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Describe what this illustration is portraying. Use 9 - 10 sentences.

Describe what this illustration is portraying. Use 9 - 10 sentences. Manifest Destiny. The 19th century belief that the United States would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican territory. U S A.

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  1. Describe what this illustration is portraying. Use 9 - 10 sentences.

  2. Manifest Destiny • The 19th century belief that the United States would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican territory. U S A

  3. Examples of Manifest Destiny • Oregon Territory • Mexican Cession • Gadsden Purchase • Revolutionary War • Louisiana Purchase • Adams-Onis Treaty (FL) • Texas Annexation

  4. 5 2 1 6 3 4 7

  5. Westward Expansion • After the Revolutionary War America won the right to EXPAND • Claimed the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River • Doubled the original size of the colonies

  6. Louisiana Purchase • President Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from FRANCE in 1803 • Doubled the size of the United States AGAIN (530 million acres for 3¢ an acre - about $15 million) LARGEST REAL ESTATE DEAL IN HISTORY!

  7. Adams Onis Treaty (1819) • Hundreds of runaway slaves escaped to Spanish controlled Florida

  8. Adams Onis Treaty (1819) • U.S. agrees to pay $5 million in resident’s claims against the Spanish gov’t • Deal between Sec’y of State JQA & Sp. Foreign Minister Luis de Onis

  9. The Monroe Doctrine (1823) • European efforts to further colonize the Americas would be viewed as an act of aggression The occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers. We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.

  10. Texas Annexation (1845) • Mexican gov’t allowed American settlers in Texas • Overpopulation led to laws on American settlers • Slavery outlawed = dispute • Sealed borders = high prices on American goods Stephen F. Austin – Founder of Texas

  11. Texas Annexation (1845) • Texas Revolution – 1835 • Battle of the Alamo – Santa Anna’s forces destroy Texan garrison (all defenders die • Massacre at Goliad – 300 Texans murdered • Texans declare independence after victory at San Jacinto • the “Lone Star Republic” • Annexed by the U.S. in 1845 • Issues with slavery Davy Crockett The “Buckskin Pioneer” The Alamo

  12. Oregon Territory (1846) • 1818 – U.S. and Great Britain agreed to joint-occupation or shared ownership of the Oregon territory • U.S. signed a treaty with Great Britain after 28 years of joint-occupation • U.S. – southern half • Britain – northern half • “54-40 or Fight” – Oregon Treaty gives US Oregon at 49 parallel

  13. Mexican Cession (1848) • Admission of Texas angers Mexico • U.S. established boundary at the Rio Grande River and Mexico claimed it along the Nueces River • Dispute led to the Mexican War • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ends the war • U.S. defeated Mexico and paid $15 million dollars for the Mexican Cession

  14. Gadsden Purchase (1853) • Congress was studying possible routes for a transcontinental railroad • Proposed – a southern route from New Orleans to California • U.S. paid Mexico $10 million for the Gadsden Purchase for a level route for a transcontinental railroad • Also…we felt bad for taking so much territory after M-A War • The Best Treaty Ever?


  16. Explorers • Acquiring new lands led to the need to explore the possible use of lands • Lewis & Clark • Zebulon Pike

  17. Expedition of Lewis & Clark • 1804: Meriweather Lewis & William Clark explored the Louisiana Territory • MAIN PURPOSE = gather INFORMATION • search for a water route to the Pacific • Establish friendly relations and trade with the Natives

  18. Lewis & Clark • Guide: French-Canadian Toussaint Charbonneau and his wife SACAGAWEA • 1806:Lewis and Clark returned to St. Louis • Traveled 8,000 miles in 2 years

  19. Zebulon Pike • 1805: Recorded the geography of the Mississippi River • 1806: Hired by President Jefferson to follow the Arkansas River west to its source and return by the Red River

  20. Took detailed notes about geographical structure and population • NOVEMBER – reached the Rocky Mountains Pike’sPeak

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