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CMSC 202 Computer Science II for Majors Spring 2001 Sections 0101-0104 Ms. Susan Mitchell

Enhance skills in C/C++, data structures, recursion, and OOP techniques. Covers pointers, ADTs, algorithms. Course includes projects, quizzes, and exams. Visit course website for materials.

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CMSC 202 Computer Science II for Majors Spring 2001 Sections 0101-0104 Ms. Susan Mitchell

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  1. CMSC 202Computer Science IIfor MajorsSpring 2001Sections 0101-0104Ms. Susan Mitchell

  2. Course Prerequisites • CMSC 201, Computer Science (grade of B or better) • MATH 151, Calculus I (grade of C or better)

  3. CMSC Gateway Warning! If you started UMBC for the first time in Summer 1998 or later you are under the “CMSC Gateway” and must complete CMSC 201 and CMSC 202 with a grade of B or better. Because of the registrar’s rules regarding class sequences, students who received a C in CMSC 201 must retake CMSC 201 before taking CMSC 202. If you choose not to retake CMSC 201 or do not retake it before taking CMSC 202, you cannot graduate as a computer science major.

  4. Enrolling in a Closed Section • Fill out the paperwork and give it to me after this class. After I give you authorization (I will do so in class), you will need to register for the class yourself. • Until you know whether or not I will admit you, keep attending class.

  5. Prerequisite Skills In order for you to maximize your chance for success in CMSC 202, you must have the following skills NOW.

  6. Prerequisite Skills (con’t) • Fluency in C or C++. This means: • Basic data types (int, float, char) • Control structures (if-else, while, for, switch) • Arithmetic, relational, and logical (Boolean) operators • Arrays (single and multi-dimensional)

  7. Prerequisite Skills (cont’d) • Compound data types (struct) • Functions and parameter passing • Header files (e.g., string.h) • Stream I/O • File I/O (sequential access files) • Strings • Pointers

  8. Prerequisite Skills (cont’d) • Creating working programs • (designing, coding, compiling, • linking, debugging) • Working with multi-file programs • Program commenting and formatting • Top down design (problem • decomposition/stepwise • refinement)

  9. Prerequisite Skills (cont’d) • Familiarity with: • Abstract data types (ADTs) • Sorting and searching • Recursion • Linear lists, stacks, queues • Trees

  10. CMSC 202 Overview • Object-oriented design and programming techniques • More in-depth coverage of: • Recursion • Sorting and searching • Pointers and dynamic memory allocation • Abstract data types (ADTs)

  11. CMSC 202 Overview (con’t) • Asymptotic analysis • Basic data structures (lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables)

  12. CMSC 202 Overview (con’t) • C++ syntax • This will be accomplished mainly via • assigned textbook readings and • discussion sections. Some complex • C++ topics will be discussed in • lecture. C++ code samples will also • be used in lecture to illustrate • various concepts.

  13. Course Web Page All materials for this class can be found at: www.csee.umbc.edu/courses/undergraduate/202/spring01 Check the “News and Announcements” frequently.

  14. Lecture Transparencies • Lecture transparencies will be available • on the course website (links from the • Lecture Schedule) • Lectures for the coming week will be • posted by Sunday night of that week • They will be in PowerPoint 95/97/2000 • format • They can be easily printed, if you wish, • using one of the PCs in the labs

  15. Syllabus • You are required to read the Syllabus • for this class • Please do so immediately so that • you are well-informed regarding: • Course content • Course policies and guidelines

  16. Syllabus Overview • Textbooks • C++: How to Program, by Deitel and Deitel, • 3rd edition • Data Structures and Other Objects Using • C++, by Main and Savitch, 2nd edition • Grading • 8 Quizzes (lowest dropped) = 10 % • 4 Projects (10% each) = 40 % • 3 Exams (15/15/20%) = 50 % • You have exactly one week after a grade is • received to discuss your grade with me

  17. Syllabus Overview (con’t) Final grades will be determined as follows: 90 <= A <= 100 % 80 <= B < 90 % 70 <= C < 80 % 60 <= D < 70 % 0 <= F < 60 % Final grades will not be curved. Don’t ask. A grade of “I” (Incomplete) will only be given under dire circumstances.

  18. Syllabus Overview (con’t) • General policies and conduct • Attendance: You are expected to attend all • lectures and discussions and to attend the • section in which you are enrolled for both • lecture and discussion. • E-mail: I receive hundreds of e-mail • during the semester and I do my best to • respond in a timely manner. But do not • expect a response on weekends, holidays, • or late in the evening. Also, please observe • the “E-mail Etiquette” on the syllabus.

  19. Syllabus Overview (con’t) • Quizzes: • Take them in your discussion section • Will be on C++ only (concepts will be tested on exams) • Exams: • Not cumulative, but you must be able to apply the knowledge from previous exams

  20. Syllabus Overview (con’t) • Programming Projects • Do your own work!!! • Are checked against all other students’ projects • Submitted electronically • Project 0 to test that submission works is mandatory • Projects are due at midnight (not 1second after!) on the due date • If ResNet or your personal connection goes down, get into the lab to complete your project! • The system does go down -- no excuse!

  21. Getting Help • Attend your discussion section • Use your instructor and TA office hours • E-mail your instructor or TA • Use CSHC (ECS 332) and UCS Consultants (ECS 020) • Remember, UCS staff cannot help with projects or homework

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