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What you need to know!!. Crofton Middle School Home of the Eagles… Where we ……see the need and respond!. Meet your administrators…. Mrs. Williams Principal Mr. Beaumont 6 th Grade (M – Z) 7 th Grade Mrs. Ludd 6 th Grade (A-L) 8 th Grade. Who do you go to??.
What you need to know!! Crofton Middle School Home of the Eagles…Where we ……see the need and respond!
Meet your administrators…. Mrs. Williams Principal Mr. Beaumont 6th Grade (M – Z) 7th Grade Mrs. Ludd 6th Grade (A-L) 8th Grade
Who do you go to?? Counselors 6th Grade = Mrs. Hale-Smith 7th Grade = Mrs. Worsham 8th Grade = Mr. Ross
Mission Statement Working in collaboration with students, parents, staff and community, Crofton Middle School will develop productive citizens by challenging, and inspiring students to become lifelong learners within a safe and structured environment.
Crofton Middle School Eagles4R’s • Respect Yourself and Others • Respect the Environment • Respect Learning • Responsibility for your Actions
No opting/tapping out • Difficult does not mean Impossible • Perseverance – keep trying • 3. I don’t know vs. Can I get a cue
CODE OF CONDUCT • Code of Conduct is a set of rules and expectations about conduct or behavior. • Rules are normal and necessary • Home • Sports • Society
LEVEL OF CONSEQUENCES • Consequences will differ depending on the code violation • Consequences could range from verbal warning to expulsion. Administrative Consequences Friday or
DMR with Mr. Beaty • Decision-making room located in Main Office • Used as a time-out regrouping opportunity for the student. • Pass is 20 minutes • As DMR visits become more frequent, guidance and administration get involved in the situation. • Admin Consequences can be given as a result of a DMR visit
SIMPLE FORMULA • Listen to your teacher • Use positive language and self-control at all times 2 Ears 1 Mouth
When to put away/take out electronic devices: • 1. Students can listen to music while waiting in the common areas (pit, cafeteria, gym, covered walkway) before school starts. Once in hallway headphones/buds in ears and music is not allowed. • 2. No headphones/buds are allowed EVER in ears while in hallway. Students can have them around their necks but if wrapped around ears (not in ears) ask them to take it down. Students cannot listen to music in hallways. • 3. If students have headphones/earbuds in their ears in the hall AT ANY TIME, they are to be confiscated and Electronic device policy should be followed….it is okay to hang around neck before 8:03am but NEVER in ears! • 4. All electronic devices and headphones/buds should be put away by the 8:03am warning bell…AT 8:03am…the rule is OFF AND AWAY for phones and earphones/buds until dismissal! • 5. At Bus Dismissal - 2:48 (6th grade) and 2:49 (7th and 8th grade) when students enter the hallway they can take phones out and have them on…Still no headphones/bud in ear or music on in hallway. • 6. Walkers who remain in class after the bus dismissal bell….can use phones/listen to music in class based on teacher discretion. • 7. Pictures/Video are never allowed!
Electronic devise misuse • Item taken and student needs to pick up at office at day’s end • Item taken and parent needs to pick up (+ detention) • Item taken and parent needs to pick up (+ISS/Friday or Saturday School) • Item taken and parent needs to pick up (admin consequence - possibly OSS )
Tardy policy • 1st Tardy = Warning • 2nd Tardy = Take-Home Detention • 3rd Tardy = Teacher Detention (Lunch or After School)/Parent Contact • 4or more = Administrative Notification/ Admin. Consequence • Tardy Policy Begins – 6th grade & New students to CMS • (Tuesday, September 16th) • 7th & 8th Grade (Thursday, September 4th)
Backpacks/Bags • String backpacks are allowed • Or bags of similar style/size (ex: small totes/VB Backpacks) • Students’ bags must be such that a 3 inch, 3 ring zip up binder can fit into it. It should not be able to fit the binder, all of their books, their lunch, a jacket, etc. In addition, the bags when they are in class should be under their desk or under their chairs. These bags shouldn’t be out in the isle. We want teachers to be able to go around easily in the class to help students. • Traditional bookbags are not allowed.
Other things you should know! • Lockers - Between Each class/Before & After Lunch – DO NOT be late!!SHARING LOCKERS IS NOT ALLOWED • No Gum EVER • Lateness to school, class or lunch = consequences • Must have a Pass if you are in the hallway • Walk in the hallways – do not run & stay on the right • Maintain a positive attitude and be respectful
Beverage (Drinks/Water Bottles/Coffee cups, etc) & Food • Food is not allowed outside of the cafeteria • 1. Water bottles are only allowed if a note is provided by a doctor and approved by our School Nurse. The student will be given a pass (they can present if questioned) if approved! • 2. Candy, Drinks, Coffee cups, etc – NEVER allowed outside of cafeteria! If a student needs to finish a drink, it must be during breakfast and in the cafeteria. Please direct students to the cafeteria to finish food if during breakfast or have students place in locker if appropriate. Otherwise students need to discard the item.
Under Construction • Crofton Middle will be under construction this year. • Don’t talk to workers or employees working on the new wing. • DO NOT OPEN ANY DOORS!!!! • If someone asks you to open a door find a staff member and tell them.
6th and 7th grade lunch procedures CONVERSATION • Noise Level 2 (Conversation) while talking to other students • Noise Level 0 (Silent) when administration addresses students on microphone HELP • Try asking a friend for assistance but if you need to get out of your seat…. raise your hand to speak with an adult. ACTIVITY • 6th and 7th Grade Lunch MOVEMENT • No movement unless your section is called. WALKING ONLY!!!! Raise your hand if you need to get up any other time. • Use sign-out sheet if you are given permission to leave the cafeteria…be sure to sign back in! PARTICIPATION • You come in and sit down at assigned tables. Only out of seat with PURPOSE AND ADULT PERMISSION. Only get in line if you are getting food or a snack. • CLEAN UP PROCEDURES: Throw away ALL trash when section is called. • At dismissal – An adult will ask you to STAND UP & STEP BACK, EVERYTHING off tables & clean up area. Wait to be dismissed and then throw away remaining trash. • THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU AN ADULT DOES!!!! If you leave without permission a consequence WILL be given!
8th grade Lunch Procedures • Come in and be seated! Wait until your section is called before getting in line!!! • Clean up – personal area and table even if you didn’t make the mess • Once you have received your food, have a seat – do not wander around cafeteria • Throwing food will result in administrative consequences • Exhibiting unacceptable behavior will result in assigned seats • Use sign-out and pass system when leaving
Snacks (first 5 minutes of class during drill) • 6thgrade can eat a snack during 5th period • 7th grade can eat a snack during 3rdpd • 8th grade (no snack – justifiable and documented medical reason)
Bus Behavior • Before walking from the waiting area to the entrance of the bus be certain that the bus warnings lights are activated and that all traffic in all directions has stopped. • Wait in a safe place, clear of traffic, and away from where the bus actually stops. • Exercise safe pedestrian practices while on the way to bus waiting area. • Check traffic from all directions. • When safe to board do so promptly. • Use language appropriate for the school setting.
Bus Behavior • Be respectful of the rights and safety of others. • Be aware, cautious, and • respectful of traffic. • Proceed directly to an available or assigned seat. • Respect private property • Do not eat or drink on the bus. • All school rules apply here. For example, use or procession of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs are not allowed. • Stay in seat; keep aisles and exits clear. • Follow instructions of bus personnel, they are the adult on the bus. • Exit the bus in an orderly manner. • Be aware of and avoid the “danger zone,” the ten foot areas immediately surrounding the stopped school bus. • Be sure that you can see the bus driver’s eyes while in the vicinity of the school bus. • Cell phone use is prohibited.
Insubordination and disrespect • Insubordination: Non compliance, Refusing to follow-thru on a reasonable request • **No excuse, follow-thru….see counselor/admin at lunch or between classes or talk with parent about concerns • This includes custodians, bus drivers – any employee of the school system • Disrespect: Inappropriate comments or gestures to others • **Disrespect will not be tolerated especially towards adults in the building!! • Consequences: Detention, Friday Detention (2 hrs), Saturday School, ISS, OSS
What is Improper Physical Contact?Biggest issue!!!!! • Forceful actions against another — unintended to do physical harm, i.e. horseplay, roughhousing. (different from fighting) • Consequence – Multiple detentions (3+), Friday After school detention (2 hours), Saturday School, In-school Suspension, Suspension Examples: Pushing and shoving your friend, tripping a student, bookchecking…Horseplay among friends is still inappropriate
Fighting • An incident involving two or more students with physical contact, such as hitting, kicking, punching • What to do to prevent a fight: • Walk away from inappropriate/negative situations/arguments • Use your words – tell them to stop • Tell an adult (even if you are not involved but know about a possible incident) • Walk away Bystanders/Instigators will be given consequences too Consequences: Level 3 – 5 (Can be OSS) + RAP 1, 2 or 3
What is Bias Behavior? • An offense, verbal, written, or symbolic in nature, committed against a person or property which is motivated by the offender’s bias, a negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin. • Consequences – ISS, OSS + Bias Motivated Behavior Contract/Class Examples: Calling someone a name because of their race or sexual orientation, making a negative comment about a group or people – DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU ARE JOKING
What is Bullying? • Repeated, conscious, willful and deliberate intent, direct or indirect, to physically or psychologically intimidate or distress someone else; physical, social, or verbal actions or intimidation toward another person with negative intent. • Consequences – Saturday School, Friday After school detention (2 hours), In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension Examples: despite warning (victim, admin, adult, etc) you keep touching, hitting, making mean and hurtful comments/gestures to another person.
What is Cyber-bullying? • The use of information and communication technologies — email, mobile devices, text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal websites, personal polling sites, or a combination of these — to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group with the intention of physically or psychologically intimidating others. • Consequences: Saturday School, Friday After school detention (2 hours), In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension Ex: Think Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Kik, etc ****(On or off school grounds)
What to do if you witness or experience bias or bullying behavior • Use your WORDS….Tell the person to STOP! • Notify a nearby adult • Report to teacher/guidance counselor administration • Talk to your parents • Discuss Social Media concerns
Alcohol or Other Drugs • Alcoholic substances, inhalants or other intoxicants; and controlled dangerous substances, including prescription drugs, over the counter medications, look-alikes, and substances represented as controlled substances and drug paraphernalia. • Possession = has on his/her person, within personal property/actual or constructive control • Consumption/Use = consumed or ingested, assimilated, inhaled or injected • Distribution/Intent to Distribute = Automatic suspension Consequences = ISS, OSS, police called and ADAP
PBIS Mission StatementPositive Behavior Interventions and supports We at Crofton Middle School believe that positive relationships, respect and responsibility create a great place to be and learn!!
PBIS Incentives • On A Roll” Award- staff’s recognition of students who are making improvement academically. • Peace Maker Award- This will be awarded quarterly for students (per grade) who are most helpful, builds positive relationships and sticks up for others • 6th - 8th grade Eagle Exchange December Holiday Gift Drawing Store and yearbook/ 8th grade Eagle tickets drawings for dance • Eagle Store twice a month • Eagle ticket drawings per grade level – free snack pass • Together We Can” referral incentive – Less than 5 referrals in a week = 10 points. 50 points = Reward for entire grade (recess, longer lunch, free time, homework pass, lunch in pit)
“Together We Can” referral incentive 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
THINK initiative(Anti-Bullying campaign) T.H.I.N.K before you Speak/Act… T- is it true? H - is it helpful? I - is it inspiring? N - is it necessary? K - is it Kind?
Dress code“inappropriate” Belt/Wallet chains are not allowed. Clothing with • Negative Messages& Pictures
What’s to come?? • This week during advisory you will have an Academic Integrity lesson • & PBIS Lesson • To come: Code of Conduct Follow up lesson