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You Don’t Always Die From Tobacco. By: Thomas Raimi Laura Trescott Tina Kakish Ben Phillips. Introduction. The Problem Regardless of the state wide ban of smoking within twenty five feet of buildings is not being addressed.
You Don’t Always Die From Tobacco By: Thomas Raimi Laura Trescott Tina Kakish Ben Phillips
Introduction • The Problem • Regardless of the state wide ban of smoking within twenty five feet of buildings is not being addressed. • Nonsmokers are not provided with a clean path into high-density buildings (i.e. Student Center and the UGL) • Second hand smoke is a health concern.
Introduction • Conclusion of Recommendations by using • Student surveys • The student senate • Research on how to implement a smoke-free environment • Working examples from other smoke-free campuses including Wayne State’s own prestigious medical campus. • How it will happen • Petitions • Designated smoking areas • Enforceability
Criteria • Enforceability • Who and how will the policy be enforced • concern for human rights of all Wayne State University members • Designated smoking locations will be provided.
Research Methods • Survey of students • Comparison research to other universities • Evaluation of the Michigan smoking ban
Second Hand Smoke (SHS) • Second hand smoke is produced from the burning tobacco from the end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. • SHS is also referred to as “passive smoking” and “involuntary smoking” • There are two forms of second hand smoke • Side stream smoke- smoke that comes from the end of a burning cigarette • Mainstream smoke- smoke that is exhaled by a smoker • Side stream smoke contains a higher concentration of cancer causing agents compared to mainstream smoke. • Tobacco smoke contains more than 250 chemicals that are harmful to humans • At least 69 are known to cause cancer
EPA, NIH, and the Surgeon General • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified second hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen under their carcinogen assessment guidelines. • Group A carcinogens is reserved only for the compounds that have been shown to cause cancer in humans. • In 2000, the National Institute of Health (NIH) formerly listed SHS as a known human carcinogen. • In 2000, the Surgeon General increased the number of known carcinogens in tobacco smoke to 69.
Effects of Second Hand Smoke • According to the American Cancer Society Website second hand smoke causes harm to Americans in the U.S. in multiple ways: • There are an estimated 46,000 deaths from heart disease among current non-smokers. • There are an estimated 3,400 deaths among non-smokers from lung cancer. • Up to a million children have some form of asthma related problem as a result of SHS. • According to the Surgeon General even brief exposures of SHS can have adverse effects on a non-smokers health.
The Surgeon General’s Report • Children exposed to SHS are at an increased risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and severe asthma. • On average, children are exposed to more second hand smoke than non-smoking adults.
The Surgeon General’s Report • Exposure to second hand smoke can result in more health problems: • SHS can immediately affect the heart, blood vessels, and blood circulation • Leads to heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks. • Higher chance of getting respiratory infections • Can cause and trigger acute respiratory effects • Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath • Contains chemicals that can irritate and damage the lining of airways. • Can inhibit antibody responses contributing to impaired immune responses.
Where Second Hand Smoke is a Problem • The workplace • At home • Entrances to public buildings • In the car • In California, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Maine, smoking in a car with children (between the age of 6-18 depending on the state), is prohibited and will result in a fine.
Michigan’s Smoking Ban • Effective May 1, 2010 • All businesses serving food must be smoke-free • According to the Michigan Department of Community Health, all indoor and outdoor locations where food and Drink are served must be smoke-free • Violators will be ticketed • Complains concerning noncompliant facilities can be reported to local Health Departments
University of Texas at Austin Policies of other Universities University of Michigan Implemented on July 1, 2011 No police enforcement No tickets Smoking is allowed in private vehicles Strategic use of signage • Implemented on April 9, 2012 • “Temporary tobacco use locations have been established, but will only be available through Feb. 28, 2013.” (CBSsports.com) • Faced the loss of research funding from the Cancer Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)
How Wayne State Medical Campus Banned smoking • Student senate petition of 1300 signatures for a complete smoking ban • Approval by the Provost • Designated Cadet to remind people they are in a non-smoking area
Is this really a problem? • A survey was conducted to determine if it is really a problem on Wayne State University’s main campus • Concentrated on buildings that have smokers at the entrances • Results of survey…
Results • The overall percentile for both groups of people is 83.3% saying yes to smoking is a health hazard. • Question three was designed to determine if smokers would be interested in quitting, and 33.3% said yes they would be interested in quitting. This proves that smokers are interested in becoming non-smokers. • Question 4 collected opinions on the smoking ban, and 71.1% of students in both groups would be for the smoking ban. Notice that even some smokers are for this ban. • Since The United States is a free country we wanted to see if people think a ban of such would be a violation to people’s rights and 43.9% say yes. This specific question allows us to design a ban that would satisfy people’s constitutional rights and ban only certain areas of campus. • Question 6 gives another view to constitutional rights, and 85.1% of students say it is not fair for students to have to walk through smoke to enter buildings. • Since there is a current smoking law we wondered if anybody follows it and 81.6% of students believe that it is not being followed. • The last question strictly for smokers determined only 51.9% of smokers follow the current law.
Conclusion of results • This problem exists for students on Wayne State University’s Main Campus for both smokers and non-smokers. • In order to take action many obstacles need to be considered…
Possible Solutions • United States is a free country . Smokers should be able to smoke if they chose to. However, non-smokers shouldn’t be forced to walk through smoke polluted areas to enter buildings. • Provide smoking areas to eliminate smoke in highly populated areas • Compare to enforcement at the Wayne State Medical Campus • Notification of policy prior to taking action • Police Enforcement with tickets • Petition for approval
Notifying Students • Countdown signs in every building starting 2 weeks ahead, notifying the date this policy becomes effective. • E-mail notification to students and staff of the policy and consequences for disobeying the policy. • Put non-smoking signs in designated areas when the policy takes effect.
Enforcement • Without enforcement the new policy would be meaningless. • Wayne State police provide a designated officer during each shift strictly enforcing this policy for the first few months. • This officer will give $15 tickets to those smoking in non smoking areas. • Strict enforcement and ticket administration will discourage individuals from smoking, and cause them to reconsider their actions
Petition • Creating petition form to gather signatures of those who are for the non-smoking policy. • Minimum goal of 1300 signatures (which is what the medical campus was approved with) • Give the petition to student senate who will then approach the Wayne State Provost.
Works Cited • Gray, Lena. “RE: University of Michigan’s smoke free policy.” Laura Trescott. 9 April 2012. E-Mail. • Hamilton, Reeve. With Billions in Grant Money, Leverage to Curb Smoking. The Texas Tribune, 18 February 2012. Web. 19 March 2012. • Jesse, David. If you're going to light up, don't do it at U-M. Detroit Free Press. ProQuest, 12 June 2011. Web. 16 February 2012. • McCurtis, James. MDCH Releases Smoke-Free Air Law Complaint Survey. Michigan Department of Community Health, 2010. Web. 27 February 2012. • McCurtis, James. One Year Later: Michigan’s Smoke Free Law Helps Reduce Exposure to Secondhand Smoke. State of Michigan Department of Community Health, 27 April 2011. Web. 28 February 2012 • UT adopts tobacco-free policy. Texas Longhorns. CBSsports.com College Network, 13 April 2012. Web. 14 April 2012. • The University of Texas at Austin Revised Handbook of Operating Procedures. University of Texas at Austin, 2012. Web. 14 April 2012. • "Secondhand Smoke." American Cancer Society. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CancerCauses/TobaccoCancer/secondhand-smoke>. • "Smoke-free Homes and Cars." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <http://www.epa.gov/smokefree/healtheffects.html>. • United States. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of the Surgeon General. The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General, 2006. Print.
"School of Medicine." Prognosis E-News. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. http://prognosis.med.wayne.edu/article/school-of-medicine-goes-smokefree-july-7. • "Personnel and Contact Information - Police Department - Wayne State University." Wayne State Police. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. http://police.wayne.edu/contact.php. • "Contact Us - Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs - Wayne State University." Welcome. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. http://provost.wayne.edu/contact.php.