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Investigating the impact of E2F3 overexpression on soft tissue sarcoma progression through clinical correlations and cell line studies, highlighting potential prognostic implications.
E2F3 in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Development M. Scurr; A Feber; J Shipley; A Fletcher; N Dennis; I Judson; C Cooper
Growth Factors Cyclin D RB E2F3 CDK P RB P P Active E2F3 G1/S Transition Cyclin E, CDK2 DNA synthesis (TS,TK,DHFR) Cyclin A
E2F3 Overexpression and Cancer Human Bladder Cancer (Feber et al) E2F3 an oncogene activated by gene amplification and overexpression. E2F3 overexpression correlates with increasing grade and stage Prostate Cancer (Foster et al) E2F3 overexpression an independent variable overall survival (P=.0014) cause specific survival (P=.0004)
Evaluation of Potential Role for E2F3 in STS RB1 mutation/loss in STS ~1/3 of leiomyosarcomas Up to 70% of primary tumours altered RB expression Reports of cyclin D1/Cdk4 overexpression Implicating RB-E2F Axis
STS Tissue Microarrays 165 patients with primary tumour samples and clinical data
Fibrosarcoma Leiomyosarcoma MFH Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma
Epithelial cell staining Spindle cell staining
Leiomyosarcoma Fibrosarcoma MFH Synovial Sarcoma
Prostate Cancer Synovial Sarcoma
Clinical Correlations: E2F3 Staining and Prognostic Variables. • Size • Stage • Grade
Clinical Correlations: E2F3 Staining and Prognostic Variables. • Size No significant correlation • Stage No significant correlation • Grade
Clinical Correlations: E2F3 Staining and Prognostic Variables. • Size No significant correlation • Stage No significant correlation • GradeP<0.001
Clinical Outcomes: Disease Free Survival UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS size stage grade MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS stage +ve E2F3 nuclear staining HR 1.41 (95% CI .89-2.44) P=0.148
Clinical Outcomes: Disease Free Survival UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS size stage grade MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS stage +ve E2F3 nuclear staining HR 1.45 (95% CI 0.93-2.25) P=0.1
Clinical Outcomes: Cause Specific Survival UNIVARIATE and MULTIVARIATE ANALYSES size stage grade site
Clinical Outcomes: Cause Specific Survival UNIVARIATE and MULTIVARIATE ANALYSES size stage grade site +ve E2F3 nuclear staining HR 1.57 (95% CI 0.92-2.7) P=0.10
Assessment of biological function of E2F3 overexpression in STS
HT1080 HTB-88 HTB-114 SKW SS-SY-II BAX FUJI 5637 (+ve control) E2F3 in STS Cell Lines E2F3 GAPDH
HT1080 HTB-88 HTB-114 SKW SS-SY-II BAX FUJI 5637 (+ve control) E2F3 in STS Cell Lines E2F3 GAPDH
Si-1 Si-2 Si-3 Si-all Scr-1 Scr-2 Scr-3 Scr-all control E2F3 siRNA Transfection: 24 hours E2F3 GAPDH
Biological effect of “knocking down” E2F3 production Si-3 and Scr-3 transfection of HT 1080 Analysis of effect on G1/S transition BrdU Incorporation: Immunofluorescence Microscopy fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS)
BrdU Incorporation: FACS Si-3: 0 hrs Si-3: 24 hrs post Scr-3: 0 hrs Scr-3: 24 hrs post
Conclusions • 62% STS samples positive E2F3 nuclear staining • LMS/MFH and fibrosarcoma predominantly <20% intensity • Synovial sarcoma more intense staining similar pattern to prostate and bladder cancer. • +ve Nuclear staining correlates with higher grade • Non-significant trend to poorer disease free and cause specific survivals • E2F3 knockdown studies demonstrate that inhibition of E2F3 expression inhibits cell cycle progression. E2F3 OVEREXPRESSION HAS A ROLE IN THE MALIGNANT PHENOTYPE IN STS
Institute of Cancer Research Molecular Carcinogenesis Colin Cooper Andy Feber Sandra Edwards Penny Flohr Toby Roe Jeremy Clark Janet Shipley Anne Fletcher Nening Dennis Cancer Therapeutics Jenny Titley Mike Walton Royal Marsden Hospital Sarcoma Unit Ian Judson Omar Al-Muderis Histopathology Department Cyril Fisher Statistics Roger Ahern University of Liverpool Department of Pathology and Medical Genetics Chris Foster Andy Dodson Acknowledgements Supported by: Royal Marsden NHS Trust Charitable Fund Grant Jeannette Pomeraniec Sarcoma Research Fund