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Role of Science Education in knowledge-based economy: Experiences from Singapore

Role of Science Education in knowledge-based economy: Experiences from Singapore. R. Subramaniam and Leo Tan Wee Hin Singapore National Academy of Science. Factors driving innovations in science education. Globalization Information and Communication Technologies Capitalism Downsizing

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Role of Science Education in knowledge-based economy: Experiences from Singapore

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  1. Role of Science Education in knowledge-based economy: Experiences from Singapore R. Subramaniam and Leo Tan Wee Hin Singapore National Academy of Science

  2. Factors driving innovations in science education • Globalization • Information and Communication Technologies • Capitalism • Downsizing • Outsourcing • Off-shoring • New developments in science & technology

  3. Need for Innovations • In knowledge-based economy, creativity, innovation, inventiveness and entrepreneurship are crucial • Curricula need to prepare students to be effective participants in new economy • For a country to remain relevant in this age of globalization, science curricula has to be internationally competitive

  4. Inquiry learning • Learning of science has often little to do with the way science knowledge is created • Inquiry learning mirrors the way scientists work, and so can be useful in getting students to be interested in science

  5. Institutional-based inquiry learning initiatives in Singapore • Young Scientist Badge – primary students can get the requisite ‘I am a Young Scientist’ Badge in any of 15 disciplines by engaging in project work that entails completion of a set of investigative tasks • Tan Kah Kee Young Inventor’s Award – annual event to ferret out inventions lurking in students’ minds • Sony Creative Science Award – annual event to encourage primary students to invent toys based on scientific principles

  6. Young Scientist Activity Card

  7. Aeroponics Technology: Project-based inquiry learning • Method of growing plants whereby roots are suspended in mid-air and sprayed with a fine mist of nutrients • Singapore has achieved landmark recognition in using this technology to grow crops in its land-scarce island under protected conditions using minimal water • School-based projects on aeroponics help to reinforce the point that ‘thinking out of the box’ can provide unorthodox solutions to problems

  8. Aeroponics Technology (cont’d)

  9. Sowing seeds of entrepreneurship among students • Challenges of new economy • Because of globalization, downsizing, corporate restructuring and outsourcing, jobs are taking flight • Many jobs are moving up the value chain while scopes of other jobs are coalescing to create less number of jobs • Jobs may not be that easy to get in the new economy • Those who are creative, entrepreneurial and inventive will ride the new wave in the economy

  10. Inculcating entrepreneurship and research among students in Singapore (a) Rise of student entrepreneurs (b) Setting up of research laboratories in schools

  11. Student Businessmen!

  12. DNA test kit developed by students

  13. Orchid Hybridization Program • Nurtures scientific temper and technopreneurship among students • Trains teachers in simple genetic techniques first • Students then taught to create new strains of orchids • Rewards available

  14. Rewards in Orchid Hybridization Programme • Students can register new strain of orchid at the Royal Horticultural Society in London • Can name it after themselves • Can name it after their school • Can sell it to orchid nurseries • Can auction it in order to raise funds for the school • Can sell it to organizations wishing to boost their corporate identity further

  15. Orchid named after a school

  16. Research internships for school students • National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore represent a concentration of talent and expertise • Scientists are natural role models for science students • Two initiatives in place for school students to work with scientists on their research: Science Research Programme of NUS and Technology, Engineering & Research Programme of NTU

  17. Summarizing comments • Science education needs to prepare students to be active participants in new economy • Nation building is very much dependent on having people with skills in science, mathematics and technology • Innovations in teaching and learning can stimulate the mind and promote interest in the sciences • Science offers immense opportunities to create new products and ideas which can provide a country an economic advantage • In the knowledge-based economy, people with ideas, those who can create new products, and those who are entrepreneurial will help their countries to move forward

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