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Many g reetings from Nadine, Conny and Melissa, Philipp and Niklas. “Solar W alk “ in Alzenau. p resented by Staatliche Realschule Hösbach. In Alzenau (a city in Lower Franconia near Frankfurt) you can find Germany‘s first Solar Walk . .
Manygreetings from Nadine, Conny and Melissa, Philipp and Niklas
“Solar Walk“ in Alzenau presentedby Staatliche Realschule Hösbach
In Alzenau (a city in LowerFranconianear Frankfurt) youcan find Germany‘sfirst Solar Walk.
Alongthepathvisitorscanwitnesshow solar energyisused in thevariousbuildingsalongtheway.
Youcanvisitmorethan 20 photovoltaicstationsin Alzenau. Photovoltaicmeansthatsunlightisconvertedintoelectricity.
MrHandlbichlerfromthe Environmental Agency in Alzenau demonstratedsomebuildingswith solar collectorsand a woodchipheatingsystem.
MrHandlbichlertoldusthatthe solar collectorsyoucan find alongthe Solar Walk in Alzenau canproduceelectricityforaround 30 households. Solar energycontributestoreduce CO2-emissions.
First photovoltaicsystem in Alzenau on theroofoftheEnvironmental Agency
The biggestsystemalongthe Solar Walk: in summeritcanproduceelectricityformorethan 30 washingmachines, in winterforonlytwohair-dryers.
The woodchipheatingsystemproduceselectricityfor • twolocalschools, • thekindergarten in Alzenau, • theswimmingbaths.