Reference points for annual marine environmental report • 1-Physico-chemical indicators(Transparency, Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, Nutrients, Heavy metals, Total and Poliaromatic hydrocarbons, Pesticide) • 2-Ecosystem and living resource state • littoral and coastal zone (erosion, sea level); • biotic components (bacteria; diversity and biomass for fito and zoo plankton, macro algae, zoo benthos, fisheries resources) • biodiversity and threatened species (macro algae, invertebrate, fish, dolphins) • marine living resources • 3-General trend(general state, last evolution and expectant tendency)
Reference terms INDICATOR: • Numerical expression for phenomena characterization help from quantitatively, compositionally, structurally, its temporally change (increase or decrease), its reciprocal linkage with others phenomena point of view etc; • Can be expressed in natural, natural-conventional and monetary measurements units, in absolute, relative and average magnitude; • This delivers a physical, chemical, biological, social and economic significant variable, that it can be measured by specified way, for management purposes
IMPOSED REQUIRIMENTS for indicators • Their selection must to correspond at one environmental priority taken into account • Exiting data support for indicators evaluation • Monitoring system for obtaining background data • Scientific sound and easy processing • End user requirements satisfaction
KIND OF INDICATORS STATE: • Attribute(s) of the natural environment that reflect its integrity as regards a specified issue PRESSURE: • Means by which at least one activity or process intended to enhance human welfare causes or contributes to a change in State IMPACT: • A change in human welfare attributable to a change in State RESPONSE: • An initiative intended to reduce at least one Impact and in which manner the ecosystem react to this
ISSUE: GENERAL General Indicators: • Temperature (Celsius degree); • Salinity (g/l); • Transparency (m); • Dissolved Oxygen concentration (µmol/l); • Oxygen Saturation (%)
ISSUE: CONTAMINATION State Indicators : • The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, Ni, Cr, Zn) in seawater (µg/L) and sediments (mg/kg) • The organo-halogenated compounds in seawater (ng/L) and sediments (µg/Kg) • The concentration of poliaromatic hydrocarbons in sediments (µg/Kg) • The concentration of total hydrocarbons in seawater (µg/L) and sediments (mg/Kg) • Bathing water quality (germs/100 ml)
ISSUE: CONTAMINATION Pressure Indicators: • The total load of metals and organo-halogenated compounds (kg) • The total volume of total hydrocarbons annual loss (tones/year); • Contamination sources activity (pollutants quantity: tones/year)
ISSUE: CONTAMINATION Impact Indicators: • The overall relative trend shown by bioaccumulation of substances or groups of substances in biota (heavy metals, pesticides, PAH, radionuclides etc) Response Indicators: • Environmental: The rate of restoration of baseline conditions concerning the level of pollutants in seawater. • Human resources: numerical evolution of actively experts involved in pollution monitoring field
ISSUE: EUTROPHICATION State Indicators : • The total concentration of nitrogen (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, organic nitrogen- µmol/l); • The total concentration of the phosphorus (orthophosphates, organic phosphorus - µmol/l); • Nitrogen/Phosphorus ratio in water; • Silicon dissolved concentration (µmol/l); • chlorophyll a concentration (µg/l); • Phytoplankton: density (cells/l), biomass (mg/m3); • Trophyc zooplankton: density (specimens/m3), biomass (mg/m3); • Zoobenthos: density (specimens/m2), biomass (g/m2)
ISSUE: EUTROPHICATION Pressure Indicators: • The load of total nitrogen and phosphorus (tones/year); Impact Indicators: • The algal blooms expressed as frequency/year and frequency x extent in km2/year • Unitary and total quantity of benthal dead organisms on coastal unit length (tones/Km) Response Indicators: • Environmental: The rate of restoration expressed as a percentage of base level of total dissolved oxygen • Policy: The rate of progress in nutrient discharge control measures • Human resources: numerical evolution of actively experts involved in eutrophication field
ISSUE: BIODIVERSITY AND HABITATS State Indicators: • Species number of marine organisms by class and areals; • Number of the threatened marine species; • Habitats diversity (number, tips) Pressure Indicators: • Number of the exotic species; • Number of the marine comercial species; • Number of the antrophic activity with impact; • Wet surfaces area (Km2)
ISSUE: BIODIVERSITY AND HABITATS Impact Indicators : • Vulnerable species/total species ratio • Lost species/ total species ratio • Number of acclimatized species Response Indicators : • Environment: protected species/ total species ratio • Environment: number of protected area/total coastal line ratio • Policy: existence of management specific plans; • Policy: total expenses for protected area management • Human resources: numericalevolution of actively experts involved in biodiversity and habitats field
ISSUE: MARINE LIVING RESOURCES State Indicators : • Biomass of aquatic resources stocks under settlement fishing (tones); • Growing parameters and conditional factors; • Reproductive and stocks completion intensity; • Population structure Pressure Indicators : • Environmental factors (abiotics, biotics); • Fishing effort; • Total level of catch and landing per year (tones); • Total admissible catch (TAC - tones); • Mortality by fishing; • Natural mortality
ISSUE: MARINE LIVING RESOURCES Impact Indicators : • Percentage of species with outside safety limits stocks; • Percentage of complimentary species; • Changes in structure by class size (age, length); • Changes in catch by effort unity (average CPUE); • Impact degree on habitats and sea mammals Response Indicators : • Number of the settlement stocks: fishing share, the effort control, TAC, times and fishing zones, expenses for stock monitoring, other instruments; • Growth of the species number under safety limits • Production by mariculture; • Number of threatened and reappeared species; • Number of new colonized and becomed resources species; • Human resources: numericalevolution of actively experts involved in marine living resources management field
ISSUE: COASTAL ZONE State Indicators: • Annual/seasonal rates of coastal change at sea/shore interface; • Erosion/accretion ratio; • Evolution of environmental determinative factors (sea level, currents, winds, waves etc); • Indicators of specific contamination in functional zones; • Indicators of eutrophication and contamination in continental surface and underground waters for coastal zone; • Indicators of biodiversity and habitats in coastal terrestrial zone; • Indicators of resources (minerals and living) in coastal terrestrial zone; • Landscape specific indicators in coastal zone; • Social and economic indicators
ISSUE: COASTAL ZONE Pressure Indicators: • Oil maritime traffic as income of oil tanks in ports and annual quantity of discharged oil products (tones); • Number of accidental pollutions; • Number of foreigner tourist/ 100 inhabitants in coastal zone; • Total quantity of used waters discharged in coastal zone (m3); • Production of solid municipal/industrial waste (tones) Impact Indicators: • Coastal erosion as percentage of coastal line affected of erosion; • Build up coastal line/ natural coastal line; • Bathing water quality as percentage of exceeding reference level • Flood risk
ISSUE: COASTAL ZONE Response Indicators: • Policy: protected areas surface and their statute; • Policy: existing a national environmental plan/ sustainable development strategy; • Policy: existing the assessment programmes of pollutants discharge; • Policy: equipage level of ports with treatment plants; • Policy: public expenses for touristical sites protection; • Human resources: numerical evolution of actively experts involved in integrated coastal zone management field