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DAFF 2011/12 QUARTER 1 ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS PRESENTATION. DIRECTOR – GENERAL Mr Langa Zita NOVEMBER 2011. PRESENTATION OUTLINE. 1 . Mandate, Vision and Strategic Goals 2. Overview 3. Programme 1: Administration
PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Mandate, Vision and Strategic Goals 2. Overview 3. Programme 1: Administration 4. Programme 2: Economic Development, Trade and Marketing 5. Programme 3: Food Security and Agrarian Reform 6. Programme 4: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety 7. Programme 5: Forestry and Natural Resources Management 8. Programme 6: Fisheries Management
1. VISION AND STRATEGIC GOALS OF DAFF VISION A leading, dynamic, united, prosperous and people-centred sector STRATEGIC GOALS Increased profitable production of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers (subsistence, smallholder and commercial). Sustained management of natural resources Effective national regulatory services and risk management systems A transformed and united sector Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development Effective and efficient governance
2. OVERVIEW The Department presents its quarter 1 organisational performance report for 2011/12 financial year This presentation focuses attention on the departmental achievements made during the first quarter period, and highlights performance status of planned deliverables and challenges encountered The Department identified the following five areas as core for focussed service delivery during the financial year. Reduce the cost of basic foodstuffs as well as the cost of living; Employment creation and Increase the number of participants in the DAFF sectors through support for smallholders and processors; Improving the income and conditions of farm workers, foresters and fishers; Enhance exports; and Ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources.
OVERVIEW CONT… These focus areas will be achieved through: Consolidation of agrarian reform programmes to ensure food security; Development of new funding options; Sustainable use of natural resources; Facilitating development and implementation of employment generation programme (zero hunger); Intensifying a cooperative development programme; Expanding exports; and Strengthening of human resource development programme A new macro structure approved by DPSA was implemented on 1 April 2011 after comprehensive and involved restructuring process Departmental programmes and projects were planned and aligned to national priorities to intensify amongst others job creation initiatives
OVERVIEW CONT… DAFF in collaboration with Departments of Labour and Rural Development and Land Reform as well as organised agriculture, will continue to implement vulnerable worker summit resolutions, looking at workers’health,working conditions,tenure security, empowernment and training. Food security remain a major priority area against background of increasing population, gradual decrease of the world’s natural resources and consequences of climate change. Some areas were declared national disaster areas in terms of the Disaster Management Act,2002(Act No.57) as a result of heavy rains and floods at the beginning of the year.(2011). A report was compiled about the damage.
ADMINISTRATION The process of adhering to performance management system is still continuing well. The overall DAFF percentage reduction in vacancy rate is at 12, 6 % for the period under review from 13% at the beginning of the quarter. Programme for training of Senior Management on disciplinary procedures has been finalized and implementation will start in the following quarters. 30% of DAFF employees were trained as per the the HRD Strategy. Service points for employee, health and wellness have been established at the following Provinces: Western Cape KwaZulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga
ADMINISTRATION CONT… Eastern Cape Northern Cape Free State In all the wellness campaigns 454 employees participated. There were other activities done during the period under review such as: conducting inspections and risks assessments, investigating incidents and attending to OHS complaints. Work Study Programme was approved and implementation started. Roll-out meetings held with all the Skills Development Representatives within the department was held. Procurement process for a Service Provider to conduct the Behavioural Risk Management Audit is currently underway.
ADMINISTRATION CONT… A meeting was held with Fisheries ICT, DAFF ICT and SITA to determine scope of the project to have a consolidated Master System Plan. The Master System Plan has since been developed and is awaiting approval. Inputs and recommendations made to the security policy and systems are currently being consolidated 898 loans have been disbursed during quarter 1 of 2001/12. 10 000 subsistence farmers accessing financial services 284 distressed farmers financed and supported.
ADMINISTRATION CONT… 6001 smallholder farmers and 5382 subsistence farmers received support through CASP and Letsema conditional grants. .(report available) 2022 jobs have been created through CASP and ilima/ letsema.(report available) Discussions to have national, provincial and SOEs monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems aligned is continuing. The following reports have been completed during Q1 Quarterly Economic Review Crop Estimates 3x monthly reports Livestock statistics 1x Food Security Bulletin 3x Crops and Markets 1x Abstract of Agricultural Statistics 1x
ADMINISTRATION CONT… Engagements with provinces through strategic planning sessions are ongoing to get their plans to align with national, Free State session was attended with success and Limpopo strategic planning is planned towards end of July. Engagements are also continuing through existing Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Forum. DAFF job creation plans presented and accepted by cabinet were translated into 141 provincial projects. With projections of creating 310,246 jobs; reach 691,937 households for food security; support 366,578 smallholder farmers, and rehabilitate, 257,400 ha of land. Projections are currently being ratified, after which resource requirements will be addressed with CFO (planned meeting 25th July, 2011).
ADMINISTRATION CONT… Memorandum of Agreements (MoAs) being developed for the review of the agriculture research Act and to develop a policy for agricultural research. The National Forestry Research and Development strategy is finalized and due for DEXCO tabling The draft framework for policy development is available Work is in progress to finalise and sign the Service Level agreements for commodity specific R&D programmes Reviewing of Marine Living Resource Act (MLRA)is at a planning phase.
ADMINISTRATION CONT… Meetings with smallholder farmers and relevant stakeholders are ongoing to establish a common understanding of the importance of been organized into cooperatives or local commodity groups. Work is in progress with both the Milk Producers’ Organisation and the Cotton industry about creating public and private partnership to develop smallholders. A MoU was entered into with the National Wool Growers’ Association (NWGA) The National Communication Strategy was finalised for presentation and is now in departmental approval processes. Significant progress has been made in drafting government Gazette notice to invite nominations to serve on the Consultative Advisory Forum (CAF), prescribed in the MLRA. After approval of Fishery Branch Executive Committee, it will be sent to DEXCO.
ADMINISTRATION CONT… The process of finalising Small Scale Fishing Policy is continuing well through the Task Team. Inputs for the development of a Departmental Stakeholder Strategy are been consolidated.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRADE & MARKETING The agricultural trade strategy is currently under revision to include forestry and fisheries Sector Strategies. Tripartite (SADC, EAC, COMESA) free trade negotiations were attended. The FTA offer for agriculture to increase market access for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products regionally and internationally . Good progress have been made to finalise MoU with Senegal.Comments and inputs are being awaited from Senegal regarding finalisation on cooperation agreements. Guideline documents were discussed with the Provinces of Free State, Mpumalanga and Northern Cape for the establishment of smallholders association.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRADE & MARKETING CONT… 22 Cooperatives established as at the end of Q1. MoU signed with the Land bank for the implementation of equity fund/deals, and the associated budget transferred to the Bank. Working with the Forest Council to finalise the Business plan for 2011/12, process delayed by the suspension of the CEO Study on transformation in the fisheries sector is being discussed with stakeholder prior to the commencement of the Charter development process Desk top study on the development of sector strategies concluded prior to the alignment process
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRADE & MARKETING CONT… The marketing networks concept has been completed and will be taken through approval processes before piloting it with the grain industry. Drafting of DAFF agro-processing strategy is in progress. An extensive process of consultations with other government departments such as DTI, EDD and DRDLR is in under way to ensure proper alignment.
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM Draft document on food security policy has been completed. A consultation process has been initiated with presentation made to the following: Integrated Food Security and Nutrition Task Team (IFSNTT); Social and Protestation Cluster and the Food Lab (Experts in Food Security Interventions). The Draft Document on Zero hunger strategy has been completed. It has to date being presented to the Science and Technology and Committee; IFSNTT, Social and Protection Cluster, Western Cape-IFSNTT and the Senior Management of the Northern Cape. Draft Smallholder Development Strategic Plan, has been developed and ready to be taken for approval before consultation with relevant stakeholders.
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM CONT… Terms of reference for the establishment of a national smallholder task team have been completed and work shop was held on the 14th July 2011 with provinces. The final draft policy on Mechanisation Support has been developed . This draft will now be distributed to Provincial Engineers to be discussed at the Engineering Forum meeting with provincial engineers (August 2011) and their inputs added to the document. The existing documents on norms and standards for production technologies as well as related documents on fencing, stock water provisioning and waste management have been collected and scrutinized. The shortcomings have been identified. A number of smallholder farmers attached to Government priority programmes as beneficiaries in the provinces went through training in seven different skills training programmes. These programmes are:
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM CONT… Beef Production; Goat production; Financial Management; Pig Production; Soil Preparations and planting; Vegetable Production; and Routine Slaughter training. The Draft Agricultural Training Institution Green Paper has been finalized and is endorsed by State Law Advisors as fulfilling the standard requirements of a Bill. The norms and standards for Agricultural Training Institutes together with the Governance and Financing Framework were tabled at ITCAFF during the meeting of 21 June 2011 and were amended after they had already been approved by DEXCO in 2009.
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM CONT… The concept document on the establishment of agri-villages has been finalized. This document will be tabled at the next ASRDC/STC meeting and subsequently to DEXCO for approval. Four sites for agri-villages establishment have been identified. They are: Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd in the Eastern Cape focusing on Agriculture, St Helena in the Western Cape focusing on fisheries, Mooifontein in Mpumalanga focusing on Forestry and Etwa in the Eastern Cape focusing on agriculture. An agreement has been reached with all provinces during the National Vulnerable Workers Delivery Forum Meeting of 19 May 2011 on how to go about establishing both the Vulnerable Workers Delivery Units and forums in provinces Limpopo, Western Cape, Mpumalanga and Free State have already established their Vulnerable workers Units.
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY Meeting held with the SA Pork Producers and a follow up was made to DTI regarding the red meat strategy A cabinet submission regarding the amendment of the veterinary and para-veterinary Act for the deployment of veterinary graduates to do compulsory community service has been drafted and en- route to Cabinet 7660 animal Identification marks were registered during the quarter under review. 5 export facilities were inspected ARC-OVI PVVD (DAFF-30, Mpumalanga Provincial Veterinary Laboratory in Ermelo (DAFF-28 and Western Cape Provincial Veterinary Laboratory n Stellenbosch (DAFF-29) were approved by DAFF.
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT… Re-inspections for continued Approval were conducted on: Capricorn Laboratory in Polokwane (DAFF-03); Deltamune Laboratories (DAFF-04). Authorization for AI PCR National Institute for Communicable Diseases Three surveillance reports were approved by the DAH. Following three disease outbreaks Foot and Mouth Disease (KZN) African Horsesickness (WC) Avian Influenza (WC)
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT…. Fertilizers and Farm Feeds Bill was sent to Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) for vetting. Draft Regulation amendment of the Liquor Products Act, Act 60 of 1989 Submitted to Legal Services for vetting. The implementation plans for Grain Strategy & Fruit Strategy have been developed in support of the strategies.
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT…. Plant Protection Bill: Workshop on revised legislation/ Draft Bill was held (11-13/May /2011) .Comments and/or inputs received were evaluated and incorporated into an amended draft .The revised Draft Bill will be circulated among internal/ DAFF stakeholders for final consideration before external consultation The draft Prioritisation mechanism for phytosanitary export marketsdocument is being refined Ten new taxa were declared as plants for which plant breeder’s rights may be obtained.
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT…. Meeting held with key government departments in April 2011 regarding GMO consignmentsand draft risk matrix was discussed in line with experiences in other countries. Arrangements for preparatory meetings of On-farm conservation project in KZN are underway Draft policy document on Plant Improvement was developed and stakeholders in DAFF were consulted and their inputs were incorporated into the draft document. A briefing session with officials on repatriation plans (indigenous livestock )took place in Free State during June 2011 and the briefing meetings for Northwest Province were confirmed for July 2011
FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 453 growers were assisted with technical assistance and advice, obtaining planting licences, business development and partnered with MONDI for financial support in the regions of Limpopo/Mpumalanga, KZN, Gauteng, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape 810 job opportunities which is equivalent to 3.5 FTE have been created by Land Care between April and June 2011 in GP, MP, KZN, NC and LP. The document on coping with floods has been drafted and circulated within the Early Warning Unit for inputs and comments. National Agricultural Disaster Risk Management Committee meeting has been held on 30 June 2011 whereas the next meetings for National Drought Task Team and National Agro-meteorological Committee will be held on 4 August and 7-8 September..
Implementation for the Western Cape Flood Disaster Relief Scheme is underway and visit for monitoring is scheduled for 25-29 July 2011. 2 irrigation schemes, Taung and Vaalharts revitalization projects are in planning phase. 6960 ha were rehabilitated through CARA enforcement and 166 Ha through Land Care during Q1. A total of 7126Ha A national climate change conference has been organized to solicit inputs for the development of Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for the sector 252 084 trees were planted by DAFF and other stakeholders in all 9 regions including Municipalities in support of Greening Strategy FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CONT…
FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES CONT… 15ha of indigenous forest were rehabilitated A national climate change conference has been organized to solicit inputs for the development of the Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for the sector and in preparation for COP17 02 wetlands were rehabilitated during Q1 (1 in Gauteng and Western Cape respectively) 371 temporary jobs were created through forestry operations.
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT The National Aquaculture Strategic Framework (NASF) was developed and approved by DEXCO during the period under review. 3 fish farms were identified and approved (Camdeboo, Hamburg and Mamre) and Service Level Agreement for Hamburg has already been signed with the Service Provider. Two projects had also been initiated,1 for provision of mobile cold storage facilities for fish and the other one for Fishermen’s Heritage projects to develop fish processing plant in Kleinmond.
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT CONT… Ten projects were identified, two implemented and completed, five in implementation and three in planning. These projects are community projects identified through working for fisheries programme. Social Relief and Fishing Harbor Facilities Management Pilot Project have been completed. KZN, EC, WC Catch Data Monitors, WC Marine Anti-poaching, Western Cape Fishing Harbor Facilities Management are in implementation stages. Despite severe resource and capacity constraints, relevant Scientific Research has been carried out on all 22 fishery sectors. Work is on target to meet the deadlines for resource assessments and catch limit recommendations for all 22 fishery sectors. An exploratory fishery for octopus is in the process of being established, following on from an experimental fishery.An exploratory fishery for red bait is also under investigation.
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT CONT… The impact and effects of fisheries on the ecosystems are continuously considered and are regularly documented and updated though the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries SWG (EAF SWG) and relevant advice is included in Total Allowable Catch (TAC) recommendations. Ecological considerations have been incorporated into TAC recommendations completed to date (Small pelagic fishery final recommendation). Service provider was appointed and policy comments were also summarized into the small-scale fisheries policy. Feasibility study on strategy on anchovy for human consumption is available and contacts have been made with Peruvian authorities (for benchmarking).
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT CONT… Verification of accuracy of findings of individual Right Holder reports. Final sector reports for commercial fishing right holders’ is in process of finalisation. The 3rd Forum meeting was held during the period under review to explore introduction of alternative permitting system (electronic) for recreational fishing. Collaboration with WWF (World Wildlife Fund) through the BCC (Benguela Current Committee) has been established to undertake ecological risk assessments. Inputs from management into Large Pelagics fisheries management plans are been incorporated for the period under review.
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT CONT… Small Pelagics Road shows were conducted in May 2011 and Demersal Road shows are to be conducted in June 2011 and local co-management structures in place for subsistence fisheries and recreational fishing forum have been established. Integrated Fisheries Security strategy was developed and will be taken through approval processes. 413 jobs were created through working for fisheries.