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Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) Investigation Report

Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) Investigation Report. Report Presentation Overview. Requirements Facility Selection Methodology Findings Next Steps. CalRecycle Requirements for ADC California Code of Regulations (CCR ), Title 14 and 27. Disposal Reporting System (DRS) Annual Reporting

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Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) Investigation Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alternative Daily Cover (ADC)Investigation Report

  2. Report Presentation Overview Requirements Facility Selection Methodology Findings Next Steps

  3. CalRecycle Requirements for ADC California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 14 and 27 • Disposal Reporting System (DRS) Annual Reporting 14 CCR § 18810.9 • Landfill Record Keeping 27 CCR § 20510 (g) • ADC Application State Minimum Standards 27 CCR §20690 (a)(1)

  4. Facility Selection Highest Ratios Reported to DRS in 2012 • Top 10 Sites with Highest Total ADC to Waste Disposed Ratios • ADC to disposal ranges: 494% to 16.7% • Highest Processed Green Material ADC to Waste Ratios • 8 of 15 sites used processed green material • ADC to disposal ranges: 363.9% to 4.9% • Top 5 with highest ADC to waste ratio • ADC to disposal ranges > 25%

  5. Facility Selection - Range of Percentages

  6. Facility Selection - List • Azusa Land Reclamation Co. Landfill • Calabasas Sanitary Landfill • City of Watsonville Landfill • Clover Flat Landfill • L and D Landfill • Olinda Alpha Sanitary Landfill • Pebbly Beach (Avalon) Disposal Site • Top 5 Processed Green Material ADC to Waste Disposed Ratio PotreroHills Landfill • Pumice Valley Landfill • Rock Creek Landfill Scholl Canyon Landfill • Simi Valley Landfill & Recycling Center • Vasco Road Sanitary Landfill • Walker Landfill • Zanker Material Processing Facility

  7. Investigation Methodology - Record Review • Review of DRS Reports • Selection of Sites • Review of Board of Equalization Reports • Reviewing Permit Documents • Solid Waste Facility Permit • Report of Disposal Site Information (RDSI)/ Joint Technical Documents (JTD) • ADC Demonstration Projects • Previous InspectionReports

  8. Investigation Methodology - Facility Review • Facility Inspections • Landfill record review • Site observation of ADC use • Test hole digging • Interviewing Facility Operators • Interviewing LEAs

  9. Findings - Facility Variables • Density of ADC material • Types of ADC Use • Frequency of ADC Use • Amount of waste disposed • Size and Shape of Working/Active Face • Waste in Place Density

  10. Findings • 2 Facilities Likely Over Used ADC • 8 Facilities Mis-reported to DRS • 6 Over-reported ADC: No indications of over-use • 2 Over-used could not be determined • 5 Facilities had No Errors • No record keeping or DRS reporting errors were found • No indications of over use

  11. Findings – Nature of Mis-reporting • Reporting ADC Accepted as ADC Used • Combining ADC Material with Another Recycled Material • Reporting Beneficial Reuse as ADC • Reporting Intermediate Cover as ADC • Including Soil as ADC • Using the Incorrect Conversion Factor (tons to cubic yards) • AppylingUnapproved ADC.

  12. Next Steps • Education and Outreach • LEAs & Operators Training – Fall 2014 State Minimum Standards Training • Development of DRS Outreach Materials • New DRS Reports and Tools on the CalRecycle Website • Enhanced Focus on ADC Use and Record Keeping during CalRecycle’s future 18-month Inspections

  13. Thanks to the Investigation Team!

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