditional wedding. • Examples • traditional reunion • traditional Christmas

  19. 18. monopoly • Definition • exclusive control • Sentence • The courts could no longer be used to enforce the company’s monopoly. • Examples • business monopoly • land monopoly

  20. 19. oppress • Definition • govern or rule harshly • Sentence • The harder you fight to oppress, the more you will fail. • Examples • oppress minorities • oppress citizens

  21. 20. impudent • Definition • rude, sassy • Sentence • The student was kept late for impudent behavior. • Examples • impudent answer • impudent cashier

  22. 21. mobility • Definition • ability to move or be moved • Sentence • Heavy scar tissue could limit the mobility of his legs. • Examples • people with mobility • city with mobility

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