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1. Overview of module

This module provides an overview of the theory and practice of hypertext and the World Wide Web (WWW) from an educational perspective. It covers usability issues, approaches of learning, effects on educational software, hypertext and educational theories, and the impact of the WWW on education.

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1. Overview of module

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  1. 1. Overview of module • Theory and practice • Framework • (1) content, (2) learning process, and (3) technology • Module consists of lectures and an exercise. Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  2. 2. Some useful concepts • Hypertext • Hypermedia Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  3. 3. Usability issues of hypertext (1/3) • Usability Acceptability • Four categories of usability issues: • Navigation • Screen design and layout • Terminology consistency, and • Match with the user's tasks Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  4. 3. Usability issues of hypertext (2/3) • Nielsen (1989) • Leventhal (1993) • Hyperholmes-comparing conventional book to hypertext • ht users were marginally accurate in answering questions, and excelled at the questions where the key information was embedded in a text entry. Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  5. 3. Usability issues of hypertext (3/3) • Problems with especially the web: disorientation, navigation inefficiency and cognitive overload • Critical issues while creating webpages (Nielsen, 1999): download speed, search mechanism, scrolling on navigation pages, effects Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  6. 4. Approaches of learning (1/6) • Behaviorism, • Objectivistic way, i. e. objectitivism, cognitive way, i. e. • Cognitivism, and • Constructivistic way, i. e. constructivism Jonassen (1992a) Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  7. 4. Approaches of learning(2/6) • Behaviorism • Stimulus->response • In educational software • Question->Answer Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  8. 4. Approaches of learning(3/6) • Objectivism • Transferring knowlegde-a student assimilate what a teacher or an software or a website tells Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  9. 4. Approaches of learning (4/6) • Cognitivism • Learners interact with that information, interpret it, and build personal knowledge representations Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  10. 4. Approaches of learning (5/6) • Constructivism • Compared to cognitivism, constructivism is concentrated more on in which ways these changes in knowledge representations occur Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  11. 4. Approaches of learning (6/6) • Two Schools of Constructivism • Social constructivism • Important while trying to understand CSCL • Cultural and social contexts are important • Cognitive constructivism • understanding through many channels: reading, listening, exploring and experiencing his or her environment (Piaget, 1977) Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  12. 5. Effect of the approaches on educational software (1/3) • Behavioristic principles • Teaching machines • Computer assisted instruction (CAI) • Virtual reality (VR) Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  13. 5. Effect of the approaches on educational software (2/3) • Four paradigms by Koschmann (1996): • computer-aided instruction (CAI), • intelligent tutoring Systems (ITS), • Logo-as-Latin, and • computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  14. 5. Effect of the approaches on educational software (3/3) • Leidner and Jarvenpaa (1993, 1995) • Hands-on students use: • Not requiring hands-on use: • Teaching procedural and exploratory materials Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  15. 5.2. IT visions and learning • Automated classrooms • Informate up • Informate down • Vision to transform Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  16. 6. Hypertext and educational theories Hypertext (hypermedia) Constructivism • Learning style • Experimental learning = Action->Experiment Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  17. 7. Education and the WWW (1/3) • General approach= five stategies • 1) Traditional strategy • 2) Simple technology adoption • 3) Moderate (Internet/Intranet) technology adoption • 4) Complex technology adoption • 5) Total technology adoption Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  18. 7. Education and the WWW (2/3) • three kinds of collaboration tools • Software and services for community building • Software and services for project work • Software and services for course administration and collaboration. Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  19. 7. Education and the WWW (3/3) • Approaches of constructivism, situated action, and cognitive flexibility • Effects like disorientation, navigation inefficiency and cognitive overload have multiplied on the web • Trails and guided tours • Situated action and cognitive flexibility Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  20. Some interesting hypertext or the WWW cases in the field of education • CSILE (Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environment) • Nestor • BSCW (Basic Support for Collaborative Work) • Mobile learning project Mobilearn • Finnish applications • ITRI at University of Jyväskylä Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  21. 9. My own research in the postgraduate studies (1/3) • Collaborative hypertext • The WWW-based coursework in the basics of informatics • Idea of web-based seminar Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  22. 9. My own research in the postgraduate studies (Case 1) • Collaborative hypertext • discussion phase • authoring phase • annotative phase • Toolbook as a tool • http://www.asymetrix.com/products/ Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  23. 9. My own research in the postgraduate studies (Case 2) • WWW-based coursework in the basics of informatics • a slideshow presentation • coursework of three layers • 1) slides themselves • 2) links • 3) search engines and directories (e. g. Altavista or yahoo) • The students were required to report their findings (learning) concerning three features in the course work Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  24. 9. My own research in the postgraduate studies (Case 3) • The Course Knowledge work and its tools • Web CT and its presentations feature • Working in small groups (3 to 5 students) dealing with one typical knowledge work profession (lawyer, teacher, etc.) • Presentations were put in each group’s separate workspace on the web • Other groups commented on the outcomes • Control groups to compare the value Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

  25. 10. Introducing exercise • Either • Application on the Web • or • article-based exercise Hypertext and the WWW- An educational perspective

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