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Clinical Case Heart Failure. ISL , 63 y. Marzo 2003. Marzo 2017. C iclofosfamida H Doxurrubicina O Vincristina P rednisona. ISL , 63 y. Ambulatory. Octuber 2017. October 2017. Furosemida 40 mg Bisoprolol 1,25 mg Espinolactona 12,5 mg Captopril 6.25 mg. Transesophageal Echo.
ISL , 63 y Marzo 2003 Marzo 2017 Ciclofosfamida HDoxurrubicina OVincristina Prednisona
ISL , 63 y. Ambulatory Octuber 2017 October 2017 Furosemida 40 mg Bisoprolol 1,25 mg Espinolactona 12,5 mg Captopril 6.25 mg TransesophagealEcho
ISL , 63 y. 15 Nov , 2017AmbulatoryTransesophagealEcho moderate Mitral Regurgitation, LVEF 30% Timing of surgery in mitral regurgitation
HCUCH - EmergencyRoom: Nov 22, 2017 • BP 70 / 48 • HR 136 Sinusal • RR 40 • Sat 88%
Multifocal bilateral pulmonary infectious compromise, as described, with signs of segmental bronchial obstruction possibly due to secretions in the lower lobes. Bilateral septal thickening, which may be edema Nov 22, 2017
Tissue that encompasses the distal aorta that may have inflammatory or lymphoproliferative origin. Decrease in bilateral renal size Nov 22, 2017
ISL , 63 y LBA con PCR HaemophylosInfluenzae (+) Pneumonia HaemophylosInfluenzae (+)
DIAGNOSTICOS ISL, 63 y • Mixed Shock: a. Hypovolemic b. Septic : Bilateral multilobar pneumonia Acute diarrhea syndrome recovered 2. Heart failure LVEF 30% Moderate mitral regurgitation by multiple jets Anthracyclinecardiotoxicity 3. CKD of multifactorial etiology, AKIN 2 4. Digital intoxication 5. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
Ambulatory , March 11, 2019 • NYHA FC 1 • BP 100 / 60 HR 69 • Creatinin 2,1 mg% bun 40 mg% Na 141 K+4,3 Cl 103 Therapy • Espironolactona 25 mg • Carvedilol 6,25 mg BID • Losartan 12,5 mg BID • Digoxina 0,125 mg Mo-T-Fr LVEF 50% MR 1-2/4