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This report from IPN-Lyon in 2009 covers topics including electromagnetic PS/ME matching with ALPGEN, ECAL single dead channel correction, Higgs2GaGa PVT report, FullSim/FastSim comparison in SW310 focusing on photon shower shape and isolation variables, and more. The study results and methodology from various physics generations processes are detailed, along with event selections, jet reconstruction techniques, and dead channel correction processes in the ECAL crystals for experiments like CMS. The agreement between different samples and QED matching parameters for gamma particles is discussed, showcasing the corrections and improvements made in the analysis.
Work in IPN-Lyon 2009 J. Tao Aug. 16th, 2009 Topics: • Electromagnetic PS/ME matching with ALPGEN, with the + jets samples • ECAL Single Dead Channel Correction • Higgs2GaGa PVT(Physics Validation Team) Report • FullSim/FastSim comparison in SW310, focus on the photon shower shape & isolation variables • Gamma/Pi0 discrimination try in SW21X • Others
Topic 1: PS/ME matching with ALPGEN OUTLINE • Introduction • Results from + jets study • Summary
Introduction • Global overview • Study results from Z→μμ+ • Physicals generations process are usually made using: • ME generation of the “ hard event ” with ME generator (ALPGEN[1], MadGraph[3] . . . ) • PS fragmentation and hadronisation made with PS algorithm (PYTHIA[2], Herwig . . . ) • The double counting problem between ME & PS jets has been addressed from “ QCD matching ” at the “ particle level ” (after the creation of partonic shower). • A similar double-counting problem may exists for photons and any matching algorithm has not been used formally. Z0: inclusive channel Z → μμ Z1: Z→μμ+
Samples selection • Susan’s first idea: +jet v.s. 2Jets • Another advice from the authors of ALPGEN : 1+1jet & 2+1jet Real : pT>20.GeV |η|<3.0 Alpgen +jet : pT()>2.0GeV & pT(jet)>20.0GeV (but need balance) Pythia +jet : pT_hat>20.0GeV 2jets: pT()>2.0GeV & pT(jet)>20.0GeV Gamma from ISR/FSR Less statistic with pT>20.GeV (100M weighted ME Events) Comparison of the following 2 samples: S1: 1jet+1photon qed-inclusive samples S2: 1jet+1photon qed-exclusive + 1jet+2photons qed-inclusive samples
Samples production • ALPGEN generation: pT()>2.0GeV |η()|<5.0 △R(-jet)>0.7 pT(jet)>20.0GeV |η(jet)|<5.0 △R(jet-jet)>0.7 • Pythia version: 6.325 in ALPGEN • Events and cross section
Jet Reconstruction • Reconstructed from partons with status=1, except leptons, neutrinos, top & gamma. • Kinematic cuts: ET(jet)>=25.0, Cone R(jet)=0.7, |Eta|<=5.0 Number of Rec. Jets 1jet+1photon inclusive Number of Rec. Jets 1jet+2photon inclusive
Event Selections • Matching selection QED matching: pT()>3.0GeV |η()|<2.5 △R(-jet)>0.7; QCD matching: pT(jet)>20.0GeV |η(jet)|<5.0 △R(jet-jet)>0.7 • Gamma slection: 2 highest PT photons from all photons with Status==1 and |Eta|<2.5 . • Requirement 1: if DeltaR(Gamma1,closest jet) >=0.7, then fill the histograms of PT,Eta& DeltaR(Gamma1,jet) of Gamma1 (highest PT photon) . • If requirement 1 is satisfied, and if DeltaR(Gamma2,closest jet) >=0.7, then fill the histograms of PT,Eta& DeltaR(Gamma2,jet) of Gamma2 (next-to-hardest photon) . • Number of Events with Gamma1(Gamma2) used for normalization of the distributions of Gamma1(Gamma2).
Comparison of Gamma1 S1: 1jet+1photon qed-inclusive samples S2: 1jet+1photon qed-exclusive + 1jet+2photons qed-inclusive samples
PS/MESummary • With the analysis, the agreement between S1 and S2 is good, for the distributions of Gamma1 and Gamma2. • The double counting problem between ME & PS pecial analysis Gammas can be fixed for sewith proper QED selection parameter setting, exclusive or inclusive, in CMSSW. "MSTJ(41)=1 !FSR 0-shower off/1-QCD on, FSR photon emmision off/2(D)-photon emmission on", "MSTP(61)=1 !ISR 0-0ff/1-on for QCD Rad in hadronic evts and QED Rad in leponic ones, ISR photon emmission off/2(D)-on for QCD&QED in had evts, QED Rad in leptonic one QED exclusive
Topic 2:ECAL Single Dead Channel correction • The parametric EM shower method can be used for dead channel correction in ECAL crystals, just like the dead channel case in AMS. • In the AMS experiment, the readout is 3-D one. The total energy of some layer, which the dead channel locates, is known from the longitudinal Gamma-formula. • For CMS experiment, much complex for its only 1-D read out. The total energy is not the exact one when some channel dead. Iterative fitting processes were used for the correction.
Initialnized the dead channel: Emiss=Einit Calculate the COG & Elayer MINUIT tunes the parameters in lateral formule to make the fitted energy consistent with the original deposit energy, for the rest crystals (with readout). Then use the parameter, for the dead channel, its energy can be obtained, Efit; No Emiss=Efit If |Efit-Emiss|/Emiss<0.01 Yes Ok Iterative fitting process of dead channel correction
Artificial dead channel of BT2006 Crystal (or cell) number 25 10 5 15 20 4 14 19 24 9 3 8 13 18 23 7 12 17 22 2 6 11 16 21 1 φ η • The hodoscope cuts ( ±2 mm ) were applied to select the calibrated test beam (electron) events. • The energy of crystal 8 was set to be 0. 50GeV R16470
Results of dead channel correction with TB 50GeV R16470
Results of the dead channel with TB 50GeV R16470 For the dead channel (crystal), the corrected energy tend to overestimate, ~8% higher than the original deposit one. The sigma is ~16.6%.
Reconstructed the Center of Gravity with TB 50GeV R16470 The COG can be also obtained.
Results of dead channel correction with TBSim Electrons Photons ECAL-only B-off samples, 50GeVx848, dead one: IEta=1, IPhi=2 (0~5) ~7% overestimate, sigma is ~15%.
Results of seed correction with TBSim Electrons Photons ECAL-only B-off samples, 50GeVx848, dead one: IEta=2, IPhi=2 (0~5) Seems that it’s hopeless to get all the seed energy
Correction of Bad PMTs' readout at AMS - Assume that there are some man-made bad PMTs in the ECAL 2002 test beam. - The bad PMTs' readout can be obtained after fitting using the empirical formula. Compensation of the man-made bad PMTs‘ readout.
Dead channel corectionSummary • If the dead channel is a seed crystal, it’s hopeless to get all the energy. • If NOT seed, from the relative effective of the dead channel correction, it’s a little overestimate. • Tried with real physics samples, Z->ee. Problem to login to ccali.in2p3.fr now. The results are unknown now. 2009-8-25 Hello Junquan,I sent you an email yesterday afternoon asking you to contact your czar password in order to get a new password. We indeed had a security incident yesterday, and some user's passwords have been changed.Your czar password are:czar password:---------------------------------------- name : Ollivier firstname : Thierry email : t.ollivier@ipnl.in2p3.fr name : Pugnere firstname : Denis email : d.pugnere@ipnl.in2p3.fr name : Giraud firstname : Yoan email : ygiraud@simap.in2p3.fr----------------------------------------Cheers,Yvan
Result from NN method, S. Beauceron, 2009.04.30 Z→ee MC sample
Topic 3: Higgs2GaGa PVT(Physics Validation Team) Report • Was asked to look at the pre-production samples (10%~20% full production) before full production. • For the real data, can give simply and fast cut-base analysis results. • Usually the codes locate in the public dir /DQM/Physics. Now the latest version is still in my local directory: /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jtao/scratch0/CMSSW_3_1_2/src/DQM/Physics @lxplus.cern.ch /sps/cms/jtao/CMSSW_3_1_2/src/DQM/Physics @ccali.in2p3.fr
DQM variables & validation • The list of variables for H--->gamma gamma which we would like to consider : • HLT path: "HLT_Photon15_L1R" • SW version and validation samples: CMSSW_3_1_1 • /RelValH130GGgluonfusion/CMSSW_3_1_1-STARTUP31X_V1-v2/GEN-SIM-RECO • /PhotonJet_Pt0to15/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311-v1*/PhotonJet_Pt500toInf/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311-v1*/PhotonJet_Pt80/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311-*v1/*/PhotonJet_Pt80to120/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311_*v1/*/PhotonJet_Pt15/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311_*v1/*/PhotonJet_Pt1400/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311-*v1/*/PhotonJet_Pt470/Summer09-MC_31X_V2_preproduction_311-*v1/* • /QCDDiJet_Pt80to120/Summer09-MC_31X_V3_preproduction_312-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO m_2gamma, pt_2gamma, eta_2gamma, cos(theta*), isolations of leading and subleading photons, Nvertex, (z_PVfromConversion-z_PVDefault) ……..
Configuration file /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jtao/scratch0/CMSSW_3_1_1/src/DQM/Physics/python/higgsGaGaDQM_cfi.py import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms higgsGaGaDQM = cms.EDAnalyzer("HiggsGaGaDQM", triggerPathToPass = cms.string("HLT_Photon15_L1R"), triggerResultsCollection = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults", "", "HLT"), photonCollection = cms.InputTag("photons"), PrimaryVertexCollection = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"), #Used for photon selection minPhotonEt = cms.double(20.0), minNumberPhoton = cms.int32(2), #Used for Isolation ISOMaxNumberTrack = cms.int32(0), ISOMaxSumPTTrack = cms.double(-1), #if not requirement, specify a value <0 ISOMaxSumETECAL_EB = cms.double(6.0), #ECAL Isolation in Barrel ISOMaxSumETECAL_EE = cms.double(3.0), #ECAL Isolation in Endcap ISOMaxSumETHCAL_EB = cms.double(6.0), #HCAL Isolation in Barrel ISOMaxSumETHCAL_EE = cms.double(5.0) #HCAL Isolation in Endcap ) The criteria of gamma isolation with DeltaR=0.3
Variables:events & HLT information RelValH130GGgluonfusion/
Variables:events & HLT information PhotonJet_Pt0to15
Variables:m_2gamma, pt_2gamma, eta_2gamma, cos(theta*) RelValH130GGgluonfusion/
Variables:m_2gamma, pt_2gamma, eta_2gamma, cos(theta*) PhotonJet_Pt0to15
Variables:isolations of leading and subleading photons RelValH130GGgluonfusion/ PhotonJet_Pt0to15
Variables:isolations of leading photons PhotonJet_Pt0to15
Variables:isolations of subleading photons PhotonJet_Pt0to15
Variables:m_2gamma after isolation requirement RelValH130GGgluonfusion/ PhotonJet_Pt0to15
Variables:Nvertex, (z_vertex-z_primary vertex) RelValH130GGgluonfusion/ RelValH130GGgluonfusion/ PhotonJet_Pt0to15 RelValH130GGgluonfusion/
Additional Variables: PT & Eta of leading and subleading photons RelValH130GGgluonfusion/
Higgs2GaGa PVT Summary • The analysis codes of Higgs2GaGa PVT haved devoleped and validated with the SW31X MC samples and Pre-production samples. • Validation procedure: Subgroups should designate >=2 persons to run the code toproduce the plots (on pertinent T2s via CRAB) as soon as the datasets appear (with the idea that this code will be eventually ported to DQM/Physics) • Hgg validators: J. TAO, (+ N. CHANON, S. GASCON…) • Samples chosen to validate: gamma + jet, QCD di-jets… • Maybe the first look at the diphoton invariant mass spectrum with the Real Data for it’s simply and fast
Topic 4: FullSim/FastSim comparison in SW310 • Focus on the photon shower shape & isolation variables. • Shower shape variables: R9, R19,S1/S25,S4/S25,S9/S25 • Isolation variables: Ntrk with PT>1.5GeV, Sum PT of tracks, Sun ET of ECAL rechits, Sun ET of HCAL rechits, within R=0.3. • Comparisons in Barrel and Endcap respectively (Unconverted case). • No Gamma-conversion in Fast Simulation
Samples • comEnergy=10TeV • ggH130GaGa Generated with PYTHIA, 150000 events for full sim. and 100000 events for fast sim. • Gamma+Jet: Generated with ALPGEN • pT()>2.0GeV |η()|<3.0 △R(-jet)>0.1 • pT(jet)>20.0GeV |η(jet)|<5.0 △R(jet-jet)>0.7 • 100000 events for full sim. and 100000 events for fast sim. • 2Jets samples: Generated with ALPGEN • pT(jet)>50.0GeV |η(jet)|<5.0 △R(jet-jet)>0.7 • 250000 events for full sim. and 300000 events for fast sim. • Rec. requirements: Rec. Photon PT>20GeV ISO variables Shower shape variables with SunPTTrack<3.0GeV, SunETECAL<6.0(3.0)GeV in Barrel(Endcap), SumETHCAL<6.0(5.0)GeV in Barrel(Endcap).
Isolation variables: Ntrk with PT>1.5GeV Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Isolation variables: Sum PT of tracks Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Isolation variables: Sum ET of ECAL rechits Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Isolation variables: Sum ET of HCAL rechits ggH130GaGa Gamma+Jet 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Shower shape variables: R9 Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Shower shape variables: R19 Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Shower shape variables: S1/S25 Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Shower shape variables: S4/S25 Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Shower shape variables: S9/S25 Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Barrel
Isolation variables: Ntrk with PT>1.5GeV Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Endcap
Isolation variables: Sum PT of tracks Gamma+Jet ggH130GaGa 2Jets Unconverted case in Endcap
Isolation variables: Sum ET of ECAL rechits ggH130GaGa Gamma+Jet 2Jets Unconverted case in Endcap
Isolation variables: Sum ET of HCAL rechits ggH130GaGa Gamma+Jet 2Jets Unconverted case in Endcap