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Model Checking One Million Lines of C Code

Model Checking One Million Lines of C Code. Hao Chen Drew Dean (SRI International) David Wagner with David Schultz, Geoff Morrison, Ben Schwarz Jacob West, Jeremy Lin. Outline. Overview of MOPS Engineering efforts Make MOPS work on lots of real world applications

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Model Checking One Million Lines of C Code

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  1. Model Checking One Million Lines of C Code Hao Chen Drew Dean (SRI International) David Wagner with David Schultz, Geoff Morrison, Ben Schwarz Jacob West, Jeremy Lin

  2. Outline • Overview of MOPS • Engineering effortsMake MOPS work on lots of real world applications • ExperienceSecurity properties and findings

  3. MOPS (MOdel checking Programs for Security properties) • A static analysis tool that checks source programs for temporal safety properties • Main features • Pushdown model checking • Inter-procedural analysis • Control flow centric

  4. Algorithm: Pushdown Model Checking • : set of security operations • e.g.  = { seteuid(!0), seteuid(0), execl()} • B*: sequences of security operations that violate the property • B is a regular language • The user describes B by an FSA • T*: sequences of security operationsfrom feasible traces in the program • T is a context-free language • MOPS automatically builds T from the program • Question: Is B  T = ? B T

  5. The MOPS Process Safety Property FSA Program OK Program CFG Model Checker Parser Error Traces (they may violate the property) FSA: Finite State Automaton CFG: Control Flow Graph

  6. Integrate MOPS into the Build Process • Goal: build a CFG for each target executable in the source package • Low-level programs • mops_cc1: parse each foo.c into foo.cfg • mops_ld: link all *.cfg together • How to use these programs to build CFGs for each package conveniently?

  7. First Attempt: Edit Makefile • Feasible for packages with simple Makefiles • OpenSSH • Problems • Some Makefiles are automatically generated – they will be overwritten when the package is rebuilt • Too many Makefiles to edit – some packages generate one Makefile in each sub-directory • Some Makefiles are very complicated

  8. Second Attempt: Interpose on the Build Process to Generate CFGs • Set the env variable GCC_EXEC_PREFIXto let gcc use • mops_cc1 for cc1 • mops_ld for ld • Therefore • Each source file foo.c is parsed into a CFG file foo.o • Each executable file a.out contains a linked CFG • Note that machine code is not generated

  9. Second Attempt: Advantages and Problems • Advantage: works even if the build process • Moves files into other directories (mv) • Renames files (mv) • Creates libraries (ar) • Problem • Sometimes machine code is needed • By autoconf to test the functionality of the compiler • By the build process to generate C header files • But we let gcc create CFGs instead of machine code

  10. Third AttemptBuild Both Machine Code and CFGs • Solution • Build both machine code and CFGs. For each foo.c, build both foo.o and foo.cfg • Problem • Machine code and its corresponding CFG may be separated if the build process • Moves and renames files (mv) • Creates and uses libraries (ar) • We need to “bind” machine code with its CFG

  11. Final Attempt • Place both machine code and its CFG in the same object file • The ELF object format allows user-defined sections • For each source file foo.c • gcc’s cc1 generates machine code foo.o • mops_cc1 generates CFG foo.cfg • Run objcopy to place foo.cfg into foo.o

  12. Now, as Easy as This • mops –m property.mfsa -- gcc foo.c bar.c • mops –b rpm –m property.mfsa -- rh9/*.src.rpm

  13. Experiment: Checking Security Properties on Large Packages • Properties • Drop privilege before making unsafe system calls • Avoid race condition in file system access • Create root-jail safely • Create temporary files safely • Avoid stderr vulnerability • Programs • 7 programs, total one millions LOC

  14. Property: Drop Privilege before Executing Untrusted Programs • Setuid-root programs need to drop root privilege before executing untrusted programs • exec...(), system(), popen() • Otherwise, the untrusted program will run with the root privilege

  15. Property: Avoid Race Condition in File System Access • It is suspicious to make two system calls in a program path that use the same filename • E.g. • access(f) followed by open(f) • stat(f) followed by create(f) • Vulnerability • Symbolic links

  16. Property: Create root jail securely • Rule: chroot() must be followed by chdir() immediately • A vulnerable program • The adversary sends in ../../etc/password from the network // cwd==/var/ftp chroot(“/var/ftp/pub”); filename = read_from_network(); fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);

  17. Property: Avoid Race Condition in Creating Temporary Files • victim.c:filename = mktemp(template);fd = open(filename, …); • But an adversary can create a file with the same name between the two statements • Then, victim.c will • Open the adversary’s file, or • Fail to create the temporary file (with the O_EXCL flag)

  18. Rules for Avoiding Race Condition in Creating Temporary Files • Never use the unsafe functions:mktemp(), tmpnam(), tempname(), tmpfile() • Never reuse the parameter f in mkstemp(f) in any other function call, such as stat(), chmod(), etc • Because the same name may refer to a different file (tmpwatch)

  19. Property: Avoid stderr Vulnerability int main() { // fd 0 and 1 are open, but fd 2 is closed … f = open(“/etc/passwd”, O_RDWR); // now /etc/passwd is opened to fd 2 fprintf(stderr, “%s”, user_input); // oops, have written to /etc/passwd }

  20. Rule: Avoid stderr Vulnerability • Property • The first three file descriptors should not be opened by any file except /dev/null and /dev/zero

  21. Property: stderr vulnerability

  22. Property: create temporary files safely

  23. Experiment: Build CFGs for All RPM Packages in Redhat 9.0 Linux • Number of packages: 840 • Time: 3 days 14 hours on 1.5G Pentium • Preliminary results: • Successful: 514 packages • Failed: 326 packages • Reasons for failure • Lack of prerequisite RPM packages(the major reason) • Bugs/limitations in MOPS’s parser • The package was not written in C

  24. Summary • Engineering efforts in making MOPS work on lots of real world applications • Experience in checking security properties on large applications

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