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Enhance Iowa CAT Funding Program supports Iowa projects in community attraction, tourism, and sports. Get up to $2.5 million rebate for baseball & softball complexes. Apply for funding to enhance your local attraction today!

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  2. Enhance Iowa Umbrella • Vision Iowa • Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) • River Enhancement Community Attraction and Tourism (RECAT) • Sports Tourism • Baseball & Softball Complex Sales Tax Rebate • CAT Marketing

  3. Baseball/Softball Complex Sales Tax Rebate • Complexes with a total project cost of at least $10 million • Complex must be located in Iowa • The owner/operator of the complex must have at least 51% of its equity interest or voting interest controlled by Iowa residents • Up to $2.5 million tax rebate • Expires 10 years after project completion date • Rebate is for sales tax imposed and collected by retailers upon sales of goods, wares, merchandise, admission tickets, and services furnished to purchasers at the complex

  4. CAT Marketing Funds • Provides financial assistance to Vision Iowa, CAT or RECAT recipients for marketing projects • $100,000 from each CAT appropriation • FY17 funds were rolled into the most recent Iowa Tourism Grant cycle

  5. CAT Fund • Provides financial assistance for recreational, cultural, educational or entertainment attractions that are open to the general public • Funding is for vertical infrastructure • land acquisition and construction, major renovation and major repair of buildings, all appurtenant structures, utilities, site development, and recreational trails • Current funding available: $4.2 million

  6. Restrictions • State funds do not count as local match until applicant can demonstrate at least 50% of project funds have been raised • All work completed prior to the CAT award date is ineligible for funding and must be excluded from the application • Includes architectural fees, engineering fees, site preparation, demolition, asbestos removal, etc. • Real estate acquisition is the only allowed pre-award expense • Other ineligible expenses include operational costs, fundraising costs and fees, marketing costs

  7. Applicants • City, county, nonprofit organization, or school district • School districts can only apply as a joint applicant with a city or county • The entity to contract with the Enhance Iowa Board to receive CAT funds and undertake the funded activity • 50% of the cost of a standard medical insurance plan must be provided to all fulltime employees working at the completed facility

  8. Eligible Project • Primarily Vertical Infrastructure • Land acquisition and construction, major renovation and major repair of buildings, all appurtenant structures, utilities, site development, and recreational trails (including water trails) • Work that has started or completed prior to the potential CAT Award date (except the acquisition of real estate) is ineligible for CAT funding and must be omitted from the application • If already started construction, contact Program Manager before applying • Must be open to the general public for general use

  9. Local Match/Fundraising • Applicants must document at least 50% of the total project cost has been raised prior to submitting an application • Cash donations or pledges and in-kind • Funding from other State sources cannot be attributed to the fundraising total until the 50% funding threshold is met • To be competitive, recommend having more than 80% of funds raised before applying • Funds already spent do not count towards local match

  10. Local Match/Fundraising Continued • City, county and private (businesses & individuals) cash contributions are required • In-kind donations are limited to 25% of applicant’s fundraising match • Documentation is required for all contributions • No verbal pledges

  11. CAT Awards • Historically, awards have been between 10-20% of project costs • Lately, awards are on the lower end of this range • No matter the size of the project, the Board has made it a policy to not award more than $1 million to a single project • Aquatic centers are now treated like any other project and not limited to $100,000 award • CAT funds are “last dollar in”

  12. CAT Application Process • Submit Application • Staff Review • Presentation to Enhance Iowa Board • CAT Committee Review • Negotiation Meeting • Award

  13. CAT Application • Application parts: • Executive Summary • Application Forms • Minority Impact Statement • Tabs A through J • Two binders: one original application (with original signatures) and one copy • Quarterly deadlines • July 15, October 15, January 15 & April 15 • Depends on available funds

  14. Staff Review • Complete application • Eligible applicant • Project is primarily vertical infrastructure • Commitment to pay 50% of health benefits for all fulltime employees • Whether the project has received funding before • Verification 50% of the total project cost is secured

  15. Presentation to the Board • Invited to present during a Board meeting • 2nd Wednesday of the month • 10 minutes to make a personal appeal • Usually have not reviewed application yet • Vertical infrastructure components, fundraising and timeline

  16. Committee Review • Committee members score applications after first presentation • Scores must be above 65 points • Scores do not determine the size of the award or whether project will receive funding • Committee members can recommend an award or move to negotiations • Applicants attend monthly meetings until award or negotiations

  17. Negotiation • Small group of Board members and staff • Discuss possible award amount, contract requirements and contingencies, project components, and possible sources for additional fundraising • Committee will make a recommendation to the full Board

  18. Award • All awards are voted on by full Enhance Iowa Board • Amount is recommended by either CAT Committee or Negotiating Committee • No awards over $1 million • Historically awards have ranged between 10-20% of total project costs • Most recent awards are on lower end of this range

  19. After the Award • Award letter and contract are sent • Contract includes the award amount, total project cost, project description, deadlines and/or contingencies approved by the Board • Reporting requirements include documentation of completed fundraising, expenditures and in-kind donations, and completion of project as proposed • All nonprofits receiving an award of more than $150,000 will need to submit most recent audit for review • Eligible costs can start being incurred on the award date

  20. After the Award • Funds will not be released until fundraising is complete • Funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis • Submit copies of invoices • Reimbursement rate is roughly CAT award/total project costs with an adjustment for in-kind donations • Project must be completed as proposed • Failure to construct all components can result in the return of the entire CAT award • If unable to produce eligible invoices that total at least the project cost number in the contract, will not receive full award • Must permanently recognize Enhance Iowa/CAT program for contribution to project

  21. Before You Apply • Review the entire application and ask questions about anything you don’t understand • Attend an Enhance Iowa meeting • Call or email with questions!

  22. Questions Nicole Shalla, Grants Manager nicole.shalla@iowaeda.com or 515.348.6258 https://www.iowaeconomicdevelopment.com/Community/Enhance

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