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Environmental technologies (ET) Module S14 Component C S14-C1 Types of environmental technologies www.eurocrafts21.eu. S14 Module – Environmental Technologies (ET) Component A) Environmental management in companies Component B) Eco-innovation Component C) Types of ET
Environmental technologies (ET) Module S14 Component C S14-C1 Types of environmental technologies www.eurocrafts21.eu
S14 Module – Environmental Technologies (ET) Component A) Environmental management in companies Component B) Eco-innovation Component C) Types of ET Component D) Management of ET 2
Component C TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES cleaner production ET (CPET) vs end-of-pipe ET
End-of-pipe ET vs clenaer production ET • End-of-pipe ET: correction of pollution: sewage treatment, air, noise and waste. • Cleanerproduction ET (CPET): pollution prevention at source, to minimize resource consumption (cleaner production, recycling / substitution of materials) • Major economic and environmental advantages of TPL • The EMS (EMAS, ISO 14001) encourage the use of TPL (+ info) • Obstacles to the TPL: • Legislation that promotes the use of TA end of line • Difficulty of implementation • Difficulty in assessing the environmental improvement • Lack of initiative from the company • Changing trend: • 20th century: end-of-pipe dominance • 21st century: CPET predominance (≈ eco-innovation)
End-of-pipe ET vs CPET Source: European Commission report Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development (COM2002 122 Final) Source: Arundel et al., 2003 Source: Environmental policy and corporate behaviour, OECD, 2004 Source: Frondel et al., 2004
Modular filters and / or sleeves Bydryelectrofilter Wetelectrofilter Installing sprayed to minimize dust emissions EXAMPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES IN AIR Catalyticoxidation Selective catalytic reduction of NOx emissions BurnerlowNOxemissions
VOC emissions treatment Unit by thermal oxidation and heat recovery EXAMPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES IN AIR Mufflernoiseabsorbent, soundproofing, etc..
Pre-treatmentsystems Secondarytreatment Primarytreatment EXAMPLES OF WATER ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Reverse Osmosis WaterRecycling Ultrafiltration Others: oil separator, soil sealing, evaporator, disinfection system, ...
Compactor, garbage, etc.. Wastestore Reducingpackaging EXAMPLES OF WASTE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Reducing waste transportation systems, numerical control centers, warehouse packaging materials, ...
Gasification BiomassCombustion Design of electrical and electronic equipment EXAMPLES OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Hot water Anaerobicdigestion LED PowerGeneration