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Learn about the rich history, functions, expertise, and experience of JSC VNIIST, a leading institute in oil and gas facility support, engineering, and design in Russia and CIS.
“All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company” JSC VNIIST
History of VNIIST 1948 – NIIstroineft 1958 - All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines JSC VNIIST 1992 – All-Russian Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines (JSC VNIIST) 1996 – OJSC “All-Russian Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines – Oil and Gas Engineering Company”(OJSC VNIIST) 2002 - OJSC “Oil and Gas Engineering Company - All-Russian Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector” (OJSC VNIIST) 2011 - CJSC “Oil and Gas Engineering Company - All-Russian Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector” (CJSC VNIIST) 2015 – JSC “All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company” Nearly all the pipeline systems of Russia and CIS are created on the basis of the regulatory documents, technical and technological solutions, machines, equipment and apparats, developed by VNIIST. 2 JSC VNIIST
Structure of JSC VNIIST VNIIST Center for Pipe Welding and Testing Center for Corrosion Protection Center for Technology of Oil and Gas Transportation Center for Technology and Organization of Pipeline Construction Educational Center Engineering and Design Center The staff of the institute consists of highly qualified specialists (including 3 Doctors of Science, 19 Masters of Sciences). The test center possesses159 units of the primary equipment. 3 JSC VNIIST
Functions of JSC VNIIST in the life cycle support of oil and gas facilities 4 JSC VNIIST
Functions of JSC VNIIST in the life cycle support of oil and gas facilities 5 JSC VNIIST
All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company (JSC VNIIST) Design and Survey Work 6 JSC VNIIST
JSC VNIIST Engineering and Design Center Structure Engineering and Design Center BureauGIP (ГИП) Engineering department Operational departments (tlinear and technological departments, department of construction, automation, communication and alarm, electro-technical department, ОВ and VK departments, ГO and CC departments, POS of cost sheets and land-utilization The staff of the Engineering and Design Center contains employees with higher professional education in the sphere of architectural and construction design, at least 5 years of professional experience and attestation and professional training certificates. 7 JSC VNIIST
Design and Survey Work Objects: Linear part of export and field pipelines; Oil pump station, acceptance transfer units; Tank farms; Field facilities installation, oil treatment plants, cluster pads equipment. Design and Survey Work 8 JSC VNIIST
Regulatory Documentation : Typical technical requirements ; Typical technical solutions; Typical project solutions; Typical projects; Typical technological schemes; Classifiers of equipment, component parts and materials; Classifiers of processes and types of activity; Products description handbooks. Development of Regulatory Documentation 9 JSC VNIIST
Experience. Main facilities. 10 JSC VNIIST
Experience. Main facilities 11 АО ВНИИСТ
Experience. Works completed since 2002. 12 JSC VNIIST
Experience. Works completed since 2002 13 JSC VNIIST
All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company (JSCVNIIST) Regulatory and Technical Documentation for Engineering, Construction and Operation of Oil and Gas Facilities 14 JSC VNIIST
Principal R&D Tasks Formation of norms and technical requirements of the Customer on the basis of scientific researches and testing of supplied products and construction technologies Evaluation of the technical performance of oil and gas facilities on the basis of the test data and monitoring Assessment of supplied products and construction technologies conformity (verification) to Customer’s technical requirements 15 JSC VNIIST
Amount of works, performed by JSC VNIIST For the period of 2004-2014VNIIST has provided projects for more, than 5000 objects of construction, re-equipment, reconstruction and turnaround, including the largest ones over recent years. For the period of 2004-2014 the project documentation of more, than 4000 projects (facilities) was verified. Organization and support of the state expert review of the project documentation – more than 1600 projects. Defects correcting design and estimate documentation was developed for the purpose of no-failure operation of enterprises of fuel and gas sector: more than 2000 projects included the correction of more than 50000 defects. Field supervision was performed at 1 116enterprises of fuel and gas sector. 16 JSC VNIIST
Formation of technical requirements and regulations On the basis of scientific researches, products testing and construction technologies the Institute works out regulatory documents for all the life cycle stages of oil and gas facilities: design, construction and operation. Completed documents: • technical regulations “About safety of export pipeline transport, in-field and local distribution pipelines”; • sets of rules– 2; • national standards– 6; • branch regulations–22; • guidelines–139; • technical requirements–100; • special technical requirements–69; • special technical conditions–30. 17 JSC VNIIST
Examples of RTD developed for design, construction and operation of oil processing facilities • СН 527-80 Construction rules. Guideline on engineering steel pipelines up to 10 Mpa • РД 153-605-05 Guideline on welding technology applied during construction and repair of steel vertical tanks • СТТ-16.01-74.20.11-КТН-030-1-05 (РД 16.01-73.10.00-КТН-010-1-05)Special regulations for steel vertical tanks design and construction (volume 100 000 m3) for the crude oil loading terminal of the pipeline “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean) • РД-16.01-60.30.00-КТН-062-1-05 Guideline on the repair of reinforced-concrete and steel vertical tanks, volume 1 000 – 50 000 m3 • РД-16.01-60.30.00-КТН-063-1-05Rules of technical diagnostic of tanks • ОР-23.020.00-КТН-494-06Regulations on decommissioning, diagnostics, turnaround (reconstruction) of tanks and their placing in commission • РД-23.020.00-КТН-279-07Procedure for tanks bottoms and grounds inspection • РД-23.020.00-КТН-296-07Guideline on the evaluation of tanks technical performance • РД-05.00-45.21.30-КТН-005-1-05 Anti-corrosion protection rules • РД-23.020.00-КТН-163-06 Annex. Anti-corrosion protection of inner surface of the tanks for oil and light oils filling and storage to РД “Anti-corrosion protection rules” • РД-23.040.00-КТН-189-06 Anti-corrosion protection rules for above-ground pipelines, constructions and equipment of export pipelines. • СТТ-05.00-45.21.30-КТН-012-1-05 Special technical requirements to PFA-preinsulated pipes for export pipelines of large diameter. • РД-05.00-45.21.30-КТН-014-1-05Export pipeline. Heat isolation. General technical requirements. • РД-91.020.00-КТН-103-07Rules and regulations to design earthing construction for export pipelines of OJSC JSK “Transneft” enterprises. • РД-91.020.00-КТН-149-06 Design regulations for electrochemical protection of export pipelines and OPS constructions. • ОТТ-25.160.10-КТН-006-06 Technical solutions to weld valves, pipe junctions for measuring-and-recording apparatus, cathode leads for electrochemical protection onto the pipeline. 18 JSC VNIIST
Federal law “ On Technical Regulation” National standards and mandatary norms Optional standards of organization РД-03-614-03 General standards Special standards РД-03-615-03 Regulations for design and construction Technical requirements Special regulations for design and construction Special technical requirements РД “Rules for commissioning the facilities of ready export pipelines” ОТТ-08.00-60.30.00-ктн-013-1-04 for pipes of large diameter Special regulations for design and construction. Export pipeline “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” (ESPO) СТТ-08.00-60.30.00-КТН-013-1-05 СТТ-08.00-60.30.00-КТН-015-1-05 STRfor high-strength pipes and connecting pieces up to 14 Mpa ОTT-16.01-60.30.00-КТН-002-1-05. Transition of export pipelines via water barrier РД 16.01-60.30.00-КТН-001-1-05 Regulations for the design of export pipelines pig trap stations “Special regulations for steel vertical tanks design and construction (volume 100 000 m3 ) for the crude oil loading terminal of the pipeline “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” STR. Pig trap stations at linear parts of export pipelines with pressure up to 12,5 Mpa ОТТ-16.01-74.20.11-КТН-012-1-05 Typical technical solutions on OPS design National standards and optional regulations Export pipeline ESPO. Instrumentation and controls detectors ОТТ-04.00-45.21.30-КТН-002-1-03 ОТТ-04.00-27.22.00-КТН-003-1-03 ОТТ-04.00-27.22.00-КТН-004-1-03 ОТТ-04.00-27.22.00-КТН-005-1-03 ОТТ-04.00-27.22.00-КТН-006-1-03 Technical requirements to external anti-corrosion coating of welded joints in export pipelines and their elbows, formed connecting pieces and pipe valves. Technical requirements to plant polyethylene, epoxide and polypropylene pipes coating. Guideline for welding high-strength pipes STR. Shut-off valves, safety valves and control valves СНиП 2.05.06-85* СТТ-08.00-60.30.00-КТН-018-1-05 СТТ-08.00-60.30.00-КТН-019-1-05 СТТ-08.00-60.30.00-КТН-020-1-05 Strainers, grating filters СНиП III-42-80 СН 452-73 STR. Export pipelines. Pumps with ultimate pressure up to 10 Mpa ГОСТ Р 54464-98 STR to PFA-preinsulated pipes for export pipeline ESPO. СНиП II-7-81* THE EXAMPLE OF TECHNICAL AND REGULATORY BASE, DEVELOPED FOR ESPO PROJECT 19 JSC VNIIST
Special Technical Conditions Creation of special regulatory and technical documents, including PSDC, is related to using operation parameters, exceeding values, regulated by acting regulatory and technical documentation, or not specified there (for example, operational pressure 12,5 Mpa, seismicity – above 9 points, installation in complex climatic environment: in sections, covered by multi-year frozen and rocky grounds; in sections with rock glaciers and buried ice, etc.) • During 2008-2014 the Institute has developed : • PSDC for design and construction of the export gas pipeline GTU-2 “Nizhne-Kvakchiksky Gas Condensate Field - Automated Gas Distribution Station” in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky at the sections with seismic activity above 9 points according to MSK-64 and in areas of active tectonic faults crossing (Customer –LLC“VNIIGAZ”). • PSDC for engineer surveys, design, construction and operation of the export pipeline “Yurubcheno-Tokhomsky field Kuchetkan” (Customer - OJSC “Tomsk NIPINeft”). • PSDC to engineer field pipelines of Bovanenkovsky Oil-Gas Condensate Field (Customer LLC“VNIIGAZ”). • PSDC for design, construction and operation of oil pipeline “Okha-Komsomolsk-na-Amure” 196-207 km, reserve line via Nevelski strait (Customer– LLC “RN-Sakhalinmorneftegas”). • PSDC for reconstruction and operation of unfinished construction of the export products pipeline “Gubkinsky GPP – South-Balykinsky GPP- Tobolsky Petrochemical Complex” (section 543–867 km) (Customer - OJSC “ Sibur-Holding”). • PSDC for fire security, Export Pipeline “Kuchetkan-Taishet” (Customer - OJSC “Tomsk NIPINeft”). 20 JSC VNIIST
Experience in the development of RTD in the sphere of sea pipelines design, construction and operation • Special technical conditions for the design of sea pipelines in the project “Sakhalin-2” (Customers - “Sakhalin Energy Investments Company LTD”, “Sofresid”, “Marathon”, “McDermott”), 2000-2001. • Technical conditions for the design and construction of the see pipeline, Astkhonsky section, at the shelf of Sakhalin island(Customer- “Sakhalin Energy Investments Company LTD”), 1996–1998. • Technical solutions to install eight lines of underwater pipelines via Baydaratskaya Bay (Customers –TPM”, “Thaiway”, 1988–1994. • Construction and construction technologies of sea export pipelines, including landfall wet sections, shallow water and deep water areas. Participation in the development of the technical and economic assessment for the project. Scientific and construction support of underwater pipelines project, Shtokmanovsky gas condensate field (SGCF) – Teriberka. (Customers – “Olsis”, “Jan De Nul”, JSC “Gyprospetsgas”), 1993–1996. • Technical conditions for the design and construction of the see pipeline, Astokhsky section at the shelf of Sakhalin island. Technical solutions to ground the design of the Piltun- Astokhsky field, Sakhalin island (Customer - “Sakhalin Energy Investments Company LTD”), 1996–1998. • Technical conditions for the design and construction of see pipelines from the coastline to the manifold of SPM (single buoy mooring). Transportation of crude oil from Tengiz field to SPM (Customers - Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), “Fluor Daniel, Inc”), 1998–1999 21 JSC VNIIST
Experience in the development of RTD in the sphere of sea pipelines design, construction and operation • Technical conditions for the design and construction of see terminal pipeline, diameter 56",of CPC transport system. One line pipeline, diameter 56", connecting the tank farm with shore facilities (Customers - Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) , “Fluor Daniel, Inc”, SOCIETE DE CONSTRUCTION D'OLEODUCS and SEO/SCO (SEO-SNC)), 1998–2000 • Special technical conditions for the design, construction and operation of sea and land pipelines for the project Sakhalin-1 (Customer - “Exxon Neftegas Limited”), 1998–2001 • Development of high-reliability sea pipeline construction, technology and its construction procedure under the conditions of the shelf of Russia. Works, following international and Russian programs within the frames of the subprogram “Progressive Technologies of the Integrated Development of Russian Fuel and Power Resources” (“Nedra Rossii” of the Federal STP “Development and Research in the Priority Fields of Science and Technology of Non-Military Nature” (Customer – the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation), (Customer – the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation), 1993–2003 • Technical solutions for the construction of sea supplying pipelines at the see transhipping complex Kozmino. Participation in technical and economic assessment, “Phase 1 of the pipeline system “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean”, specialized oil seaport “Kozmino”.(Customer – OJSC “JSC “Transneft”), 2005–2006 • Analysis of possible reasons for the positional deviation of the pipeline, installed into the bottom trench, filled after the installation. Project “Sea Pipeline. Varandeisky Oil Export Terminal” (Customer OJSC “Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy”), 2008 22 JSC VNIIST
Experience in the international gas and oil projects • Design and construction of the underwater pipelines system along the route Yamal-Center via Baydaratskaya Bay (Customers –”TPM” (France), “Thaiway” (Belgium), “Exxon Neftegas Limited” (USA)). • Design and construction of see pipelines at the shelf of Sakhalin island, projects Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 (Customer- “Sakhalin Energy Investments Company LTD” (USA-Japan-Russia)). • Design and construction of see terminal pipelines of CPC transport system and sea supply pipelines (Customers - Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) (Kazakhstan-Russia-USA), “Fluor Daniel, Inc”, SOCIETE DE CONSTRUCTION D'OLEODUCS and SEO/SCO (SEO-SNC) (France)). • Design of underwater pipelines Shtokmanovsky gas condensate field (SGCF)- Teriberka. (Customers – “Olsis”, “Jan De Nul” (Belgium), JSC “Gyprospetsgas”, Russia)). • Development of high-reliability sea pipeline construction, technology and its construction procedure under the conditions of the shelf of Russia, following the Federal Target STP “Development and Research in the Priority Fields of Science and Technology of Non-Military Nature” (Customer – the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation) 23 JSC VNIIST
The Testing Center with cutting-edge laboratory and testing equipment is one of the competitive advantages of JSC VNIIST. Laboratories and facilities for full-scale testing, being the components of the Testing Center, perform the certification and R&D activity in the sphere of: pipes and fittings; welding consumables and equipment; corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant materials and coatings, electrochemical protection JSC VNIIST Testing Center is certified by Russian National Standard Quality Management System Testing Center 24 JSC VNIIST
Testing Center Equipment for mechanical testing of standard and special samples(pull test machine and Charpy machine) 25 JSC VNIIST
Testing Center Apparats to define micro structure and chemical composition (electronic and optical microscopes, spectrometer) 26 JSC VNIIST
Testing Center Equipment for special and mechanical testing (hardness test and cracking resistance test 27 JSC VNIIST
Testing Center Testing of corrosion-resistant coatings (at high and low temperatures for physical integrity and adhesion) 28 JSC VNIIST
Testing Center Equipment for special testing of coating (ultraviolet radiation resistance and impact testing ) 29 JSC VNIIST
All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company (JSCVNIIST) Center for Pipes Welding and Testing 30 JSC VNIIST
CPWT Structure 31 JSC VNIIST
Experimental research Pipes full-scale testing is performed at the test area to verify the structural strength, static cracks resistance, performability, which allows modeling performance of the pipe as of a constructive element of the pipeline. 32 JSC VNIIST
Test area Armored chamber for pneumohydraulic testing of pipe sections up to 33 meters in length and with the diameter of up to 1420 mm Field test to verify the quality and performability of tubulars of the following companies were performed: • ChelPipe • Volzhsky Pipe Plant • Vyksa Steel Works • Izhora Pipe Mill(St. Petersburg) • FSUECRISM “Prometey”(St. Petersburg) • OJSCTrubodetal(Chelyabinsk); • KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT (Ukraine) • Japanese companies“Sumitomo Metal Industries”, “Nippon Steel Corporation”, “JFE”. • German companies “Mannesmann”, “Salzgitter AG”. • Companies from Italy France, Slovakia, Finland 33 JSC VNIIST
Test area Preparation of the full-scale specimen for static crack resistance verification 34 JSC VNIIST
Verification of repair constructions Full-scale specimen of repair constructions for export, field and technological pipelines with the diameter up to 1420 mm CMT collar Used to repair defects like buckles, corrosion spots (metal loss defects) Split Tee Used during elimination of illegal tapping and gas pockets 35 JSC VNIIST
All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company (JSCVNIIST) Diagnostics, Quality Control and Technical Surveillance Services JSC VNIIST
Diagnostics, service life identification, tanks industrial safety inspection, verification of technological pipelines, mechanic and technological, power equipment: identification of repair scope, considering the service life information, given by the Customer, recommendation on the repair scope Diagnostics and the evaluation of technical performance of oil and gas wells: high resolution magnetic scanning system are used, service life is calculated Ultrasonic waveguiding control and monitoring of technological pipelines: at racks, in case of constructions crossing, without removing protection insulation Digital technologies of ultrasonic, radiographic and magnetic control of pipelines, tanks and constructions without removing anti-corrosion coating Technical surveillance over products manufacture and delivery, construction and installation works Development of regulatory and technical documentation to diagnose and evaluated technical performance of equipment, pipes and tanks. Diagnostics, Quality Control and Technical Surveillance Services are offered Diagnostics services 37 JSC VNIIST
Technical surveillance over products delivery, construction and installation works R&D activities, development of RTD Diagnostics and service life extension (identification of repair scope) of gas and oil industry equipment Diagnostics services 38 JSC VNIIST
Diagnostics and service life extension of operated gas and oil industry equipment • After the diagnostics of the facilities the customer receives: • Technical diagnostics report ; • Results of the analysis of the technical performance of the object; • Report on the evaluation of the technical performance; • Results of the safe operation period calculation, taking into consideration found defects; • Recommendation on the scope and variants of necessary repair with works cost evaluation Diagnostics of power equipment Complete tanks diagnostics Diagnostics of operated wells Complex diagnostics of underwater lines Diagnostics and setting of pipeline electrochemical protection Diagnostics of mechanical and technological equipment Complex diagnostics of linear sections 39 JSC VNIIST
Customer Annual, quarterly and monthly plans, the list of manufacturing plants Studying the manufacturing plant Agreement with : Manufacturing plant VNIIST Customer Development of “Technological Control Plan” Development of “Provisions on Cooperation of the Technical Surveillance Team with Plant Services” Creation of “List of Organizational and Technical Events” Agreement with the manufacturing plant Organization of technical surveillance section at the manufacturing plant Technical requirements, specifications Customer Technical surveillance activities Visaing plant quality certificated.Drawing pipe passport Delivery of works TECHNICAL SURVEILLANCE SCHEME 40 JSC VNIIST
Geography of works Former USSR plants Foreign plants Russia 43plants 32 plants 4 plants China - 7Japan- 6France - 4Germany -7Poland - 1Czechia - 1England - 1 Sweden - 1 Switzerland - 1Spain - 1Italy - 1Finland - 1 ChelyabinskVyksaMoscowAlexinLiskiTulaSamaraKurganPenzaKazanetc. Ukraine - 3Kazakhstan - 1 JSC VNIIST has rich experience in organization and carrying out technical surveillance not only at manufacturing plants of Russia, but also at the plants of former USSR and foreign plants. 41 JSC VNIIST
Contact information Address: 9 Okruzhnoi proezd, Moscow 105187 Tel/Fax: (495) 783-94-54 E-mail: info@vniist.ru www.vniist.ru All-Union Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Enterprises of Fuel and Gas Sector - Oil and Gas Engineering Company (JSCVNIIST) 42 JSC VNIIST