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UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM United Republic of Tanzania

Learn about UDSM's data handling journey, enrollment trends, graduation rates, and academic staff resources in this comprehensive seminar.

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UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM United Republic of Tanzania

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  2. UDSM Introduction • Public University financed by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania • Established in 1961 as a College of the University of London, with 13 students in the Faculty of Law • Current Student Population (2015/2016): 25,449 (UG: 22,963; PG: 2,486  PG = 10.8%; Doctorates = 1.3%) • Proportion of Female students = 32.9% (UG = 32.1%; PG = 40.7%) • Proportion of SET students = 5,258/25,449 = 21% • Staff: Acad. 1,173 (F=23%); Admin. 791 (F=43%)

  3. Nkrumah Assembly Hall

  4. UDSM-HERANA Background • UDSM attending for the 3rd time, each time represented by new faces! (Was no office directly responsible for institutional data handling) • After last HERANA Seminar (Nov. 2015) UDSM reviewed structure and Formed Directorate of Planning and Development (DPD). Among the main tasks: - Creating, managing and effectively using and publicizing University statistics - Collecting, analyzing, maintaining and handling accurate statistics data of administrative and academic nature

  5. - Analyzing data trends and institutional performance based on internationally recognized approaches - Adopting regional and international data formats and procedures for institutional ranking for regional benchmarking/ranking, etc. • Started in March, 2016; Submitted data in April 2016. Now we have complete set of data for UDSM • Have completed compilation of 2015/16 data • Succeeded to submit data for Ranking to PASET (Partnership for skills in Applied SET) 02 January 2020 5

  6. UDSM ENROLMENTS To 2014/15

  7. HERANA DATA: TABLE 1.3HEAD COUNT STUDENT ENROLMENT BY QUALIF. • Average Total Annual Growth Rate: UDSM=7.7%; HERANA Universities=7.2% • Undergraduate: UDSM=8.9%; HERANA=7.9% • Masters+Doctorates: UDSM=0.6%; HERANA=9.1% • UDSM has for many years been the main source of graduates in TZ  DEMAND (labour market) • Declining resources to run PG programmes led to increased FEES in 2011/2012, hence decline of PG enrolment. This year fees have been revised to about 60% of previous  enrolment will increase

  8. HERANA DATA: TABLE 1.3HEAD COUNT STUDENT ENROLMENT BY QUALIF. CONT. Response to issues: • Changes are within Institutional plans, but influenced by socio-economic (and political?) factors • Enrolment targets available for PG programmes but not achieved yet • Overall, UG Enrollment growing much faster than PG Enrollment. More emphasis and resources needed for increasing enrolment of PG students

  9. UDSM GRADUATES DATA 2009/10-2014/15

  10. HERANA DATA: TABLES 2.1-2.3HEAD COUNT ENROLMENT PROPORTIONS Table 2.1: Proportions of UG Enrollment - • UDSM: 79-92%; HERANA: 85-88% (UDSM above the max. 85% target!) Table 2.2: Proport. Master + Doctor Students • UDSM: declining from 20.5% to 7.8% • HERANA: Increasing from 10.2% to 14.3% Table 2.3: Proportions of SET Students • UDSM: Declining from 53% to 21% • HERANA: Relatively stable, 28%-33% 02 January 2020 10

  11. HERANA DATA: TABLE 3.3GRADUATION BY QUALIFICATION TYPE Graduate rates vs. Enrolment rate • UDSM- UG: Graduat.=4.2%, Enrolm.=8.9% PG: Grad. Masters=6.2%, Doc.=5.4%, Enrollment = 0.6% • Graduate as proportion of corresp. enrolment totals: UG = 30.5%, PG =48.8% (> 25%) • The targets are applicable for UDSM, but with caution – programmes have different studying time (e.g.: UG progr: 3 to 5 years, we compare graduates to different enrolled students). For PG, time of completion is used

  12. HERANA DATA: TABLES 4.1-4.3ACADEMIC STAFF RESOURCES Table 4.1 Permanent Academic Staff Totals • UDSM Total (2014/2015) – 1,173 • UDSM Average Annual Growth Rate: 2.3% (HERANA: 3.1%) • UDSM has a Staff Succession Plan, but belated! Too many seniors retiring than capacity to recruit new academic staff. Now suspended by Gov. • Policy on FTE students to FTE academics exists but not strictly adhered to… • Ratios in SET are favourable(SET=10; BFM=21)due to demand on special needs, e.g. laboratories, workshops, field studies, etc.

  13. HERANA DATA: TABLE 5.3ACADEMIC STAFF BY HIGHEST QUALIFICATION • Doctoral (2014/15): 624/1173 = 53.2% (HERANA = 43.8%) • Change (2009/10-2014/15): UDSM = 17%; HERANA = 14% • UDSM requires Doctoral qualification for promotion from Assist. Lecturer to Lecturer. S/L and above must have doctoral degree. • Incentive are there, both positive and negative - Positive: Promotion, eligibility for higher responsibilities (appointment) - Negative: Overstaying without doctoral will be re-categorized

  14. HERANA DATA: TABLE 6.3ACADEMIC STAFF BY RANK • Prof.+ Assoc. Prof.=167/1173 = 14.2% (18.5%) • Seniors (S/L+Pr.+A/P)=349/1173=29.8% (39) • UDSM has no overall policy for appointments to these ranks, only academic + min. time • Yes, UDSM has policy governing promotions • Incentives? Not direct. -We have Annual Research Week exhibitions and competitions to promote research and publication - Appointments favor seniors (incentive or disincentive?)

  15. University Research Week

  16. HERANA DATA: TABLE 8.1-8.3DOCTORAL ENROLMENTS & GRADUATES • PhD Enrollment 2014/15: 199, only 0.9% , (1.3%). Growth=15.5% (HERANA: 10.7%) • Measures put in place include soliciting research funding from development partners (training component), fee reviewing, etc • Supervisory capacity is enhanced by retaining retiring senior staff (Prof+A/P to 70 yrs, S/L to 65 yrs) to bridge gap btn Senior staff and juniors. • Ratio of doctoral graduates to academic staff very low (0.05 < 0.15) • UDSM is enforcing academic staff completion of doctoral studies – disciplinary measures

  17. HERANA DATA: TABLE 9.1-9.2RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONS • Research publication output very low (in 2014/15 only 135; Growth rate 6.4%) • Ratio of Research Publications to Academic Staff • Extremely low, 0.12 << 1.0 • Most staff are junior, on training (existing gap between seniors and juniors, no intermediate) • UDSM has no clear plans except for promotion, research week winners’ awards and requirement on PhD candidates to publish at least 1 journal paper • Yes, DVC (Research), Director of Research, DPGS, and Research coordinators in each University Units • To coordinate research activities, • To mobilize and manage research funds • To organize and oversee Research Week activities

  18. To promote visibility of the University e.g. thru Research Repository, online repository of publications (google scholar), etc. • UDSM does not publish regular research reports on research publication outputs – will advise Management to adopt… • No, UDSM is not satisfied. Efforts are made, e.g. guideline for improving research output and reporting is being developed; development of two Centers of Excellency in good progress, etc. • More efforts needed.

  19. CONCLUSION • HERANA has helped UDSM to establish a directorate that is fully responsible for data handling (DPD) • HERANA Data will be useful when updating/ reviewing our CST (2014-2023) and FYSRP (2014/15-2018/19) • HERANA Data has been an incentive to preparing the updated Facts and Figures (2016). The last one was 2011!


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