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Explore the concept of probabilistic complexity and its applications in algorithms. Understand the definition of probabilistic Turing machines and the probability calculations involved. Learn about the class BPP and the Amplification Lemma in the context of error probability. Study primality and Fermat's little theorem, as well as the Fermat test and pseudo-primes. Discover how to test numbers of prime power and the PRIME algorithm for primality testing.
Probabilistic Algorithms • Def: A probabilistic Turing Machine M is a type of non-deterministic TM, where each non-deterministic step is called a coin-flip step and has 2 legal next moves.
Define the probability of branch b to be • Pr[b]=2-k, where k is the number of coin-flip steps that occur on branch b. • Define the probability that M accepts w to be • Pr[M accepts w] = Pr[b] • For 0 ½ , we say that M recognize language A with error probability if • wA implies Pr[M accepts w] 1-, and • wA implies Pr[M rejects w] 1-
BPP • Def: BPP is the class of languages that are recognized by probabilistic polynomial time TM’s with an error probability of 1/3 . • Lemma: [Amplification Lemma] Let 0<<½. Then for any polynomial p(n) a probabilistic poly time TM M1 that operates with error probability has an equivalent probabilistic poly time TM M2 that operates with an error probability of 2-p(n) .
Pf: • M1: recognizes a language with error , and a poly p(n). • Construct M2 that recognizes the same language with an error probability 2-p(n). M2 =“ On input w 1. Calculate k and repeat the following 2k times 2. Simulate M1 on w. 3. If most runs of M1 accept, then accept; otherwise reject. ”
M1 errs on w with some probability < ½ , /1- <1 . (1-)-(1-)<0
Need to show that (k+1)(4(1-))k 2-p(n) . Let t=2p(n), a=1/4(1-), b=max(1,1/loga), c=2logbt, k=bc • Claim: (k+1)(1/a)k 1/t ak=abc abc 2c 2c = 22log(bt) = (bt)2 b1, assume that t9 bt9 bt>2+2log(bt) (bt)2 > bt(2+2logbt) = t(2b+2blogbt) ∵ b 1 • i) if 1/loga > 1 b=1/loga abc=a1/loga•C=2 C • ii) if 1/loga < 1 b=1 and a>2 abc=aC>2 C
Hence ak t(2+2blogbt) t(1+2blogbt) t(1+bc) = t(k+1) (k+1)(4(1- ))k = (k+1)/ak 1/t =2-p(n) ■
Primality: • Composite number : 複合數 • Prime : 質數 Zp+={1,2,…,p-1}, Zp ={0}Zp+ Z5 ={0,1,2,3,4} Z6 ={0,1,2,3,4,5} Z6+={1,2,3,4,5} • x mod p is the smallest non-negative y where x y (mod p) .
Lemma: Suppose that a1,…,at all divide n and (ai,aj)=1 for ij. Then a1…at n. • Pf: By induction. It is clear for t=1 Suppose the lemma is true up to t-1, i.e. a1…at-1n. (at,a1…at-1)=1 Exist r and s such that r at + s a1…at-1 =1, ratn + sa1…at-1n=n . ■ at|n by ind.
Thm: (Chinese Remainder theorem) Suppose m=m1m2…mt and (mi,mj)=1 for ij. Let b1,b2,…,bt be integers and consider the system of congruencies : xb1 (mod m1) xb2 (mod m2) xbt (mod mt)
Pf: Let ni = m/mi , then (mi,ni)=1. Exist ri and si such that rimi+sini=1. Let ei = sini ei 1 (mod mi) ei 0 (mod mj), ij Let x0= biei. Then x0 biei (mod mi) bi (mod mi) x0 is a solution. Suppose x1 is another solution. Then x1–x0 0 (mod mj), for i=1,…,t . That is m1,…,mt divide x1-x0 . m x1-x0 ■
The CRT says that a 1-1 correspondence exists between Zm and Zm1×…×Zmt • Thm: (Fermat’s little theorem) If p is a prime number and aZp+, then ap-1 1 (mod p) .
Pf: 1a,2a,…,(p-1)a 1i,jp-1, ia ja (mod p) (ia–ja) 0 (mod p) (i-j)a = k‧p p (i-j) i=j . • Thus, 1a,2a,…(p-1)a is a permutation of 1,2,…,(p-1). 1a‧2a‧ …‧(p-1)a 1‧2‧…‧(p-1) (mod p) (p-1)!ap-1 (p-1)! (mod p) (p-1)!(ap-1 -1) 0 (mod p) (p-1)!(ap-1 -1) k‧p p ap-1 –1, ap-1 1 (mod p) . ■
eg. 27-1=26=64, 64 mod 7 =1. • Fermat test: we say that p passes the Fermat test at a, we mean that ap-1 1 (mod p) . • Fermat’s little theorem states that primes pass all Fermat tests for aZp+ .
Carmichael numbers: Composite numbers that passes all Fermat tests. Pseudo-prime = “ On input p: 1. Select a1,…,ak randomly in Zp+ . 2. Compute aip-1 mod p for each i . 3. If all computed values are 1 , accept ; otherwise, rejects . “
Test prime power • Numbers of prime power: N=pk It is easy to test such type of numbers! It is clear that (p-1)| (N-1) Find a number a such that gcd(a, p) =1. Then aN-1 1 (mod p). Why? Thus p | gcd ( N, aN-1 -1).
PRIME = “ On input p 1. If p is even and p=2 then accept ; else reject . 2. Select a1,…,ak randomly in Zp+ . 3. For i=1 to k do 4. Compute aip-1 mod p and reject if different from 1. 5. Let p-1=st where s is odd and t=2h 6.Compute mod p. 7. If some element is not 1, then find the last one that is not 1 and reject if it is not –1. 8. All tests have passed at this point, so accept. “
Lemma: If p is an odd prime number, then Pr[PRIME accepts p]=1 . • Pf: If p is an odd prime, then it will pass stage 4. If a were a stage 7 witness, some b exists in Zp+, where b 1 (mod p) and b 1(mod p) b2-1 0 (mod p) (b-1)(b+1) 0 (mod p)
(b-1)(b+1) = cp for some positive integer c. ∵b 1 (mod p) 0<b+1 , b-1<p . • Therefore, p is composite because a prime number cannot be expressed as a product of numbers that are smaller than it is. ■
Lemma: If p is an odd composite number, then Pr[PRIME accepts p] 2-k . • Pf: • Goal: If p is an odd composite number and a is selected randomly in Zp+, then Pr[a is witness] ½ . Prove by demonstrating that at least as many witnesses as non-witnesses exist in Zp+ , i.e. by finding a unique witness for each non-witness.
For every non-witness, the sequence computed in stage 6 is either all 1 or contains –1 at some position followed by 1’s . 1: non-witness of the first kind 1,1,1,…,1 -1:non-witness of the second kind -1,1,1,…1 Among all non-witness of 2nd kind, find a non-witness for which the –1 appears in the largest position in the sequence.
Let h be a non-witness. ,…,……………..-1,1,…,1 ∵ p is composite. We can write p = qr, (q,r)=1, or p is a prime power. We handle former case first. By the CRT, there exists t Zp . t h (mod q) t 1 (mod r) j-th
Next we prove that dt mod p is a unique witness for each non-witness d by 2 observations .
Thus the number of witnesses must be as large as the number of non-witnesses when p=qr.
For the case p=qe, where q is a prime and e >1. Let t= 1+ qe-1, which is < p. • Thus t p = (1+ q e-1)p = 1 + p qe-1 + (.....) q2(e-1) = 1 + p(.........) 1 (mod p). • Observe that if t p-1 1 (mod p), then t p t !1 (mod p), which contradicts that t p1 (mod p). • Thus t is a stage 4 witness, since t p-1 ! 1 (mod p). • If d is a stage 4 non-witness, then dp-1 1 (mod p), but then (dt)p-1 ! 1 (mod p), ie, dt is a witness. • If d1 and d2 are distinct non-witness, then d1 t mod p d2 t mod p. Otherwise, d1 =d1tp mod p = d2 tp mod p = d2. • Thus the number of stage 4 witnesses must be as large as the number of non-witnesses. • Thm: PRIMES BPP, actually co-RP.
Def: BPP is the class of all languages L for which there is a non-det poly time TM M, whose computation branches all have the same length, and • when xL Pr[M(x) accepts] 2/3 , • when xL Pr[M(x) accepts] < 1/3 . • Def: LRP, if a NTM in poly time. • when xL Pr[M(x) accepts] 2/3 , • when xL Pr[M(x) accepts] =0 . • RPBPP. ? • ZPP • Def: ZPP = RPco-RP .