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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual , Transgender and Title IX: Lots of Letters, Lots of Opportunity. Kelsey Jarrett Graduate Assistant, Multicultural Student Affairs Drew Newton Coordinator for the Gamecock Gateway. Teambuilder / Icebreaker. Learning Outcomes.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Title IX: Lots of Letters, Lots of Opportunity Kelsey Jarrett Graduate Assistant, Multicultural Student Affairs Drew Newton Coordinator for the Gamecock Gateway
Learning Outcomes • Understand how Title IX applies to the LGBT community • Understand USC’s nondiscrimination clause and its relationship to sexual orientation and gender identity • Recognize elements that can create a hostile environment for LGBT students, faculty, and staff • Recognize what violence looks like within the LGBT community • Utilize and know the on-campus resources Through the workshop participants will:
By the Numbers A Look at LGB Statistics Nationally • Approximately 3.5% of adults in the USA are LGB and 0.3% of adults are transgender = 9 million LGBT Americans • An estimated 1.8% of adults identify as bisexualcompared to 1.7 % as lesbian or gay • 19 million Americans (8.2%) report they have engaged in same-sex sexual behavior and nearly 25.6 million Americans (11%) acknowledge at least some same-sex sexual attraction
By the Numbers A Look at LGB Statistics in South Carolina • In 2005, there were an estimated 117,033 gay, lesbian, and bisexual people living in South Carolina. • In 2010, there were approximately 7,214 same-sex couples in South Carolina.
REMINDER:Not everyone is heterosexual!Not everyone simply identifies as “male” or “female.”
TerminologyTerms Associated with Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
The Genderbread Person By: It's Pronounced Metrosexual
What does Title IX say? Remember: This is not exclusively male/female or female/male. Remember: This applies to campus inclusion at large. One incident of orientation/identity bias can create a hostile environment.
What Does USC’s Nondiscrimination Clause Say? “The University of South Carolina does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities or decisions on the basis of personal characteristics that are not relevant to an individual's abilities, qualifications, or job performance. Under federal and state law, these characteristics include age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, and disability status. It is the policy of the University that an individual's sexual orientation be treated in the same manner.”
How Do We Compare? USC is a part of the: • 85% of schools that have a professional staff member for the LGBTQ community • 71% that do NOT include gender identity in the non-discrimination policy or in any diversity statements • 57% that have provided resources for trans* students such as a list of gender neutral bathrooms on campus USC is not part of the: • 81% of schools that allow students to put their preferred name on campus directories, class rosters and student ID cards (can only change name and email alias on the online directory) • 30% of schools that have gender neutral housing
Elements of a Hostile Environment According to a 2009 study… • 72% of LGBT students heard homophobic remarks such as "faggot" or "dyke" frequently at school. • 61% of students reported feeling unsafein school because of their sexual orientation; 40% felt unsafe because of their gender expression. • 40% of LGBT students reported physical harassmentbecause of their sexual orientation; 27% were physically harassed because of their gender expression.
Elements of a Hostile Environment …on a student’s academic progress • 29.1% of LGBT students missed a class at least once and 30.0% missed at least one day of school in the past month because of safety concerns. • 2.7= the average GPA of students who were frequently harassed because of their sexual orientation/gender expression. 2009 National School Climate Survey
Elements of a Hostile Environment According to a 2010 study… • 1/3 of LGBTQ college students seriously considered leaving or left their institution because they weren’t accepted. • 23% reported experiencing harassment…with 83% saying it was because of their sexual orientation. • Just under half of all faculty, students, & staff hide their sexual identity (43%) or gender identity (63%) to avoid intimidation.
LGBT Multiculturalism Multiple layers of oppression • Societal reactions to their identity • Racial prejudice • Limited economic resources • Limited acceptance within community/culture • Limited acceptance or understanding within the LGBT community • Lack of role models (at large and in the racial/ethnic community) Harper, G. W., Jernewall, N., & Zea, M. C. (2004). Giving voice to emerging science and theory for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people of color. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 10(3), 187-199.
…on a student’s overall wellness The Environment’s Impact • Mental Health Concerns (isolation; low self-esteem; depression; anxiety; suicidal ideations) • Substance Abuse (tobacco/alcohol/drug abuse) • Discrimination/Harassment • Relationship Concerns (Friends; Family Members; Intimate Relationships; Sexual Relationships; Interpersonal Violence)
Homophobia in Action Raymond Chase (2010) 19 years old Tyler Clementi(2010) 18 years old Sean Kennedy (2007) 21 years old Gwen Araujo(2003) 17 years old
Violence in the LGBT Community • Occurs at similar rates to heterosexual couples • The Center for American Progress reports: • One out of four to one out of three same-sex relationships has experienced domestic violence. • A common tactic is threatening to “out” the other individual • “Lesbian and gay victims are more reluctant to report abuse to legal authorities. Survivors may not contact law enforcement agencies because doing so would force them to reveal their sexual orientation or gender identity.” • “Gay and lesbian victims are also reluctant to seek help out of fear of showing a lack of solidarity among the gay and lesbian community. Similarly, many gay men and women hide their abuse out of a heightened fear that society will perceive same-sex relation- ships as inherently dysfunctional.” http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/lgbt/news/2011/06/14/9850/domestic-violence-in-the-lgbt-community/
Violence in the LGBT Community • The Center for American Progress reports: • “Gay and lesbian victims are more likely to fight back than are heterosexual women. This can lead law enforcement to conclude that the fighting was mutual, overlooking the larger context of domestic violence and the history of power and control in the relationship.” • Authorities also lack information/an understanding of same-sex relationships • Varying levels of protection across states and municipalities http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/lgbt/news/2011/06/14/9850/domestic-violence-in-the-lgbt-community/
So What Can You Do?
How do we create an inclusive Carolina? • Avoid assumptions that all students are heterosexual or operate on a binary gender identity scale • Get to know—and challenge—your community • Provide role models • Understand what the laws and our policies state • Know your resources • Unite Carolina!
On Campus Resources Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention (Stand Up Carolina) Thomson Student Health Center, First Floor www.sa.sc.edu/shs/savip • 1:1 appointments regarding sexual assault and relationships violence • Coordinate the university’s bystander accountability program
On Campus Resources LGBT Programs and Services Russell House West Wing – Lower Level lgbtusc@mailbox.sc.edu | 803.777.7716 • Programming and presentations • 1:1 and group meetings • Online resources at www.sa.sc.edu/omsa
Safe Zone strives to… • Educatethe campus community • Provide assistance to our LGBT and Ally Gamecocks • Retain LGBT faculty, staff, and students • Help all Carolinians understand their role in providing a safe, inclusive environment
Safe Zone does not attempt to… • Take a political or religious stand • Force participation in uncomfortable or exceptionally personal activities • Require individuals to become Allies • Push individuals to “come out”
On Campus Resources Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Straight Alliance Meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Currell 107 www.facebook.com/bglsa • Signature events such as Ms. Gaymecock and The Birdcage • Weekly social and educational opportunities • Programs and community service
On Campus Resources Counseling & Human Development Center Byrnes Building, 7th Floor (across from the Horseshoe) www.sa.sc.edu/shs/chdc • 1:1 appointments • Weekly LGBT Support Group (Fridays at 1:30 p.m.) • Suicide Prevention Services
Resources in our Area • Monthly potlucks • “Undefined Gender” support and dialogue group • Youth OUTLoud and faith-based groups • YEAH! – Youth Empowered Against HIV
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.