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The crib (Il presepe) By :

The crib (Il presepe) By :. 3. Nicole. Dalila. Gloria. Beatrice. Elena. Lisa. The crib is a representation of the nativity scene.

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The crib (Il presepe) By :

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  1. The crib (Il presepe) By: 3 Nicole Dalila Gloria Beatrice Elena Lisa

  2. The cribis a representationof the nativity scene

  3. Itwascreated first byst. Francis of Assisi in 1223. Oneyearbeforehisdeathst. Francis decidedtorecreate the Nativity Scene at Greccio’s castle, becausehe wanted toastonish people withhis first living crib. That night lotsof people arrived, and sincethattime the cribhasbecomeanimportanttradition in Italy. In spiteofitsreligious nature, the cribisalsoanimportanttraditionfornot-catholic people.

  4. The cribis full ofparticularsymbolsthat come from the Bibleexpeciallyfrom the 4 Gospels: forexampleangels in the sky, lotsofsheperdswiththeirsheep, peasantswhogivepresentslikevegetables, fruits and meatto Baby Jesus.

  5. Thereis the living cribthatiscomposedby a groupof people dressed up like the Virgin Mary Joseph and the othercharactersof the crib, and the normalcribis a miniature representationof the nativity scene formedbylittlestatues, cadboardhouses, and papermountains.

  6. These are some neapolitanstatues…They are verystrange!!!!

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