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PROBLEM STATEMENT A The low productivity of poorer pastoralists contributes to results in their chronic food insecurity and vulnerability to external shocks. OUTCOME Pastoralists produce milk for sale. COMPONENT
PROBLEM STATEMENT A The low productivity of poorer pastoralists contributes to results in their chronic food insecurity and vulnerability to external shocks. OUTCOME Pastoralists produce milk for sale COMPONENT Vulnerable pastoralists produce high quality livestock and livestock products (e.g. milk) for household consumption and sale. OUTPUT Milk yield OUTPUT Milk hygiene OUTPUT Milk marketing ACTIVITIES Mercy Corps, VSF(Kenya) SC/UK (Et) INDICATORS Number and quality of livestock sold by pastoralists households (disaggregated livestock species, and by wealth group) Quantity of meat and milk consumed by pastoralist households (disaggregated by wealth group) Volume of milk sold by pastoralists households (disaggregated by wealth group) OUTCOME Pastoralists herds access water throughout the year OUTCOME Pastoralists have access to animal health services OUTCOME Herds access feed (forage &/or fodder) throughout the year OUTCOME Effective herd management OUTPUT Appropriate (improved) livestock bred and adopted OUTPUT Optimum species composition in herd OUTPUT Improved forage and fodder seeds OUTPUT Adoption/delivery of improved forage & feed OUTPUT Irrigated farms produce fodder OUTPUT Community rangeland management OUTPUT Enclosures/ Drought Reserves OUTPUT Qualified personnel prescribe and administer livestock drugs OUTPUT Quality, affordable drugs available to pastoralist households OUTPUT Communities manage water resources OUTPUT Water infrastructure appropriate for arid lands ACTIVITIES Oromiya Research Institute Borana cattle & shoat breeds conserved and improved (ET) SORPARI Center of Excellence for Camel Research KARI Marsabit? Breeding? ACTIVITIES Natural Capital HM-inspired service provider on rangeland management extension (Kenya) Land o’Lakes? Mercy Corps? Herd health approach (Et, Ke) ACTIVITIES FH, VSF, MC (Kenya) SC/US&UK, MC, CARE (Ethiopia) ACTIVITIES PNRM SC/US, CARE (Ethiopia)FH (Kenya) NRT Community management for livelihoods and biodiversity Grevy’s Zebra Trust Holistic Management for pastoralists & conservation (Ke) Natural Capital HM-inspired service provider on rangeland management extension (Kenya) ACTIVITIES ALDEF, VSF, Adeso(Ke) SC/US, CARE (Ethiopia) ACTIVITIES SOPARI (Ethiopia) RAE Trust (Kenya) ACTIVITIES IRC, SC/US, MC (Ethiopia) RAE Trust, MC (Kenya) ACTIVITIES Community Water Management - WUCs/WMCs, finance mechanisms (MPESA) UoN, TAMU, FAO Surface Water EWS (Kenya) ACTIVITIES Innovative Infrastructure Water for Arid Land(Kenya) Regional Water Bureaus Water infrastructure for livestock in Borana & Somali ACTIVITIES Sidai Africa a social enterprise aimed to revolutionize the way livestock and veterinary services are offered to pastoralists and farmers in Kenya creating a more sustainable model of livestock service delivery. CAHWs+ System CAWH, supplied by private pharmacy, linked with importers, regulated by government (Mercy Corps, IRC, SC/US, CARE Ethiopia)
PROBLEM STATEMENT B Despite multiple opportunities to increase economic returns to pastoral livestock production systems, the incomes of many pastoralists are declining as they are excluded from (or fail to exploit) market opportunities. COMPONENT Vulnerable pastoralists increase their participation and competitiveness in functioning livestock and dairy market systems. INDICATORS Amount of pastoralist household income from livestock and milk sales (by income source, wealth group) Amount of pastoralist household income invested in improving production (by income source, wealth group) Market integration? (e.g. dairy sector) OUTCOME Pastoralists improve productivity for livestock and dairy markets OUTCOME Market linkages improved OUTCOME Enabling environment improved OUTCOME Market supporting services improved OUTPUT Stakeholders (e.g. producers’ associations, brokers and traders) increase interest in and action around pro-poor growth OUTPUT Commercial investment OUTPUT Access to Financial Services OUTPUT Market Information OUTPUT All production outputs on dairy and live animals (PS A) OUTPUT Improved business skills of critical support services OUTPUT Standardized Formal Taxation OUTPUT Favorable cross-border trade policies ACTIVITIES Investment in Pastoral Regions Private sector abattoir, milk processing, etc ACTIVITIES NLMIS Ethiopia ACTIVITIES SACCOs & VSLA Mercy Corps (Kenya) GoE, Mercy Corps , SC/US, Care, PCEA (Et) MFIs Commercial Banks Activities Professional/Trade organizations discuss policy issues with government Mercy Corps with Ethiopian Veterinary Association, Ethiopian Meat Exporters Association, Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, and Ethiopian Livestock Traders Export Association ACTIVITIES All production activities (PS A) ACTIVITIES BBS trainings Mercy Corps (Et, Ke) ACTIVITIES Investment Forums GoK (Kenya) Mercy Corps , SC/US, CARE (Et)