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Synthesis and characterization of zinc and cupper MOFs derived from diazo and oxim ligands for wastewater treatment. Margarita Loredo -Cancino R. Chan-Navarro | N.E. Dávila-Guzmán | D.A. De Haro -Del Río | M. Vázquez- Mozencahuatzi |. ADSORPTION. Zheng et al. 2012. Li et al. 2015.
Synthesis and characterization of zinc and cupper MOFs derived from diazo and oxim ligands for wastewater treatment Margarita Loredo-Cancino R. Chan-Navarro | N.E. Dávila-Guzmán | D.A. De Haro-Del Río | M. Vázquez-Mozencahuatzi |
ADSORPTION Zheng et al. 2012 Liet al. 2015
MOF • Metal ion and anorganicmolecule • 3D structures • High surfacearea (1500-7000 m2/g) • SeveralanalogousMOFs • Easytunability Xu et al. 2014, Rouquerolet al. 2014
Linker 1 5-formyl-8-hydroxyquinoline (precursor) 8-Hydroxyquinoline acid 4-amino benzoic linker 1
Linker 2 4-formyl pyridine acid 4-amino benzoic
Linker 1 4-amino acid benzoic P.F.=187-189 °C 5-formyl-8- hidroxyquinoline Linker 1 Yield = 92% Melting point = 300°C Color = yellow
2 3 4 9 10 5 11 14 15 8 H-(14, 16) 13 18 H-(11) H-(15,17) 19 7 6 1H PROTON NMR SPECTRA OF LINKER 1 1H (11) ~9.00ppm 1H (19) = 10.1 ppm 16 17 H-(2) H-(4) (García-López et al., 2014) H-(7) H-(3) H-(6) H-(19)
2 3 4 9 10 11 8 14 15 C17H12N2O3 13C (11) ~ 167 ppm 5 18 13 19 7 6 C15,C17 C14,C16 (García-López et al., 2014) 17 16 13C PROTON NMR SPECTRA OF LINKER 1 C5 C7 C6 C2 C4 C8 C18 C11 C19 C10 C3 C9 C13
CHARACTERIZATION OF LINKER 2 Linker 2 Yield = 83% Melting point = 260 °C Color = white 5 4 3 7 10 11 6 14 9 15 2 1H and 13C PROTON NMR SPECTRA OF LINKER 2 13 12
COORDINATION POLYMER 1 Ligante 1 PC 1 Yield = 83% Melting point 300 °C Color = Yellow
Coordination polymer 2 Ligante 2 PC 2 Yield = 85% Melting point > 300 °C Color= white
FT-IR SPECTRA OF LINKER 1 AND PC 1 (Reiss et al., 2015) (Mohammadikish, 2017) 3378 1608 υ (O-H)=3500-3000 cm-1 1638 1571 1697 υ (H2O)=3378 cm-1
FT-IR SPECTRA OF LINKER 2 AND PC 2 (Reiss et al., 2015) (Mohammadikish, 2017) 3371 1608 υ (O-H)=3500-3000 cm-1 1645 1556 υ (H2O)=3371 cm-1 1697
SUMMARY • Linkersweresuccessfullysyntethizedwithyieldabove 80%. • Precursor formationwasverifiedvia NMR 1H y 13C. • Zinc-linkercoordinationwasachieved and verifiedwiththedisplacement of C=O y C=N bands, as reported in literature.
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Purificación del precursor Extracción Soxlet Revelado cromatografía de capa fina Cromatografía de columna