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Colorado’s Inaugural Educator Preparation Faculty Summit September 27, 2013. Notecatcher to capture your thinking, provided by: 16 th Street Mall & Wynkoop. Today is your day!. Provide an opportunity for statewide learning and collaboration to support Colorado’s education initiatives.
Colorado’s Inaugural Educator Preparation Faculty SummitSeptember 27, 2013
Notecatcher to capture your thinking, provided by: 16th Street Mall & Wynkoop
Today is your day! • Provide an opportunity for statewide learning and collaboration to support Colorado’s education initiatives. • Gain ideas and inspiration from leaders in the field of educator preparation. • __________________________________________________ (Today is your day! Insert your personal objective above.)
Funded by Rose Community Foundation • Housed at Colorado Department of Higher Education • Supporting collaboration across agencies and within units. • Outcomes: • Provide outreach and training opportunities on the new educator effectiveness and student standards. • Launch a pilot project with at least one higher education-based preparation program and one alternative preparation program to embed the tools, materials, and strategies already in use in many districts/BOCES. • Provide technical assistance focused on scaling up emerging best practices to support the alignment of all preparation programs to the new expectations by 2015.
A Systemic Approach to Transforming Educator Preparation: Collaborative Engagement in a Shifting Landscape Colorado’s Inaugural Educator Preparation Faculty Summit September 27, 2013 Sharmila Basu Mann, SHEEO
What will it take to make progress? Collaborative Engagement in a Shifting Landscape with a Systemic Approach
CHOOSING OUR POOL:Recruitment • Selectivity and Diversity • Supply and Demand
GETTING THEM READY:Preparation • Content and Pedagogy • Clinical Practice and Performance Assessment
STARTING THEIR CAREERS:Entry Into The Profession • Induction and Mentoring • School Leadership and Culture
RETAINING OUR STRONGEST:Continuous Improvement • Evaluation and Professional Development • Data Systems and Communities of Practice
Thank you! Sharmila Basu Mann State Higher Education Executive Officers sharmila@sheeo.org
State Strategic Priorities and Policies Colorado Department of Education Katy Anthes Brian Sevier September 27, 2013
Colorado’s P-20 SystemEvery Student, Every Step of the Way Effective Teachers and Leaders Accountable and Continuously Improving Schools and Districts
CAP4K - Senate Bill 08-212 May 2008 - passage of Senate Bill 212 requiring: • Alignment of ECE, K-12, and Higher Education standards, • Adoption of nationally and internationally benchmarked standards in all content areas, • Adoption of a descriptions for school readiness, postsecondary and workforce readiness, and 21st century skills. Fall 2008 Revision of Colorado Standards • 240 Coloradoans served on subcommittees to revise standards, • Subcommittees were comprised of professionals from all levels of education including postsecondary institutions and business and military professionals. December 2009 Adoption of the Colorado Academic Standards • Final drafts of the Colorado Academic Standards embedded 21st century skills and called for students to master concepts and skills in all ten content areas • Colorado State Board of Education unanimously adopted the new standards
Focus, Coherence, Rigor& Disciplinary Literacy Design Principles and Instructional Shifts: Focus on the standards, the concepts and skills graduates need for the 21st century. Coherence is evident in the interconnections of concepts and skills across grades and in and between disciplines. Rigor requires fluency, application, and deep understanding for mastery.
Colorado’s District Sample Curriculum Project Fall 2012-Phase One Participants • 500+ educator participants in 5 workshops and 2 external review cycles • 47 of 64 Colorado counties represented • 70+ of 178 Colorado school districts represented Products • 700+ unit overviews- all content areas (k-12) and STEM (1st, 8th, high school) • They represent the translation of the CAS into unit overviews for all (10) content areas • They illuminate possibilities for sequencing grade-level expectations (GLEs) and content-specific standards across courses/years • Teacher/educator authorship and district affiliation noted at the bottom of every unit overview Postings • Samples available in PDF and Word formats on the Standards and Instructional Support website-by individual content area and grade level • Process Guide and curriculum resources available on SIS website
Colorado’s District Sample Curriculum Project Fall 2013-Phase Three In the Project’s final phase, the SIS team will travel across Colorado to work with educators in district settings to build the units, based on select samples (unit overviews), which will include learning strategies, resource suggestions, differentiation options, and assessment ideas. As with the first phase of the workshops, the SIS team will diligently pursue the participation of educators to ensure representation of the diverse teaching force and districts across Colorado. During a three-day workshop delivered within a district, a team of educators will produce one full instructional unit. This process reflects a model of educators working together to plan for the instruction of all students. Teams will be comprised of: • 2 general education teachers (content specialists) • 1 ELL teacher • 1 Gifted and Talented teacher • 1 Special education teacher • 1 Title One teacher
Core Components of S.B. 10-191Great Teachers & Leaders Act Establishes annual evaluations for all licensed personnel Bases 50% of an educator’s evaluation on student growth Requires educators to earn three consecutive years of effective evaluation ratings to be granted non-probationary status Removes non-probationary status if an educator receives two consecutive years of ineffective ratings Includes mutual consent hiring practices, requiring the consent of the principal and teacher before job placements can be made
Guiding Principles of State Evaluation System Data should inform decisions, but human judgment is critical. The implementation of the system must embody continuous improvement. The purpose of the system is to provide meaningful and credible feedback that improves performance. The development and implementation of educator evaluation systems must continue to involve all stakeholders in a collaborative process. Educator evaluations must take place within a larger system that is aligned and supportive.
S.B. 10-191 Timeline of Implementation Mike This year is a “practice year” as ineffective ratings don’t count toward the loss of non probationary status
Structure of EvaluationTeacher Evaluations • Evaluated using: (1) a measure of individually-attributed growth, (2) a measure of collectively-attributed growth; (3) when available, statewide summative assessments; and (4) where applicable, Colorado Growth Model data. Evaluated using: (1) observations; and (2) at least one of the following: student perception measures, peer feedback, parent/guardian feedback, or review of lesson plans/student work samples. May include additional measures. Quality Standards I-V: I. Mastery of content II. Establish learning environment III. Facilitate learning IV. Reflect on practice V. Demonstrate leadership Quality Standard VI: VI. Responsibility for student academic growth Principals have an evaluation system aligned and almost identical to the teacher system
EE Implementation Support Tools • CDE continues to train, support and do deeper work with pilot districts • CDE has created a host of implementation resources: • Rubrics to evaluate teachers against the educator Quality Standards • Implementation guides • Measures of Student learning Guidance • Technical tools to put it all together • Video tutorials • Assessment resource bank to assist districts with identifying multiple measures of growth in all content areas • Communication toolkit • Elevate Colorado
Movement Break • Sally Sorte, Founder and Executive Director, and Students from Academy 360 • ABOUT US • At Academy 360, we are driven by the mission to develop students’ minds, bodies, and characters so they may lead healthy and fulfilling lives in school, college, and beyond. • VISION • Our vision is to set a new precedent for what a school offers its community. Through School Based Health Services, continually expanding our wrap-around services, and growing to serve Pre-natal through 5th grade, we seek to provide a 360-degree education.
A View from the Field Presenting leaders include: • Carrie Coats, Principal, Hotchkiss K-8 School, Delta County School District 50J • Hiring and selection, rural Colorado • Amanda Easton, Teacher, Centennial, A School for Expeditionary Learning, Denver Public Schools • Experience as a 1st year public school teacher in a newly redesigned innovation school • Richard Fulton, Director of Teacher Education, Fort Lewis College • Educator preparation, teacher leadership, culturally responsive program design • Sue Sava, Director of the Stanley Teacher Preparation Program, Stanley British Primary • Nurturing the development of teachers, the importance of clinical practice • Dedrick Sims, Founder and Executive Director, Sims-Fayola International Academy • Autonomous schools, hiring and selection, challenges in urban settings
Showcases Featuring Educator Preparation Programs in Colorado Moving Trains: A Strategy for Elevating the Field Moving Train: an individual or organization who is highly motivated to lead, inspire, and elevate our profession by doing good work: work that is good in quality, good for the soul, and good for the world. • Program • Contact Information • Program Overview • Number of Candidates / Demographic Data • Admission & Graduation Requirements • Clinical Practices • Measures of Success
Showcases and Lunch Discussions • CU Boulder: CU TEACH, 138 • CU Denver: Urban Community Teacher Education, 138 • CU Denver: ASPIRE, 139 • Metropolitan State University of Denver, 139 • PEBC Boettcher Teacher Residency, 306 • Regis University, 306 • Stanley British Primary, 307 • University of Denver, 307 • University of Northern Colorado, 406 • Western State Colorado University, 406 • *Lunch available for pick-up: 11:30-12:30. *During lunch, review and select two Expert Office Hours sessions OR review and select the Teacher Leadership Working Group session. • *From lunch, your roundtable discussion leaders will direct you to Expert Office Hours.
Large Group Debrief: Challenges and Inspirations • How do you currently include or envision including Colorado’s education initiatives into yourcourses to prepare educators for success in the field?
Outreach and Support • Needs Assessment Survey Data • Webinar Evaluation Survey Data • Summit Evaluation Survey Data • Wait List Survey Data • CDE DHE Collaborative: Planning and Strategy Development https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2013EPSummit
Supporting and Nurturing Excellent Educators I believe that the work of excellence is transformational. Once an educator sees that he or she is capable of excellence, that educator is never quite the same. There is a new self-image, a new notion of possibility. There is an appetite for excellence. After educators have had a taste of excellence, they’re never quite satisfied with less; they’re always hungry.
You’re off to great places,Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting,So… get on your way!
Reception, Hosted by Music by Sarah Berger