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Explore the timeline of physical education evolution from Ancient Greece's study of health and exercise to the development of norms and fitness testing in the 20th century. Learn about influential figures like Claudius Galen, Dudley A. Sargent, and the growth of sub-disciplines like exercise physiology and sport psychology.
Historical Overview PHE 498
Ancient Greece Claudius Galen (A.D. 130-200) • Studied the relationship between health and exercise • Determined what types of exercise would impart physical changes.
Renaissance Hieronymous Mercurialis (1530-1606) • Rebirth of Greek ideals • Published De Arte Gymnastica • Preventive and therapeutic exercises
19th Centruy Physical Education Programs in the United States Dr. Edward Hitchcock (1828-1911) hired in 1861 as Assistant Professor of Physical Training and Hygiene at Amherst College
Hitchcock • Medical Degree • First physical educator to receive professorial status • Developed system of anthropometrics: measurement of man. Used measurements to chart student progress.
Dr. Dudley A. Sargent (1849-1924) • In 1879 hired as Assistant Professor of Physical Training and Director of Hemenway Gymnasium at Harvard University • Developed over 90 patents for exercise machines. • Used individual exercises based on anthropometrics.
Norms • Based on data collected by Hitchcock and Sargent norms were established for college level physical performance. • Norms are performance standards collected from a large number of subjects. Norms are based on age, gender, experience, ability, and other characteristics.
Norms (cont.) • Norms can be used to create standards or expectations of performance. • Norms can then be used to make realistic standards for students to meet.
20th Century • Testing in physical education expanded to a number of attributes other than anthropometrics.
Classification of body types Body composition Power Agility Motor ability Balance Flexibility Speed and Reaction time Strength CV endurance Sport skills Posture Social and Psych Knowledge Attributes
Physical Fitness Testing • Military preparedness in WWI and WWII • Tests were utilized to determine physical eligibility of draftees. • Kraus-Weber Test: American school aged students were compared to Europeans in 1953. • 60% of American students failed; 9% of European students failed
Fitness (cont.) • Kraus-Weber test results prompted President Eisenhower in 1956 to establish the President’s Council on Youth Fitness • A national physical fitness test was developed
Academic Discipline Movement • Franklin Henry in a JOHPER in 1964 stated:" I suggest that there is an increasing need for the organization and study of the academic discipline herein called physical education”.
Sub Disciplines of Study • Exercise Physiology • Biomechanics • Kinesiology • Motor learning • Sport psychology • Sport sociology • Sport history • Sport philosophy
Exercise Physiology • 1954 The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) was founded • Joseph B. Wolffe, a cardiologist, was elected as ACSM’s first president. • In 1969 ACSM began to publish Medicine and Science in Sports. • In 1974 ACSM began to certify practitioners, and now there are six certification fields.
Growth of Sub Disciplines • North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity was founded in 1967. Journal of Motor Behavior (1968) and the Journal of Sport Psychology (1978). • The Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport was founded in 1972. • North American Society for Sport History was formed in 1973.
The Art and Science of Human Movement • http://www.ucalgary.ca/lib-old/ssportsite/assoc.html