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PLAN. Morning Talk – Long Base Line Neutrino Oscillations – 1) Beam line & brief description of detector 2) Neutrino interaction signal Afternoon talk – Nucleon Decay Effects of detector medium, depth, location – on Nucleon Decay sensitivity and detection of prompt and relic SN neutrinos
PLAN Morning Talk – Long Base Line Neutrino Oscillations – 1) Beam line & brief description of detector 2) Neutrino interaction signal Afternoon talk – Nucleon Decay Effects of detector medium, depth, location – on Nucleon Decay sensitivity and detection of prompt and relic SN neutrinos Limited comparison of various detector proposals
Neutrino Oscillation Fundamentals • 1) Unoscillatedinteraction rate ~ • (Beam power) x (Detector Mass)/L2 • 2) Detect & Measure: • a) Energy distribution of after oscillation • b) Energy distribution of e due to oscillation • 3) Backgnd – e from decay of K+ e+ + e • &e from decay of + e+ ++e
Super K -22.7kton fiducial volume Depth – 2700mwe 20 inch dia PMTs Stainless steel tank-problem with Gd Homestake – 3 (or more) modules-each 100kton fiducial volume Depth – 4200mwe 10.5 inch dia PMTs-improved design – photocathode eff & pressure resistance No metal tank – can add Gd Comparison of SuperK with Homestake “Megaton Array”
Fermilab Beam Power Options7 • 1) Present – 0.7 Megawatts ( of protons) • 2) SNuMI – 1.2 Megawatts • 3) Project X – 2.0 Megawatts
Near detector • There will be a near detector for the NuMI/Homestake beam line. • There are many choices: as an example, the HiRESMnu (Ref: Misra) design is costed to be ~$13M. This cost should be part of the beam line cost. A 1 ton liquid argon TPC is also a possibility. • Several of the proponents are experts at this analysis from other experiments. We assert that a high resolution near detector is far more than adequate for our purposes. The event rate will be ~1/ton/10µsec pulse. This can be handled by any modern system.
One time costs over the next 3 yrs • for the entire facility for the megaton- detector.
Oscillation Lengths For E = 1 GeV, L23 = 494 km( disappearance) L13 = 15,420km (e appearance) Thus, e amplitude grows linearly with distance over any Earth based oscillation path. Since e from K+ and + decays ~1% of flux, want beam path ~ 1/10 L13 or ~ 1500 km. for signal/bkgnd ~ 10.
Total event rate with 300 kT and 2 MW ~200000 cc evts/yr (yr~2x10⁷ sec) (no oscillations, raw events)
sig~564 sin²2θ₁₃= 0.04, 300kT, 1300 km, ~2MW @ 60 GeV 3yrs neutrinos & 3yrs antineutrinos Spectra with 300 kT detector and 2MW beam from FNAL Normal Reversed sig~1214 sig~564 sig~394 sig~627 Mark Dierckxsens(UChicago), Mary Bishai(BNL)
Ultimate Reach CP Violation 60 GeV, 2MW, 3+3 yrs, 300kT Mass ordering θ₁₃ 0.007 0.007 50% coverage at 3 sigma 0.003 stat+ 5%syst Mark Dierckxsens(UChicago), Mary Bishai(BNL)
sin²2θ₁₃= 0.04, 100kT, 1300 km, ~1 MW 60GeV 3yrs neutrinos and 3yrs antineutrinos Spectra with 100 kT detector and 1 MW beam from FNAL Normal Reversed s ~ 400 evt s~210 s~100 Total rate of events ~30k/yr noosc/raw evts s~60 s~100
Reach with 100 kT water Cherenkov 60 GeV, 1MW, 3+3 yrs, 100kT θ₁₃ Mass ordering 0.025 0.008 50% coverage at 3 sigma stat+5% syst
Same plots detail 3 yrs 3 yrs θ13 Mass ordering @ 2 sigma Same exposure in MW*10⁷ sec as previous plot
sin²2θ₁₃= 0.04, 100kT, 1300 km, ~1 MW 120 GeV (0.5deg) 3yrs neutrinos, 3yrs antineutrinos Spectra with 100 kT detector and 1 MW beam from FNAL Normal Reversed nu nu Total rate of CC neutrino events ~18k/MW/yr noosc/raw evts antinu antinu
Mass hierarchy sensitivity Homestake 100kT NOvA (18kT) normal hierarchy only 0.015 0.11 95 % C.L. ref:NuFact07 The homestake project is almost an order of magnitude better for mass hierarchy determination for same running
Mass hierarchy sensitivity Homestake 100kT NOvA (18kT) reverse hierarchy only 0.015 0.11 95 % C.L. ref:NuFact07 The homestake project is almost an order of magnitude better for mass hierarchy determination for same running
Sensitivity to Sin²2θ₁₃ Homestake 100kT NOvA (18kT) 0.009 0.012 3 sigma ref:NuFact07
Developing Collaboration • Proposal for an Experimental Program in Neutrino Physics and Proton Decay in the Homestake Laboratory This is the author list of hep-ex/0608023 August 2006
Value of sin²2θ₁₃ for 50% coverage in CP phase Running conditions: 120 GeV, 1 MW for 3 yrs nu and 3yrs antinu The homestake project is almost an order of magnitude better for mass hierarchy determination for same running