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Types of “Euthanasia” Crimes

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Types of “Euthanasia” Crimes

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  1. Exhibiting the "Good Death": Sacredness and Trauma in the Public Display of Nazi "Euthanasia" Crimes in Germany and AustriaLutz Kaelber, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of VermontPaper Presentation Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, San Francisco, 2009 Types of “Euthanasia” Crimes Memory Regimes and Commemoration in Austria and in East and West Germany Exhibits at Specific Sites: Examples of Sacred Space and Sight Sacralization Conclusion

  2. Sources: Harvard Law School Library, “Nuremberg Trial Project,” Item No. 109. Available at http://nuremberg.law.harvard.edu/php/pflip.php?caseid=HLSL_NMT01&docnum=209&numpages=1&startpage=1&title=List+of+patients+transported+from+the+Eglfing-Haar+asylum+[in+the+euthanasia+program].&color_setting=C Jüdisches Museum Berlin, “Tödliche Medizin: Rassenwahn im Nationalsozialismus.“ Propagandaplakat. Available at http://www.juedisches-museum-berlin.de/site/zips/pressebilder/toedliche-medizin/plakat.zip

  3. Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust Encyclopedia, “The Holocaust: Euthanasia Centers, 1940-1944.” Available at http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/media_nm.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005143&MediaId=374

  4. Types of “Euthanasia” Crimes • Children’s euthanasia. Summer/fall 1939 – May/June 1945. Ages 3-17. Physicians and other health care personnel reported (1) idiocy and mongolism, especially cases associated with blindness and deafness; (2) microcephaly; (3) hydrocephalus of severe and progressive type; (4) malformations of every type, especially absence of limbs and severe cleft formations of the head or the spine; (5) palsies, including Little’s disease. Places: about 30 “special children’s wards.” Method: barbiturates, withholding of treatment, neglect, starvation. Victims: 5,000+. • Murder of psychiatric patients in the Germany’s Prussian provinces and occupied areas in western Poland, fall 1939-summer 1941. Methods: Shooting, gassing in mobile gas vans. Victims: 10,000+. • “Aktion T4”: Murder of hospitalized psychiatric patients, January 1940-August 1941. Places: 6 killing centers. Method: stationary gas chamber. Victims: 70,000+. • Murder of inmates of concentration camps who were sick, old, or otherwise unable to work in the “special treatment 14f13,” 1941-44 Method: gassing. Victims: 20,000+. • Decentralized killing (“wild euthanasia”), 1942-45. Methods: drugs, withholding of treatment, neglect, starvation. Victims: 100,000+. Source: Suess and others.

  5. Memory Regimes and Commemoration in Austria and in East and West Germany • Communist East Germany: “Land of Resistance Fighters”/Universalizing National Socialism • Austria: “Land of Victims”/Externalizing the Nazi past • West Germany: “Land of the Perpetrators”/Internalizing the Nazi past

  6. Exhibits at Specific Sites: Examples of Sacred Space and Sight Sacralization Source: Stiftung Sächsischer Gedenkstätten (availableathttp://www.sachsen-anhalt.de/LPSA/index.php?id=33311); Focus.de online (availableathttp://www.focus.de/wissen/bildung/kz-gedenkstaetten_did_13170.html); author T4 Sites: Sight sacralization through presentation/creation of thana-spots as the physical manifestation of trauma in Bernburg and Hadamar: Original gas chamber, photo of crematorium oven, and pictures of victims on the wall there

  7. Changes to the exhibit in Vienna on Nazi medical crimes/children’s euthanasia Sight sacralization: from traumatic shock to open spaces/objects and contextualization/hypermediality Sources: Martens, Debra. 2004. “Unfit to live.” Canadian Medical Association Journal, September 14, 2004; author’s picture; http://www.gedenkstaettesteinhof.at/en/index.shtml

  8. Overview of exhibits • Totgeschwiegen (Silenced to death; in Berlin, since 1988; now reconceptualized) • Überweisung in den Tod: NS-‘Kindereuthanasie’ in Thüringen (Transfer to Death: Children’s Euthanasia in the state of Thuringia; since 2003) • Lebensunwert - zerstörte Leben (Not worthy of living – lives destroyed; Association of Compulsorily Sterilized and Euthanasia Victims, since 2003) • NS-Euthanasie in der Steiermark (NS-Euthanasia in the Steiermark [Austria]; since 2004) • Lebens(un)wert ([Not] worth living; Austria, since 2006) • 505: Kinder-Euthanasieverbrechen in Leipzig (505: NS-Children’s Euthanasia Crimes in Leipzig, Saxony; since 2007) • NS-Euthanasie im Bregenzerwald (NS-Euthanasia in the Bregenzerwald, Austria; since 2008)

  9. Exhibits online and travelling/permanent exhibits not associated with a memorial site Sight sacralization through relating to the daily lives of the victims, the sense of loss, and the effect on the families and relatives. Text (excerpt): Many of the mentally ill in the Vorarlberg region lived in the clinic Valduna… Over 200 lost their lives [in Hartheim]. Anna Stoeckl was one of the victims. Her son Kurt told us about it…The loss of his mother had a large impact on him and concerns him to this day. Sources: www.zeitschatten.info; Exhibit: “Transfer Referral to Death: NS-Children’s ‘Euthanasia’” in Thuringia, 2005

  10. Conclusion • exhibits on Nazi “euthanasia” crimes play an important role in what some scholars have called grappling with a “moral universal”: as the Holocaust has become understood as a generalized symbol of human suffering and moral evil, it provides an opportunity for humanistic learning (Alexander). • exhibits on “euthanasia” promise to contribute to the understanding of events that set the path to the Holocaust as well as humanist learning, especially since exhibits draw attention to discrimination against people with disabilities in both past and present. Literature • Alexander, Jeffrey. 2002. "On the Social Construction of Moral Universals: The 'Holocaust' from War Crime to Trauma Drama." European Journal of Social Theory 5(1):5-85. • Art, David. 2006. The Politics of the Nazi Past in Germany and Austria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Chidester, David and Edward T. Linenthal, eds. 1995. American Sacred Space. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. • Gehring-Münzel, Ursula, ed. 2007. Medical Ethics and the Holocaust: How Healing Becomes Killing: Eugenics, Euthanasia and Extermination. Houston: Holocaust Museum Houston. • Hammerstein, Katrin. 2008. "Schuldige Opfer? Der Nationalsozialismus in den Gründungsmythen der DDR, Österreichs und der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands." Pp. 39-61 in Nationen und ihre Selbstbilder: Postdiktatorische Gesellschaften in Europa, edited byRegina Fritz, Carola Sachse, and Edgar Wolfrum. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. • Jacobs, Janet. 2004. "From the Profane to the Sacred: Ritual and Mourning at Sites of Terror and Violence." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43(3):311-15. • Langenbacher, Eric. 2003. "Changing Memory Regimes in Contemporary Germany?" German Politics and Society 21(2):46-68. • Lepsius, M. Rainer., 1993. "Das Erbe des Nationalsozialismus und die politische Kultur der Nachfolgestaaten." Pp. 229-45 in Lepsius, Demokratie in Deutschland. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. • MacCannell. 1999. The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class. 3d edition. Berkeley: University of California Press. • Neugebauer, Wolfgang. 2000. "Zum Umgang mit der NS-Euthanasie in Wien nach 1945." Pp. 107-25 in NS-Euthanasie in Wien, edited by Eberhard Gabriel and Wolfgang Neugebauer. Vienna: Böhlau. • Reichel, Peter. 2007. Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Deutschland: Die Auseinandersetzung mit der NS-Diktatur von 1945 bis heute. 2d ed. Munich: Beck. • Schmuhl, Hans-Walter. 2009. "Das ‘Dritte Reich’ als biopolitische Entwicklungsdiktatur: Zur inneren Logik der nationalsozialistischen Genozidpolitik.“ Pp. 8-21 in Tödliche Medizin: Rassenwahn Im Nationalsozialismus, edited byJüdisches Museum Berlin Göttingen: Wallstein. • Süss, Winfried. 2000. "Krankenmord. Forschungsstand und Forschungsfragen Zur Nationalsozialistischen 'Euthanasie'." Pp. 47-86 in NS-Diktatur, DDR, Bundesrepublik: Drei Zeitgeschichten Des Vereinigten Deutschland, edited by T. Bauer and W. Süß. Neuried: Ars Una. • Thünemann, Holger. 2005. Holocaust-Rezeption und Geschichtskultur: Zentrale Holocaust-Denkmäler in der Kontroverse: Ein deutsch-österreichischer Vergleich. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag. • Tumarkin. 2005. Traumascapes: The Power and Fate of Places Transformed by Tragedy. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

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