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This guide provides information on media literacy and online advertising, with a focus on health and nutrition education for children between 7 and 14 and their parents. It explores the impact of advertising on nutrition-related issues and highlights the strategies used by the food and beverage industry. The guide aims to empower trainers and teachers to educate children about healthy food choices and media influence.
Media literacy OBJECTIVES Health and nutrition education Trainers / teachers TARGET AUDIENCES Children between 7 and 14 Parents
Nutri-mediasa guide to online advertising SETTING THE SCENE WHAT TO DO? THE MEDIAS About Nutri-medias
Nutri-mediasa guide to online advertising About Nutri-medias SETTING THE SCENE
Nutrition • A biologicalneed • A social activity • Within a cultural setting
Nutrition Cavities Overweight Obesity Diabetes Cancer CAUTION • Verysweetfood • Verysaltyfood • Verygreasyfood
Agro-business Example > the food and beverage sector: a high concentration • World #1 : Nestlé • World #2 : Kraft food
Spending in advertising and marketing Agro-business Consumer goods Pharmaceuticals Perfumes Automobile industry Million € Agro-business in FRANCE= € 9,555 billion d'euros per year= 8 % of their turnover Research carried out in 2004 in companies of 20 employees or more (except the energy sector) / Source; sessi et scees
Spending in advertising and marketing At the top of the list : advertising for greasy or sweet foods Source: audit of food marketing destined to children by UFC quechoisir, 7 December 2007 Pyramide USDA(version actualisée en 2003) Répartition des catégoriesd’alimentsdans les spots publicitaires TV
Children’s and teenager’sneeds +autonomy, independence +confidence, safety +movement +understand, learn, discover +succeed, get positive feedback +transgress + fiction, imagination +meet, socialize +create +to feel accepted, recognized, appreciated, useful +influence things, have an impact +wage one’s capacities, test them against others NEEDS EXPLOITED by the media or by marketing schemes
Needs of the child and marketing The example of collections Collecting something responds to: The need for action, for success, for socialization... BRANDS ENCOURAGE COLECTIONS > Familiarity with the product. > The child acts as a marketing agent with his friends.
Youth and the media / someprinciples +identification +imitation +sense of belonging +Search for behavioral responses, for role models +peer reinforcement All of these happen when children watch their favorite media programs
From media representations to collective and personal representations Day after day, the images we see in the media feed our collective and personal representations of the world. They can influence us into changing our behaviors.
The ingredients of advertising > 1 Advertisements play with: Our values Our emotions Our desires Our imagination Children Stars jingles
The ingredients of advertising > 2 Sexuality Music Slogans I’m loving it Opening happiness And humor...
Advertisingway beyond the product > 1 Magazine add for the FINDUS French fries.
Advertisingway beyond the product > 2 TV add for the social network HABBO (2011).
TV / advertising and other messages > 1 Titeuf in a “public health” message.
TV / advertising and other messages > 2 Titeuf in an advertising..
TV / product placement An old technique M&M's in City Hunter in 1992 An ongoing widely used practice MAPLE LOOPS cereals in My Uncle Charlie nowadays >>> placement contract/ brand visibility
TV / weird universes Building of universes that are Showcasing certain foods Here, a world filled with sweets in the cartoon Charlotte aux fraises
TV / repeated, short displays The Big Bang Theory, Scrubs and Community. In American TV series, we find many situations of snacking or eating of fat or sweet foods.
Web / advertising / banners 1. Business model > advertising pays for the website content 2. Children do not always distinguish advertising from regular content Example; the home page of the GULLI tv channel website, with an advertising for McDonalds
Web / advertising / waiting screens Simple online games very popular amongst children = a means of advertisement Example: during the loading of the game Climate Chaos on jeux.com, an advertising for Kellog’s cereals appears.
Web / advertising / virtual reality Popular among the 10 to 15 year olds example of HABBO Advertising placed on virtual walls Among the sponsors:
Web / social networks > 1 Online advertising: 1> strong growth 2> highly customized ads FACEBOOK page “like” button > FACEBOOK
Web / social networks > 2 More and more targeted advertising Facebook’s “sponsored” stories Advertising on Facebook for Smartphones
Smartphones > 2 Life is made user-friendly, but at what price? Google Now will automatically notify us in real time of the “best” restaurants near our location depending on your “preferences”… Facedeals is a Facebook app that allows you to get a discount depending on your online activities (if you like certain brands online) using face recognition technology …
Marketing > children, youth example : "TINTIN and the licorne" Hergé, author Moulinsart S.A. Paramount Pictures, Colombia Pictures manages the rights of Hergé’s works Editions Casterman produce the movie Publishes the comics use the characters from the movie Shows advertising of third party products Brioches PASQUIER MAC DONALD'S France GULLI
Strategies Create an emotional tie to events. Especially those celebrated by youth and/or children 1 special product for Valentine’s day >>>
Communication strategypositive image and CSR Kinder links its brand to a campaign from the “Secours Populaire” to enable deprived children to go on holiday. Mc Donald's, through it’s Ronald McDonald Foundation, intervenes in the area of healthcare for children.
Communication strategy positive image and CSR Among the sponsors of the “SEMAINE DU GOUT” (week of taste) of 2011: The ministry of education, youth and civil society The ministry of agriculture, food and fisheries. • and • - The sugar producers association ; • - Bonne Maman (jam, cookies) ; • - Mc Cain (fries) ; • - Poulain (chocolat) ; • - Liebig (soups) ; • - Boursin (cheeses)…
Communication strategy “information” websites Brands also speak about NUTRITION and healthy eating. Example : information from the BEL company about their products VACHE QUI RIT or KIRI Example : the information website of NESTLE.
Nutri-mediasa guide to online advertising WHAT TO DO?
Information / learn how to distinguish the real from the sponsored > radio, television : always ask yourself “WHO IS SPEAKING?” ; > internet : always click on links entitled “WHO WE ARE?”, “PARTNERS”, “LEGAL INFORMATION”... The sugar industries created the website www.lesucre.com. The section entitled “who we are?” contains that information.
How should we react as parents ? Get familiar with the media children use. Practice. Discuss. Accompany children when they watch screens.
Counter the marketing messages that blur what healthy nutrition is Dairy products grains(bread, rice, pasta...) fruits vegetables protein (meat, fish, eggs...) new USDA visual United States Department of Agriculture
Get informed Manger Bouger : National health programme for France : http://www.mangerbouger.fr/ Make your voice heard 1/ at the level of companies ; 2/ at the level of the media ; 3/ at the level of regulatory bodies ; 4/ at the level of NGOs. CSA : ConseilSupérieur de l’Audiovisuel – 39, quai André Citroën - 75015 PARIS - tél : 01 40 58 38 00 ARPP : Autorité de Régulation des Professionnels de la Publicité 23 rue AugusteVacquerie - 75116 PARIS - tél : 01 40 15 15 40 Médiateurs de France-Télévision : http://www.francetelevisions.fr/contact/mediateurs.php - médiateur des programmes pour l'ensemble des chaînespubliques : Alain Le Garrec- médiateurs de l'information : Nicolas Jacobs pour France 2 et Marie-Laure Augry pour France 3 Courrier postal: France Télévisions - 7 esplanade Henri de France - 75907 Paris cedex 15 UNAF : Union Nationale des Associations Familiales - 28, place St Georges - 75009 Paris tél : 01 49 95 36 06 – email: ogerard@unaf.fr
Media literacy ? Help children to: - ask key questions ; - seeking to understand at a deeper level; - develop their critical thinking; - build resilience to messages in the media; - inform themselves about how media work ; • identify the role media plays in shaping • our behaviors.
What to remember 1. nutrition has a strong impact on health 2. agro-business is very concentrated and powerful 3. marketing is everywhere + it uses complex advertising strategies (targeting children for instance by exploiting their needs and wants) + it takes the form of “informative” content about nutrition + it relies on social messages 4. the media shows a variety of representations to youth (who are actively seeking answers to questions they have about behavior and role models) 5. children are exposed to many images (seen more or less consciously) that do not always portray healthy diets and nutrition. 6. There is a necessity for parents to try to understand the media and accompany their children in their media exposure, maintaining a healthy dialog, fostering their critical thinking and resilience towards the messages in the media.
This document was drafted by: www.apte.asso.fr www.mediapte.fr www.asgeco.org www.coface-eu.org/fr/ www.unaf.fr
European dimension NUTRI-MEDIAS was drafted with the support of the EU Programme PROGRESS (2007-2013). The opinions expressed in this tool do not necessarily express the views of the European Commission. The platform for diet, physical activity and health was created and is chaired b DG SANCO (health and consumers) and brings together a wide variety of stakeholders that have an impact on obesity and a healthy lifestyle. Each year, stakeholders of the platform commit to at least one activity or action that aims at curbing obesity, especially among children. Photo credits SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget Mike Baird Sources BEUC (European Bureau of Consumers) INPES (Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé) USDA (U.S. department of agriculture) David Shakbone www.gadgetus.com
Licence This document is under the CREATIVE COMMONS license.
Credits SETTING THE SCENE Nutri-medias is composed of: > this powerpoint ; > a user’s manual for the trainer/teacher ; > a document for the audience. THE MEDIA It was created in 2012. WHAT TO DO? Contributors: - Jean-Bernard AUDUREAU (ASGECO) ; - Elisabeth BATON-HERVE (UNAF); - Dominik PICOUT (APTE) ; - Nicolas REVENU (UNAF) ; - Martin SCHMALZRIED (COFACE).